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Seonghwa arrived with Hongjoong at their home. It was around half past 10.

"You should go to bed." Seonghwa pushed Hongjoong softly forward. "Can we sleep together in one bed?" Hongjoong turned around and looked up into Seonghwa's brown eyes. "Of course, but I need to do some work before I'm going to sleep." The smaller huffed. "Why? It's almost 11 p.m! You should get some rest too..." Hongjoong hugged Seonghwa tightly wich he returned.

"I'm so sorry Baby, but this is very important. I promise, it will take me around 20 minutes. Then we can cuddle, okay?" Hongjoong pouted but agreed. They kissed each other a last time, before each of them headed in different directions.

Seonghwa almost stormed into his office and took out his laptop. He scrolled through all the articles about his warehouse being attacked. It was the warehouse, which was from all houses one of the most expensive ones. To repair it, will cost him thousands of dollars and it'll probably take about a year. Also the restocks could be a problem for him.

He didn't want an other attack on an other warehouse or his company, or even on himself.

Seonghwa slammed his fist on the desk and rubbed his temple.

The black haired male answered a few more emails he received and finally closed his laptop, before going upstairs into his room.

He opened the door and saw the younger lay in his bed, snuggled into his black blanket. A smile built up on Seonghwa's face when he stepped forward to the bed.

"Will cuddle with me now?" Hongjoong's sleepy voice asked while he cuddled more into his oversized pullover. Well, more like; Seonghwa's oversized pullover.

"Wait- Is that my pullover?!"


"Oh my god, stop being so cute!" Seonghwa leaned over Hongjoong and gave him kisses all over his faces, which made the younger giggle. "Hahaha! Seongie! That tickles!" Seonghwa smiled while he kissed down Hongjoong's jawline, to his neck. He spread small love bites all over his neck, slightly forming some dark hickeys.

The taller used his tongue, to lick over some spots wich made the younger moan. Seonghwa's hands traveled down under his shirt, and ran up to his stiff nipples. His fingertips drew circles around them, wich costed Hongjoong to breath hardly and faster.

"Seonghwa~" He moaned out Seonghwa's name, wich drove the taller nearly insane. He loved to hear the smaller's moans, especially when he moaned his name. It gave him butterflies in his stomach.

"Baby, I want you to feel good, but I just can't, when you're on your period." Seonghwa disconnected his lips from Hongjoong's soft and pink ones and pouted. "That's okay Seongie. It's over maybe in a week or a few days." Hongjoong's hand stroked the older's cheek softly, after he let out a giggle.

"But...I can let you feel good..."

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