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Seonghwa needed to work today and Hongjoong really wanted to do too, but his fiancé protested. Seonghwa said something could happen during work, even if the chance to do so was very low and what even would happen on a day of work?

"Seonghwa! Pleaseee! I don't want to leave you!" The smaller already begged and pulled Seonghwa closer to him, who's arms were wrapped around his waist. He sighed and shook his head. "No honey. It won't be long, I promise," He said and placed his hand on Hongjoong's cheek, who leaned into his warm touch. "I would go to work just to see you! I-I can stay in your office." Seonghwa shook his head once again.

He let go of his fiancé and took his bag, to get ready to leave but Hongjoong quickly clung onto him again. "I agree, I also don't want to go to work but please, can't you just stay and go tomorrow?" Seonghwa turned around to place a small kiss on his forehead. "Baby, listen: Those are just a few hours and I won't take long. You can text me, call me or whatever you want, I will answer it and turn my whole attention to you but you need to wait honey. I love you more than anything in this whole world okay?" Hongjoong pouted and nodded. "I love you too."

"Great. And now do whatever your heart desires and I'll be right back faster than you thought." Hongjoong hummed and stood on his tippy toes to capture his fiancés lips. Seonghwa placed his hands on Hongjoong's hipbones and kissed him back with as much love as the smaller put in.

Seonghwa disconnected their lips and pecked his forehead. "I'll see you later, I love you." He said and took his briefcase while heading to the door. "I love you more!" Hongjoong screamed and the other waved before the door flew shut.

Hongjoong took a deep breath and looked around. The mansion was now completely empty. Seonghwa dismissed all his employees because when the baby was born, he didn't want anyone to be near him. Hongjoong also found it a good idea since he said he could clean the mansion and cook food for them.

He had an idea but for that, he needed a car and for a car he needed a driving license which he didn't have. Hongjoong was a little disappointed because he thought of making lunch for Seonghwa and bringing it over to him.

Hongjoong sighed and made his way into the the kitchen, where he looked around. Everything was clean so he didn't need to do anything. He walked through the whole mansion, looking for any dirt he could possibly clean but was unsuccessful.

With a loud sigh he let himself fall onto the bed. Seonghwa also didn't let him work because Jisoo said he shouldn't make such an effort because of the pregnancy. His hand glided to his belly and stroked it softly.

Should he text Seonghwa?
Should he call him?

But Seonghwa just left and he didn't want to annoy him, so he called Yunho and Wooyoung over.

The boys were currently in the living room and looked for possible baby stuff they could buy online, since Hongjoong didn't want to go outside with his belly. He also asked them for advice for a present for Seonghwa to Christmas.

"What the hell?! Where would I get this?" He asked because Wooyoung and Yunho just told him about what Seonghwa talked about the most time before he came to them. The wish was very special and Hongjoong had no clue where to buy it.

Yunho then got an idea. "I think the black market sells them. I have a few connections and could ask them for one because you definitely won't get them in local shops." Hongjoong smiled and hugged his best friend tightly. "You would do that for me? Thank you Yun, really!" He exclaimed and tightened his grip. "Can I come with you please?" Hongjoong asked and even Wooyoung's eyes widened at this question.

Yunho shook his head and Wooyoung did the same. "No. I won't risk that. You're a good target for enemies from Seonghwa, if they see you they'll kidnap you and maybe do worse things. And the bonus is, that Seonghwa will kill me if that happens." Hongjoong pouted and sighed deeply.

Wooyoung quickly opened his laptop to distract them from the topic beforehand. "Didn't you want to look for deco for the baby Joong?" His eyes showed pure excitement again and the smallest headed over to Wooyoung and placed his head on the others shoulder.

"Any ideas?" Hongjoong nodded. "Yeah. My room is going to be the one for the baby and since it'll be a boy, the walls are going to get painted light blue and I and Seonghwa want the furnitures to be also light blue and white." Wooyoung nodded and looked for the said things in the internet.

It's been a while since Wooyoung and Yunho left the mansion and Hongjoong alone. But the smaller didn't complain because it was a little late and Seonghwa would come home any minute.

And that's why he cooked dinner for his fiancé and him. In his opinion he did pretty well in not missing Seonghwa because the boys made a very good job in distracting him. Wooyoung told him that he'd receive the furnitures in around a month and Yunho told him that he would bring Seonghwa's Christmas gift with him the next time he comes and visits them.

"Baby, I'm home!" The voice that Hongjoong loved and adored so much yelled. "I'm in the kitchen!" He screamed with a wide smile. Just after a few minutes he heard footsteps, how they came nearer to him.

And just when he wanted to turn around, two strong, muscular arms wrapped around his waist. Seonghwa placed his chin on top of Hongjoong's shoulder and kissed his neck softly. "This smells amazing. Is that Kimchi with bacon?!" Seonghwa asked with a wide smile while his stomach growled. "Seems like you're very hungry. Set the table, food is ready in any minute." He said and kissed his cheek.

Seonghwa nodded and quickly took out the plates and cutlery. He set up the table in record time and sat down immediately. Hongjoong could just laugh and took the plates from the table to fill them up, before placing them in front of Seonghwa and the other one beside it.

As the gentleman Seonghwa was, he waited respectfully for his loved on to settle down beside him, since it took Hongjoong a little while because of his belly.

"Dig in." He smiled and Seonghwa didn't think twice before shoving the food into his mouth.

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