045 [M]

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Seonghwa was going insane. And when I said, insane, I meant insane. The smaller boy in front of him, presented himself in different clothes and let's say, they were quite revealing. Seonghwa will soon lose his patience. The worst thing was; there was a bag, filled with underwear and stuff, and as soon as Hongjoong will present this type of clothing, he will lose everything. 

Seonghwa pinched his thigh, every time Hongjoong would come out of the bathroom with his new, gorgeous outfits. Seonghwa loved how all the clothes fitted his figure and he could imagine, how good he'd look in this, underneath him.

Hongjoong came back with the last thing. And it made Seonghwa speechless. Yep, he was clearly getting insane. Well, and hard. The smaller wore his lingerie, which he had bought with Wooyoung at the mall and his high thigh socks. "And?" Hongjoong asked excitingly. Seonghwa just stared before he sighed and patted his thigh. Hongjoong understood and quickly placed himself on his lap.

"You're driving me crazy." Seonghwa whispered, his hand placed on Hongjoong's exposed thigh, which he softly stroked. The smaller on top of him was a becoming blushing mess and the touch of his boyfriend's hand, sent shivers down his spine. "I love how this lingerie exposes your pretty butt. I would love to fill it up." Seonghwa chuckled and slapped Hongjoong's ass, which made the younger moan. "Hmm, I didn't know you were into this." Another slap echoed through the room and a moan followed. "Bent over." Seonghwa said and tapped his knee. Hongjoong quickly nodded and bent over Seonghwa's thigh, his ass exposed to his boyfriend.

Seonghwa's erection grew in his pants. The smaller felt a hand on top of his butt, how it softly stroked it. He relaxed but stiffed up again, when he felt Seonghwa spanking him again. "Was it your goal to tease me?" Seonghwa asked in a stern voice and played with Hongjoong's underwear. "N-No..." Seonghwa slipped a finger under his underwear and pressed it into his hole, making the younger moan.

"Did I allow you to make any noises?!" Another hit on his butt cheek. He gasped. Seonghwa's long finger was now completely in his hole, touching his prostate. Hongjoong quickly shook his head and received an other spank. "That's right. Whores don't talk when they're not allowed to." Hongjoong whimpered at the new nickname. But didn't hurt his feelings, it turned him more and more on.

His panties soaked precum from his wet pussy and he was sure, Seonghwa already had noticed this. Hongjoong was embarrassed and was glad, that Seonghwa couldn't see his face right now.

"Count, slut." Seonghwa said and slapped his ass, pulling a sweet moan from the other.

"O-One." An other spank.

"Two- ahh~" Hongjoong heard Seonghwa chuckled and moving his finger in and out, painfully slow. He hit his boyfriend's butt cheek again.

"Three..." Hongjoong said with a shaky voice. Soon, Seonghwa's thumb made his way from behind to his pussy, and rubbed his clit, letting Hongjoong's thigh shake. An other slap echoed around the room.

"F-Four." Seonghwa removed his thumb and and the finger. He pulled Hongjoong's underwear down and gave him one more slap. "Five, fuck Seonghwa~"

"No cursing princess." Seonghwa slapped his ass the last time and admired his work. It were just six slaps, but Hongjoong's butt was red and puffy from those. Seonghwa smiled to himself proudly. "Get on the bed."

Hongjoong nodded and stood up, before walking towards the bed and laying down on his back. He looked over to Seonghwa, who was about to undress himself. The belt landed on the floor, like the rest of his clothes. Hongjoong's gaze was fixed on the older's abs. He always wondered how it was possible to have such a good looking body. Seonghwa's figure was very masculine, while Hongjoong's was very feminine, since he was intersex. But when Seonghwa would always tell him, how good he looked, he felt very comfortable in his body.

Seonghwa climbed over Hongjoong, his hands glided along his sides. His skin was soft and had a beautiful color, Seonghwa would always admire, when he got the chance to see it. The couple smiled lovingly at each other. Their gazes let them feel the warmth both had for each other and the love both felt for each other. Seonghwa then bent forward and connected their lips.

It always was an amazing feeling whenever they'd kiss. Their first kiss was something very special to both of them and all of their kisses made butterflies erupt in their stomachs. Seonghwa pulled away and reached over to the nightstand. He pulled it open and took out lube and condoms, since he knew, Hongjoong couldn't risk getting pregnant at such a young age.

"Are you okay with this, my love?" Oh, how Hongjoong loves being called 'love' by his boyfriend, it made him feel some type of way. "Y-Yes I am." Seonghwa smiled and put the condom on. "Colors baby?"

"Green is go, yellow is slow down and red is stop."

"Very well, my princess." Seonghwa hummed and smeared some of the lube on Hongjoong's entrance and on his fingers. He circled around his hole, before he entered one finger. A small moan escaped Hongjoong's lips, when Seonghwa began to move it gently.

Seonghwa leaned forward to Hongjoong's neck. He began to kiss it and sucking on it, while he added a second finger. "Seonghwa please~" Hongjoong moaned out his name. The slight pain mixed with pleasure turned him unbelievable on and made him impatient. Seonghwa smirked to himself and added a third finger and thrusted them into his cunt.

Seonghwa continued to kiss his neck, leaving a lot of hickeys there. His work got rewarded by Hongjoong's moans. The marks were dark purplish and the taller made sure, that they were still visible tomorrow.

Wet noises filled the room and mixed with Hongjoong's sweet ones. Seonghwa then pulled his fingers out. Hongjoong whined at the loss of being filled. "Shhh, don't worry Joongie." Seonghwa rubbed his tummy and took the lube again to smear something onto his cock.

He then placed the lube back on the nightstand and rubbed his tip between Hongjoong's folds, and teased his entrance. "I'm going in sweetheart." Hongjoong nodded. Seonghwa pushed himself into his boyfriend's hole, who moaned, when Seonghwa fully had entered him.


"Green." Hongjoong whispered and felt how Seonghwa began to move in him.

His eyes immediately fell shut and the first loud moans left his lips. Seonghwa admired the boy underneath him. He was breathtaking.

The older began to pound, in a slow tempo, making sure not to hurt Hongjoong's fragile body. His hands were placed on his waist, tugging it into the mattress, so Hongjoong couldn't curve his back. Seonghwa loved that. Taking control over the smaller boy, whenever he had the chance.

Seonghwa thrusted a bit rougher into Hongjoong. The said one tug his nails into Seonghwa's back, which will probably leave marks and scratches there.

"More please~! Seongie..." Seonghwa chuckled and kissed the other side of his neck, while he followed Hongjoong's wish. His length slammed against his prostate, making Hongjoong want to curve his back, but he couldn't. His moans soon turned into screams of pleasure, whenever Seonghwa would pick up pace.

Hongjoong's eyes were closed, he saw stars. His boyfriend on the other hand, admired Hongjoong. He looked thousand times hotter than before. His hair sticked on his forehead, sweat strains were visible on his whole face, his mouth a gap open, releasing the moans, Seonghwa loved so much.

Seonghwa had now a rough and fast tempo, not the slow and sweet one. And oh, did Hongjoong loved this. His legs were shaking and he wasn't sure if he could walk after this. He felt how tight his abdomen was, he was ready to cum.

"S-Seonghwa~ I-I need to c-cum please." Seonghwa pecked Hongjoong's lips and nodded, giving him permission to cum. Seonghwa felt how tight Hongjoong's walls were getting around his member. He groaned loudly before he pressed himself deep into the smaller boy underneath him.

Both were breathing hard and tried to calm down. Seonghwa cupped Hongjoong's face, who's eyes were now open, and pressed a kiss on his lips. Hongjoong just giggled. The taller pulled out of him and wanted to take off the condom, but when he looked down at his dick, his face went suddenly pale.

Hongjoong did notice this of course. "What's wrong, Hwa?" Seonghwa scratched the back of his neck. How was he going to explain this?
"Joongie I'm sorry." Seonghwa sighed, he could feel how tears built up in his eyes. Hongjoong quickly sat up and took Seonghwa's chin, to make him look at him. "Seongie, tell me what is wrong." Seonghwa wiped his tears away.

"The condom ripped and-and I'm sorry..."

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