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Seonghwa was sitting in his office in the mansion. He was filling out some important papers for a few deals and costs. It was around 7 p.m. now and it was getting pretty late but he couldn't go out of his office without finishing everything that was left.

Yunho, Mingi, San and Wooyoung came to visit them now every single day, since Hongjoong's water could break any minute now. Everybody wanted to give him some strength.

Seonghwa sighed heavily and leaned back in his armchair to relax a little and closed his eyes. He was up since 5 in the morning and couldn't get any breaks since then.

His eye bags were already a little dark and his eyes burned from the lack of energy. He had been drinking coffee all day long, he didn't even eat something in that time.

And just when he thought, it couldn't get worse, there was a loud and hectic knock on the door. He groaned loudly and yelled a 'come in'. The door got opened by Wooyoung who seemed panicked.
Seonghwa sat up straight again and looked at him a raised eyebrow. "What's wrong?" He asked

"H-Hongjoong's water broke, he-he's already at the infirmary with Jisoo." At those words, Seonghwa basically jumped up and ran out of his office, totally forgetting Wooyoung, who ran behind him.

The way to the infirmary wasn't long. He saw the rest of the boys standing outside, they even bowed a little when Seonghwa was about to enter the infirmary but hesitated when he heard crying from the inside. He wasn't used to see Hongjoong cry or in pain. But he bit his lip and opened the door and closed it quickly behind it.

His fiancé was laying on a lie, his legs spread apart while he gripped into the armrest of the chair. Tears fell down his cheeks and Seonghwa almost wanted to scream when he saw how bloody his lip looked from biting.

He hurried over to him and grabbed his hand lovingly. "My love, I'm here." He said and kissed his knuckles. "It-It hurts Seonghwa. It hurts so bad!" He cried and breathed hardly.

Seonghwa looked over to Jisoo, who prepared everything. "Is that normal Jisoo?" He asked and she nodded while sorting some things. "Yes, don't worry. But the pain won't go until the baby is out." She said shrugging. She covered her hands with some gloves and pulled up her mask before walking over to Hongjoong.

"This may feels a little weird but just trust me okay?" Hongjoong nodded and squeezed Seonghwa's hand tighter. He never felt such immense pain at once. He suddenly felt how something cold touched his vagina. Jisoo pressed a thumb into circled a little bit around in him.

She hummed and pulled her thumb out. "I have to feel the baby's head before I can tell you if you can start pushing. Just tell me when you feel very bad pressure and we can start." Jisoo smiled and Hongjoong returned it weakly.

Seonghwa leaned to his side and pecked his earlobe. "You got this okay?" Hongjoong nodded after taking deep breaths, the labor pains were getting worse and even on his period he didn't feel so much pain.

But Seonghwa was also in pain. Hongjoong's squeezed his hand too tight for his taste and he didn't want to know how it would feel like when he's about to press the baby out. He just needed to be strong for Hongjoong and Jongho.

Seonghwa's thumb rubbed over the outside of his hand, trying his best to calm his lover down which didn't really work.

"J-Jisoo, could you p-please test again?" Hongjoong asked between whimpers and tried his best not to scream yet. Jisoo nodded and hurried over to the lie. She pushed her thumb into his vagina and tried to find the baby's head, which had now the optimal position.

She hummed. "You can push now and don't forget to breathe regularly okay?" She asked and the blue haired male nodded.

Meanwhile, the rest of the boys sat outside on the wall of the infirmary, everyone with different thoughts. Although all walls in Seonghwa's mansion were soundproof, they could faintly hear Hongjoong's screams from the inside.

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