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"Hurry babe!" Seonghwa shouted from downstairs. "Wait a minute!" Hongjoong shouted back as he finished to dress Jongho warmly. He kissed the top of his head with a smile and put him into his arms before hurrying down the stairs to the foyer.

Seonghwa already had packed the stroller so that he could carry it into the garage to their car. "He's so adorable, I think I'm going to cry." Seonghwa dramatically said as he looked at his son from above. Hongjoong let out a giggle. "Please don't." He pressed a kiss on Seonghwa's forehead.

"We should get going now, come on." Seonghwa said and took the stroller. Hongjoong chuckled lightly and walked behind him through the door, which led to the garage. Seonghwa had bought once again a new car, which had enough room to put plenty of stuff into the trunk. It also had four seats like the Koenigsegg he owned but Hongjoong once again complained about how small the space was and that it wasn't a proper family car.

In the garage, Seonghwa put the stroller into the trunk, while Hongjoong put his son into his seat, buckling the belt and testing it, to make sure that Jongho was safe.

He then hopped into the passenger seat and watched Seonghwa joining him. Both buckled their seatbelts and Seonghwa turned around to check on his son.

"I hope my baby is safe back there." He said with a sweet smile on his lips before turning around towards Hongjoong. "Are you excited?" Hongjoong nodded while his hand reached over to Seonghwa's one. He took it and put it onto his lap while locking their fingers. "Very." He smiled and Seonghwa gently kissed his forehead. "That's good."

Seonghwa started the engine of the car and drove off. The guest must be there already and Seonghwa's heart was racing like crazy. He was excited to see Hongjoong's reaction and to introduce him to his uncle and aunt. He was also excited to see his cousin after such a long time.

The way to Seonghwa's company was quiet. The only noises that was to hear were Jongho's little wines and snores as he fell asleep. Both parents smiled at themselves every time their son made a cute noise.

Hongjoong stared out of the window as they passed the cars whenever Seonghwa overtook some. Although Hongjoong seemed calm and relaxed, he was dying of excitement. Seonghwa took him on many dates already but he was never that excited.

The ride wasn't long and Seonghwa stopped on the parking lot in front of his company. Hongjoong looked outside and noticed the many cars.

"Who runs the company as long as you're gone now? Are the employees still working?" Seonghwa chuckled and shook his head. "You'll see yourself sweetheart."

They got out of the car and Seonghwa walked over to the trunk while Hongjoong took Jongho into his arms. The stroller was quickly built up again so that Hongjoong could lay his son into it.

"Ready to go?" Hongjoong hummed and moved the stroller while Seonghwa had snugged an arm around his waist. Hongjoong was still impressed by the huge building whenever he would enter the company. The glass doors opened automatically for them but not seeing Ryujin at the reception immediately made him a little disappointed.

"Isn't Ryujin here?" Hongjoong looked up at Seonghwa who kissed his forehead. "Be patient baby." Hongjoong huffed. "Come on, I still wanna show you something." The taller ran forward and Hongjoong behind him with the stroller in which Jongho was laying.

Seonghwa walked somewhere he has never been before. It was like the entered a basement but it just wasn't one. Getting out of the elevator, Seonghwa still took the lead and led him towards a huge black door.

Seonghwa placed his hand on the doorknob. "Baby, come here." He said and the confused blue haired boy walked over to his fiancé who snug an arm around his waist. "I want you to know that I really love you and I want to show it in every way and shape. The day I proposed to you and you said yes, made me the happiest man on earth and I couldn't be more grateful for our little family. And in my opinion, this deserves a small celebration, don't you think?"

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