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Before you read, I also changed here a few things! If you have questions, ask them and I'll answer them!


Directly after that day Seonghwa came back home, he had to work again. It was hard to go back to the daily algorithm but he needed to work on some things before he could take off a few days, to make his and Hongjoong's marriage reality.

They didn't have time until now to discuss anything but it got to a point, where both needed to plan. So Seonghwa decided to drive earlier home than he had usually to work. He was also very tired since he just had a few hours to rest. Hongjoong wasn't at work today since he simply didn't want to but because Seonghwa adored and loved the smaller so much, that he let that slide.

His sport car parked in the garage. Seonghwa quickly pulled the keys out and slammed the door shut. He put the keys back into his pocket and headed into the mansion. His legs firstly carried him into the kitchen, where his fiancé stood and made lunch, since it was early afternoon.

The black haired smiled to himself and surprised Hongjoong with a back hug. "This smells amazing love." He said and let Hongjoong giggle. "Thank you," Seonghwa's hand rubbed softly over his belly. The bump wasn't even visible by yet. "I can't wait to see you with a fully developed baby bump!" Seonghwa squeaked and kissed Hongjoong's jaw. The smaller laughed and looked up at the taller. "I don't know Seonghwa...I think it will look weird." Seonghwa shook his head. "It won't." Seonghwa quickly told Hongjoong that he was about to shower, so he walked upstairs into the bathroom.

Hongjoong could just smile and was happy Seonghwa was back again. He also was excited about planning their marriage because he always wanted to plan one, although he never thought he would once plan his own one. It still felt so unreal that he was going to marry Park Seonghwa. He saw in other movies, that mafia marriages are a very big thing and there was put a lot of effort and money in it, Hongjoong was excited to see what they were going to decide.

Seonghwa came down a few minutes later with grey sweatpants and a tank top. Hongjoong always loved how he dressed whenever he had the chance to get comfortable. It suited him a lot.

Hongjoong placed the plates with the warm food on the table and sat down beside Seonghwa at the kitchen island and began to eat.

"In just two months is Christmas honey. Woah! I can't believe this, our first time spending Christmas together!" Seonghwa exclaimed with full mouth and smiled at Hongjoong who sighed and laughed. "Don't talk with full mouth Seongie." He said and took a bite from his own pasta. Suddenly something else came to Seonghwa's mind as he quickly swallowed the food.

"And next month is your birthday!" Hongjoong looked at him a bit surprised. He never told Seonghwa about his birthday. "You know my birth date?" He asked confused and Seonghwa nodded proudly. "The 7th November. Mine is on the 3rd of April so my birthday is next year." He mumbled and kissed Hongjoong's cheek quickly.

Hongjoong was still confused tho. "But I've never told you about my birthday." Seonghwa thought. Right, there was something else he never told Hongjoong. The spying and obsession. The older bit his lip and avoided eye contact with the other.

This was also the reason why Seonghwa wasn't surprised when Hongjoong told him about the death of his mother while giving birth to him. He already knew that. He also knew of his dad, who died shortly before Hongjoong fully moved out because of an overdose on drugs. Hongjoong's father never really loved him but to his luck the boy never experienced violence.

"There are still things you don't know about me. But I'll tell you an other time alright sweetheart? The first task is our wedding!" Seonghwa proudly smiled and let Hongjoong blush. The smaller nodded and stood up, to take the empty plates towards the sink. He let water into the sink and grabbed a sponge to wipe the plates clean.

Seonghwa of course waddled after him and snug his arms around his tiny waist while his teeth bit into his soft skin on his neck. Hongjoong whimpered a little. "Ow! That hurt!" He pouted and looked up at the taller who pecked his pouty lips. "I'm sorry." Hongjoong then continued to wash the dishes and put them away, still with Seonghwa around his waist, who clung onto him like a koala.

"I'm done!" Hongjoong turned around. "That's great." Seonghwa wrapped his arms around his torso once again and lifted Hongjoong up, so the younger could tangle his legs around Seonghwa's waist.

The taller walked with him away from the kitchen into the living room, where he sat down with Hongjoong on his lap. A quick handgrip beside Seonghwa and the taller pulled a magazine between them.

"Here, you can take a look and tell me what you want or like." Seonghwa said while Hongjoong took the magazine and opened it. It was something for beautiful wedding dresses and suits. "Everything is so pretty...I don't know wich suit I should choose." He said and shocked Seonghwa a little with his words. "You won't wear a dress for me?" Hongjoong blushed and looked down at Seonghwa's legs he currently sat on.

He took a deep breath before answering his fiancés question. "I-I don't know. Won't it look weird in front of our guests that I wear a dress?" Seonghwa furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head. His hands cupped Hongjoong's face so the smaller could look at him. "You look beautiful in dresses. It doesn't have to be a long and puffy dress, you can also wear a short one, as long as you feel comfortable in it you're allowed to wear whatever you want. I can guarantee you, you will look amazing. You always do, baby." Hongjoong smiled and nodded.

He took the magazine again and looked into it, looking for a perfect dress for him and a perfect suit for Seonghwa.

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