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Seonghwa stopped his movements. He literally froze in that moment, as he heard what words left the younger's mouth. God, he waited so long for this.

Seonghwa turned around and leaned against the doorframe. "Did...I hear that right?" Seonghwa softly mumbled, which made the younger looked up at him. His cheeks were red and he looked like he had fever.

"W-What did you hear?" The younger stuttered who hysterical looked around the room, to avoid eye contact. Hongjoong's heart was racing and his cheeks painted in a red tone. He wanted to confess yeah, but he didn't expect to do it in that way.

"Eventually..." He then confessed, while his sight glided to his hands. He heard footsteps walking towards him. Seonghwa crouched down in front of him, his hands placed on his knees.

"Please tell me I heard it right..." Hongjoong looked into Seonghwa's eyes in surprise.

"You heard right, Seonghwa. I l-love you..."

A pair of fingers lifted up his chin and made Hongjoong look at Seonghwa softly. Their faces were so close, not even a leave would fit between them anymore. Hongjoong's breathing quickened.

Finally, his soft lips touched the pink ones of Seonghwa. He didn't hesitate to return the kiss and close his eyes. The kiss was full of passion and love and held this time not the lust and hunger like the last times. Seonghwa's hands traveled to his waist, where he rested his hands and softly stroked Hongjoong's pelvis.

Small kissing sounds filled the room and their lips harmonized perfect on each other. But the kiss was broken by Hongjoong, who's throat left a little whine.

He curled up into a small ball, wich Seonghwa worried.

"Is everything okay, baby?" Hongjoong shook his head and suddenly sobbed. "N-No...I have cramps again..." Seonghwa pecked his lips and lifted him up, to bring the smaller over to his bed.

"How bad are they? From a scale from 1 to 10." Hongjoong squeezed his eyes shut in pain. "Definitely over 10." The taller sighed and rubbed his hand over the other's under tummy. "I'm gonna make you some tea yeah? Change your clothes, get a pad and go back to bed." Hongjoong nodded and received a last kiss from Seonghwa, before he left.

But then, terrible thoughts flew into his mind.

Why didn't he say ‚I love you' back? Didn't he love him? He has to! He begged him to tell Hongjoong, to tell him if he said ‚I love you'! But if he just wanted to know if he likes him? No! Why would he then kiss Hongjoong? But he once said he liked him!

Endless thoughts surrounded his mind. Tears built up in his eyes.

Every time he was on his period this happened. He cried over stupid things and even sometimes without any reasons. Hongjoong was emotional instabile when he had his period and couldn't even control it.

He sighed and got out of the bed. He slowly went into his bathroom, got a new pad, brushed his teeth and put on his pj's. Hongjoong went back to his bed but didn't stop to cry.

"Why are you crying baby?" Seonghwa placed the cup on the nightstand and sat down on the edge of the bed. "I-It's nothing. Really." Hongjoong wiped his tears away and sniffed. "If it would be nothing, you wouldn't cry." Seonghwa bend down to his face and kissed the younger.

"Please tell me." Hongjoong sighed. "Earlier...when I confessed, you didn't say 'I love you' back. D-Don't you love me?" Seonghwa's mouth formend an 'o' but giggled in the end.

"Wasn't it obvious enough? I love you, Hongjoong. Ever since I saw you. You can't believe how much I love you, how much I need you in my life. I never expected you to love me back in such a short time. You're my everything and I don't want to lose you. So yeah, I love you..." Hongjoong cried more, but not out of sadness.

It was happiness and love, what blurred his mind.

"Please kiss me, Hwa." Seonghwa chuckled and smashed their lips together. This time, the kiss was filled was more heated. Seonghwa got above Hongjoong and glided his hands under the smaller's pajama top. The younger moaned into the kiss when he felt how Seonghwa played with his nipples.

This kiss got hotter from time to time and the taller slipped his hands under the covers, to remove his pants, but the other stopped him.

"I-I'm still on my period Seongie." A slight smile fell across Hongjoong's face. "Oh...Right. I forgot, sorry." Seonghwa laughed and pecked Hongjoong's lips. 

"I really love you..." Seonghwa said when snuggled into the smaller and buried his head into the crook of Hongjoong's neck. "I love you too." Hongjoong giggled and stroked Seonghwa's hair. "I love saying those words to you. But this is unsatisfying, it would be better, if I'd tell that my boyfriend," Hongjoong gasped and Seonghwa chuckled. "So, will you be my boyfriend?" Hongjoong giggled. "Of course!"

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