055 [M]

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Seonghwa hovered Hongjoong in the air, before walking over to the couch and sitting him down. He leaned above Hongjoong, without breaking the kiss. Their tongues soon got involved into the kiss, making a hot make out session out of it.

Seonghwa's hands glided along Hongjoong's sides and rubbed over his clothed pussy. The smaller male gasped into the kiss when Seonghwa was the one grinding his hard dick onto his pussy. Small gasps and moans spilled from his mouth, getting the older excited.

Hongjoong's hand played with Seonghwa's shirt, signaling him he should undress himself. Seonghwa chuckled before opening his blazer and his button up, just to throw it onto the floor. Hongjoong disconnected their lips and stared down at his boyfriend's body. The sight was mouthwatering. "Like it?" Hongjoong quickly nodded. "Good, cause it's all yours baby." Seonghwa chuckled and smashed their lips once again together.

Seonghwa pulled Hongjoong's shirt over him and threw it to his own clothes. He laid the smaller onto the couch and climbed above him, to remove his pants. The taller looked down at the other, looking at his underwear. Hongjoong was wearing the Calvin Klein thong Seonghwa had bought for him.

"I love how you look in this. I wish I could see you like this all day." Seonghwa pouted, making Hongjoong giggle. Nonetheless, Seonghwa's hand glided over Hongjoong's private area, rubbing over his clit and clothed hole, trying to get him wet, which went pretty good. Seonghwa's warm hand was able to take his whole cunt into it. It fitted so perfectly into his hands, he could cum just by Seonghwa touching him like this.

They continued kissing while Hongjoong had to moan and curl his toes, whenever Seonghwa would rub over his clit. The taller's hand slowly slid into Hongjoong's underwear, rubbing his fingers between his wet soaked folds. He loved how warm and smooth they were whenever they'd have sex. Seonghwa slid his finger into his hole, making the smaller moan.

"Be as loud as you can baby girl. Everyone shall know you're mine and how good I make you feel. Especially Misoo..." Seonghwa growled between the kiss and thrusted his finger in a slow pace into the boy underneath him. Hongjoong disconnected their lips and moaned again, when Seonghwa quickened up the tempo. The smaller boy angled his legs, so Seonghwa could go deeper. It didn't took him long, to slide a second finger into his boyfriend's cunt.

Seonghwa bent down to Hongjoong's neck and bit into it. Moans and gasps spilled from Hongjoong's lips, filling the office with the smell of sex. Seonghwa's long fingers reached deep into Hongjoong and hitting his prostate. His eyes rolled back in pleasure, as he climaxed on Seonghwa's fingers. The said one chuckled deep in Hongjoong's neck. He pulled his fingers out and laid them at Hongjoong's waistband, to pull his tange completely down.

Seonghwa tossed it onto the floor but continued to spread hickeys all over Hongjoong's neck. "You came from just my fingers in such a short time? Is our baby making you feel so sensitive?" Hongjoong breathed out a shaky moan at those words. "I-I don't know..." The older chuckled again and pulled his own pants down, leaving himself just in boxers. Hongjoong stared at Seonghwa's growing boner, which was peaking through his underwear.

The older climbed above him and connected their lips again. Seonghwa pulled now his boxers down too and taking his long, stiff member into his hand, pumping it and rubbing it at Hongjoong's entrance. "I don't have lube and condoms here either. Are you able to take me like this?" He whispered against Hongjoong's lip. The younger nodded quickly. Seonghwa pressed his lips against his and slowly entered the younger.

A long loud moan could be heard in the whole room and even elsewhere. Seonghwa wasn't even fully in him and yet, he was so warm and tight around his hard dick. "You're doing great princess. So tight for me." He groaned and pushed himself more into Hongjoong, until he had fully entered his hole. Hongjoong clenched around his dick, making the older hum in pleasure.

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