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Before you read, I must tell y'all smth! I changed something in the story, I hope you'll notice it while reading, if not, write a comment and I'll explain it


Seonghwa and Hongjoong arrived at the mansion a bit later. It was 8 p.m when Seonghwa took Hongjoong in bridal style out of the car, because he fell asleep.

The taller had a warming smile on his lips, whenever Hongjoong would mumble something in his sleep. He walked into the house but stopped immediately in the foyer, when he noticed Wooyoung and San. Making out.

"Take your gross asses out of my house, if you want to fuck, do it in your room and don't ruin my expensive leather sofas." Seonghwa whispered angrily, making the couple stop and laugh. "As if you didn't fuck Joongie here already. Wait! Even in your office! I heard it, that was crazy!" Wooyoung laughed along with San. Seonghwa shook his head and continued walking upstairs.

Hongjoong's eyes then shot open with a small scream leaving his throat. Seonghwa looked down at the boy and smiled. "What's wrong sweetheart? A bad dream?" Hongjoong nodded and snuggled into Seonghwa's chest. "I'm scared Seonghwa..." He whispered when the taller opened the door. Seonghwa side-eyed Hongjoong who's eyes were closed again. "Of what baby?" He asked and laid Hongjoong down on the soft mattress.

"What...if I don't survive the birth...?" Seonghwa stopped all his movements and blinked a few times. "You will. Don't be scared." A tear ran down Hongjoong's cheek and he sniffed, while reaching out for Seonghwa's hand. "M-My mother also didn't m-make it...What if I also don't make it Seonghwa? What if I have to leave you two then?" Seonghwa shook his head and pressed his lips on Hongjoong's mouth, to make him quiet.

Hongjoong closed his eyes and pulled Seonghwa closer by wrapping his arms around his neck. Seonghwa climbed over Hongjoong and deepened the kiss to stick his long tongue in his fiancés throat, creating small kissing noises in the room.

Seonghwa then disconnected and wiped his tears away. "Stop with this Joongie. I'm making sure you make it through it. I'll be staying by your side all time long, until you hold our baby in your arms. Just...because your mother didn't make it, doesn't mean you can't make it too...I promise you you won't die." Hongjoong nodded and pressed Seonghwa close to his chest. The taller snug his arms around his torso and pulled the covers over them. Neither of them cared if they still had their clothes on.


When Hongjoong opened his eyes, he felt slight pain in his abdomen. Seonghwa laid right beside him, so his hand gripped into Seonghwa's one. He squeezed it so hard, that the taller's eyes shot open and he had to scream in pain. But when he realized, that Hongjoong was the one squeezing his hand so harsh, he immediately pulled the smaller boy to his chest.

"What's wrong baby?" Hongjoong's breath was fast, he breathed in and out in a very quick pace which worried Seonghwa. "My-My stomach...It hurts..." He said and pulled his knees up to his chest. "Maybe you're getting your period?" Hongjoong had to chuckle which made Seonghwa rise an eyebrow. "I can't get my period when I'm pregnant." He said while he tried to calm his breath.

"Oh...Didn't know that...But can I do something for you?" Hongjoong shook his head and cuddle more onto the older's side. "Just tell me how much you love me and I think those cramps will go away..." He whispered which made Seonghwa smile even more.

"I love you so much," He placed a hand on Hongjoong's tummy while he spoke. "I love you so much, that I can't describe in words how much you mean to me. I want you by my side all my life, so I don't have to stop loving you. Joongie, you're my only reason to live and without you I'd be completely lost." Hongjoong giggled and kissed Seonghwa's jaw.

"Thank you Hwa." Seonghwa chuckled and pulled Hongjoong closer to him. "Do you think you can go to work today?" Hongjoong hummed and shrugged with his shoulders. "I don't really know." Seonghwa stroked his hair gently while he placed endless kisses on Hongjoong's cheek. "That's okay. I suggest you'll stay at home and I'll tell Wooyoung to keep an eye on you, so you're not alone." Hongjoong nodded and kissed Seonghwa's chin and jawline. "Do you have to work till midnight again or do you come home early?"

The taller thought. Usually he really had to work until midnight but since Hongjoong would stay home, we would make sure to come home at least around 5 p.m. Hongjoong needed Seonghwa and Seonghwa needed Hongjoong, especially now.

"I'll come home early today, don't worry sweetheart."

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