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After they had cleaned up, they immediately headed to the parking lot and wanted to hop into the car as quick as possible, but a certain person waited in front of Seonghwa's car. Seonghwa abruptly stopped and pulled Hongjoong to his chest. The younger was of course confused. "Dada, why diwd we stowp?" He muffled into Seonghwa's chest.

"Don't worry honey. Dada will solve this. Just hold your blanket tight alright?" The taller told Hongjoong who nodded. He wanted to take the pink blanket with him and Seonghwa had absolutely nothing against it.

Seonghwa walked over to the girl standing in front of his car. He was annoyed and he made clear he hated her, so why would she come back?

Seonghwa clenched his fists when he stopped in front of Misoo. "What?" Misoo had her arms crossed in front of her chest, which was too exposed for Seonghwa's taste. "What what?" Seonghwa sighed in annoyance. "Don't act dumb. Say what you want." She chuckled. "Wow. You're good at sensing. I indeed want something." The taller gritted his teeth and rolled his eyes. "What is it you want? Money? Diamonds? A house? I'll give you all that and you'll leave me alone." Misoo pouted playfully and shook her head.

"I don't want all that. I just want one thing," She said and moved closer to him. Misoo placed her finger on his chest and smirked. "You." Seonghwa snapped her finger away and took a step distance. "I think I made clear I have absolutely no interest in you. And besides, I have a boyfriend, who I adore and love very much. Now get the fuck away from me." He growled. The girl chuckled and flipped her hair. "Okay but don't start craving for my attention later." She said and left.

Seonghwa had to hold in his laugher. He'd never do that. His eyes wandered over to his little boyfriend but when he caught Misoo standing in front of him, pure anger raft into his veins. Misoo then walked away from him but Seonghwa saw him cry, his pink blanket laid on the ground. His mouth opened in disbelief and anger. He hurried over to his boyfriend and helped him to get up.

Hongjoong was kneeling down on the ground to take his blanket, so Seonghwa helped him to get up again. "Everything okay? Did she do something else?" Hongjoong sniffled and nodded, taking Seonghwa's big, veiny hand in his small ones. "She-She said Seongie doesn't love mwe." He cried. Seonghwa's anger grew on the girl. He wanted her to die, to suffer, making her cry and beg to finally let her go. He wanted to torture her.

"This is so not true. You're the most important person in my life and I'll never leave you. Please remember that, okay sweetheart?" Hongjoong nodded and wiped his tears away with his hand. Seonghwa kissed his lips quickly before he took his hand and walked over to the car.

Both boys hopped in and Seonghwa immediately started the motor. He didn't want to be even near this bitch anymore. He truly hated her and nothing would change that.

The ride back to the mansion was quiet. Hongjoong's eyes felt heavy and every time he was about to finally doze off, he banged his head at the window of the car, which made Seonghwa softly chuckle.

Seonghwa's hand rested on the others thigh and stroked it softly. Hongjoong could fall asleep with that so easily, wouldn't there be this damn window.

"Can't fall asleep baby?" Seonghwa asked when he stopped at a red traffic light. Hongjoong whined in discomfort and nodded. "Just...Wanna slweep." He mumbled with half lidded eyes. Seonghwa had to smile at him.

They soon arrived at the house and Seonghwa parked the car. He opened the door, closed it behind him and walked around it, to take Hongjoong out of the seat in bridal style. Hongjoong giggled and placed his hands on his boyfriend's muscular chest. "Let me take care of you, okay?" Hongjoong nodded and smiled cutely at him. Seonghwa began to walk into the foyer, upstairs into their room.

He opened their bedroom door and walked over to the bed and placed the small boy onto the soft mattress. "Can I change your clothes Joongie?" He asked for his permission, which Hongjoong confirmed him by nodding. Seonghwa rushed to his own closet and pulled out a pullover from himself and underwear from Hongjoong.

Since the couple shared the bedroom, Hongjoong and Seonghwa agreed, that Hongjoong could also put all of his cloths into Seonghwa's closet.

The taller walked back to his boyfriend and put the still folded cloths beside him. Hongjoong didn't fell asleep yet, the taller could tell that the smaller's eyes, were pinned on him. Seonghwa smiled and pulled Hongjoong's shirt off at first. He bit his under lip when he saw what he had done to him. His chest was full of blue and purplish flecks. Seonghwa needed to stay calm.

He put his shirt over Hongjoong who mumbled something. "What's it sweetheart?" Hongjoong pouted slightly and looked up at the black haired male. "Thwis yours..." He mumbled. Seonghwa hummed in agreement and nodded. "I know. And you look adorable in it." Hongjoong blushed and played with the ends of the shirt. Seonghwa then laid his hands on the waistband of Hongjoong's thong, to pull it down, revealing his well waxed pussy.

Something Seonghwa always noticed. The smaller was very well shaved and waxed, there was no single body hair on him.

Seonghwa just couldn't hold back and touched Hongjoong's pussy. "S-Seonghwa." The smaller gasped slightly when Seonghwa's thumb gently stroked over his clit. His thong already laid on the floor and Seonghwa usually wanted to put one on of the comfortable panties but now his boyfriend's body distracted him from doing that.

Seonghwa pulled Hongjoong into a kiss, while he climbed above him, not letting go of his clit. He began to circle a finger around his wet hole. Hongjoong breathed out loud when his finger entered him, creating a wet sound. "You're still so tight baby." Seonghwa mumbled against his lips.

They continued to make out, until Hongjoong came a third time this day. Seonghwa chuckled and pulled his finger out to lick off the cum. After that, he quickly put Hongjoong's pantie on and gave him a good night kiss, before he also got ready and fell asleep right next to his little boyfriend.

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