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It was late afternoon when Seonghwa and Hongjoong visited the theme park. Hongjoong's hand was held by Seonghwa's big one, so he wouldn't get lost in the crowd. Seonghwa never was in a theme park before. He never had really time, since he was busy with stalking Hongjoong or killing people. But he knew he hated roller coasters already. These big things out of metal, which are designed to make you die in the most brutal way.

Suddenly, Hongjoong stopped. "Look Seongie!" He pointed at a roller coaster right in front of them. It wasn't big but it wasn't small either. Seonghwa gulped. "No. I said no roller coasters." He stated simply and wanted to drag Hongjoong somewhere else but the younger protested. "You're no fun!" Seonghwa sighed and pulled his fiancé to his chest, before pushing him forward to continue walking. "You're carrying a baby inside you and I'm afraid this might affect it." - "An embryo." Hongjoong corrected him and lifted a finger.

Seonghwa kissed his cheek. "Whatever, it's still a living thing..." He growled and Hongjoong giggled. Suddenly, it made click in Hongjoong's head. He stopped and gasped loudly. "Wait! You're afraid of roller coasters?" He laughed and made Seonghwa blush in embarrassment. He pushed Hongjoong a second time forward. "Yes and now shut it." Seonghwa said aggressively. Hongjoong turned around to walk backwards and send a teasing glare to Seonghwa. "Make me."

Seonghwa was now the one who chuckled and snug an arm around Hongjoong's waist, pulling him closer while they walked. "Trust me, I can fuck you right here somewhere behind any attraction, so I would take care of what leaves your mouth." Hongjoong nodded quickly and clung onto Seonghwa's arm, as they continued walking and looking at different attractions.

The couple actually didn't ride any of the roller coasters but they tried a lot of other things, like shooting or playing basketball to win different prizes. Hongjoong wasn't surprised that Seonghwa was extremely good at that shooting game and won three small different plushies for them. They were lucky that they had brought a backpack so the stuffed animals could stay in there.

Seonghwa won also a big teddy for Hongjoong. The smaller was happier than ever before when his fiancé handed him the big plushie.

It was around 7 p.m. when Seonghwa and Hongjoong tiredly sat down on a bench near a food stand. Hongjoong had cuddled up to his teddy bear, his eyes locked with Seonghwa's ones. Since they sat at the opposite from each other, Seonghwa's hand reached out to grab Hongjoong's small one on the table. He giggled and intertwined their hands.

"Are you hungry baby?" Seonghwa asked, his thumb caressed the back of Hongjoong's hand, who shook his head. "No...But I'm thirsty." He pouted and sat straight again, his head looked into the direction of the food stand. "I'm gonna grab something then. What do you want?" Hongjoong smiled. "Just water please." Seonghwa nodded and stood up, to head over the food stand.

The line was quite mid, so Seonghwa had to wait a little. Hongjoong's eyes were fixed on the back of his fiancé. Even from behind he looked hot.

Seonghwa didn't want to get recognized in public, that's why he wore a long black coat with a mask, but he just wore the mask if they were in a crowd.

Suddenly, Hongjoong felt how his shoulder was being tapped. He turned around, to meet the gaze of a pretty girl. She was a bit taller than him and had brown, long hair.

Hongjoong gave her a smile. "Hello?" The girl scratched the back of her head. "Are you okay?" Hongjoong now looked at her in confusion and pointed at himself. "Me? Yeah, why?" The girls eyes wandered over to Seonghwa, who still stood in line. She turned her head back to Hongjoong. "We've been watching you two and...this friend of yours doesn't seem to...how do I say it...? He doesn't look nice. Like, not at all."

Hongjoong furrowed his eyebrows and his grip tightened around his teddy. "What do you mean? He's very nice." Hongjoong now looked over to Seonghwa who ordered their drinks. "Are you sure you aren't forced to say that? You know, you can tell me the truth. I can help you." Hongjoong shook his head. "No! He didn't force me to do anything! He's my...boyfriend." The girl rose an eyebrow and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Boyfriend you say? Listen, I came to you because I wanted to help you. I can't do anything if you keep lying!" Hongjoong bit his lip.

"Please just leave." Hongjoong pleaded. He remembered how Seonghwa told him not to talk to strangers and how jealous he can get. "I can't. I want to help you, pretty boy." Hongjoong side eyed Seonghwa, who was about to pay for their drinks. He would be there in less than a minute. "Please, leave. I promise I'm fine. He isn't doing anything to me." Hongjoong sighed.

But the girl didn't want to let go yet.

"My friends and I are here for you." She leaned closer and nodded into the direction of a group of females, who whispered something to each other and giggled. Hongjoong didn't like the way she was close to him and created a bit space between them, by moving his head a bit away from her. "That's really nice and all, but how I said, I'm fine. Now please leave." The girl rolled her eyes. "Just fucking-" - "He told you to leave!" A familiar voice barked at the girl.

Hongjoong turned his head to see Seonghwa standing next to him. A smile appeared on the smaller's lips. The female nodded and quickly ran over to her friends. Seonghwa shook his head in disbelief and handed Hongjoong his water. "Thank you Seongie." Seonghwa also smiled and kissed his forehead. "Let's leave. We can drink our drinks while walking to the parking lot." Hongjoong nodded and stood up, in order to walk with Seonghwa back to the parking lot.

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