011 [M]

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Seonghwa sat in his office, impatient looking at the clock. Hongjoong should have been there a couple minutes ago. He was about to look after him but a knock was heard at the door. "Come in." Seonghwa shouted and Hongjoong stepped in.

Seonghwa was ready to yell at him because he was late, but couldn't as he saw what the younger was wearing. Seonghwa couldn't help but stared at the smaller's thighs. They were so pretty and had a milky color. Seonghwa grinned. "Turn around Baby." Hongjoong did what he was told to and turned around.

Now, the taller had the beautiful sight of Hongjoong's ass. His pants tightened and tried not to get a boner in front of the younger. He bit on his bottom lip.

"Come here." Seonghwa patted on his thigh and Hongjoong slowly stepped closer, until he stood in front of the black haired. "Sit down." Hongjoong sat down on Seonghwa's thigh, hands holding onto his shoulders, to not fall from his lap.

Suddenly, he felt cold hands on his own thighs, gliding to his butt, where they began to rest. Hongjoong had to hold back a moan by the sudden touch.

The mafia leader began to knead his ass wich made the younger gasp in surprise. "Hmm, do you like that, Babygirl?" Hongjoong closed his eyes and nodded. He could feel the shivers on his skin.

He didn't lie, he loved being touched by Seonghwa in this way already.

Seonghwa then lifted up his skirt, but he didn't expect that what was under it. "Fuck Baby, you're wearing panties?" Hongjoong's eyes opened immediately, as he heard those words leaving the olders mouth. He quickly turned around to the side and didn't dare to look up at Seonghwa.

He was embarrassed to let him see his vagina through his panties, since he was very insecure about that one body part. Hongjoong's hands pulled his skirt down, over his private area.

Seonghwa's finger then went to his chin and made the smaller look at him. "Don't turn around and don't be embarrassed about that. I won't be going to make fun of you..." Seonghwa smiled and continued, to massage his ass.

"Ngh~" Hongjoong really didn't meant to moan so suddenly and but his bottom lip, to not let out any other noises. "Does it feel good baby?" He nodded again. His wet pussy pressed against Seonghwa's clothed member. "Move." Seonghwa then said and bounced his leg once. Hongjoong moaned and started to rub his clit against Seonghwa's thigh.

The tallers hands were placed on Hongjoong's waist and moved him for-and backwards in the rhythm the other did. Little moans leaving Hongjoong's throat and Seonghwa just got more turned on by these. Hongjoong picked up speed, to reach his climax.

Seonghwa watched him moving with hungry eyes, wanted to fuck the shit out of this boy, wanted to ruin his pretty skirt and destroying his perfectly curved ass.

So many dirty thoughts spread around his mind and he didn't know, how to fix his problem later.

Hongjoong's grip at his shoulders tightened, as he was near to cum. Seonghwa smacked his ass cheek wich made the younger moan louder.

"S-Seonghwa I'm gonna- mhh~" - "Cum? Don't worry, Babygirl, you can cum on my thigh." Hongjoong put his head back into his neck as he came on Seonghwa's thigh, forming a wet spot on the black pants.

The blonde haired gasped in embarrassment, when he saw the spot. Red blush appeared on his cheeks. "You're so beautiful when you blush." Seonghwa tucked a part of his hair behind his ear.

"Tell me Joongie, are you in little space right now?" The taller continued. "N-No, I'm n-not..." Seonghwa chuckled deeply. "And why did you do this?" Hongjoong gulped. "I-I don't know, I'm s-sorry." - "Don't be sorry. As long as you felt good, you shouldn't be embarrassed about that. I liked the view in front of me."

Butterflies flew around Hongjoong's stomach and his heart was racing. "I-I should go." He stood up and wanted to go but Seonghwa took his wrist. "Good night, Sweetheart." - "G-Good night." Hongjoong quickly got out of Seonghwa's office and bit on his lip.

'Why did I do that?' He constantly thought, while going back to his room.

When he arrived, he undressed himself and immediately hopped under the shower, to get off the cum.

He didn't regret, what he had done. Seonghwa obviously liked it and he did too. He felt so good while thigh-riding him.

If he couldn't escape this house, he should do something fun on his own.

With a small smile, Hongjoong stepped out of the shower and put his pyjamas on.

He threw himself on the bed.

'I should tease Seonghwa more often' He giggled at his thoughts and drifted quickly into sleep.

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