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The next day Seonghwa drove Hongjoong again to university. He said he would pick Hongjoong up at 6 p.m, not later. But Hongjoong agreed.

"Yunho!" He ran into the direction of his best friend, who sat on his chair in the classroom. Yunho looked at Hongjoong who also sat down beside him. "He told me I could stay at your's until 6 p.m." Yunho sighed and tried to act innocent. "Hongjoong, isn't it weird that you don't tell me the name of 'him'? I have a right to know who your boyfriend is!"

Hongjoong gulped. "Well, I think I can't tell you what his real name is...Let's call him Seong!" The smaller smiled widely. "And he's not my boyfriend! Not yet..." He mumbled the last words and looked away. The thought of Seonghwa being his boyfriend, was too beautiful. Hongjoong imagined different scenarios with the black haired male and was about to confess to him sooner or later.

The lesson began and the teacher walked in.

"I have a new music project for you."


Time passed and Hongjoong sat on Yunho's bed, with a console in his hand, playing Mario kart against his best friend. Mingi was working, Yunho told Hongjoong. That was why he wasn't there. Hongjoong knew that Mingi was a kind-of-bodyguard, that's what Yunho always told him, but he didn't tell him where exactly he worked.

They played the whole noon together and didn't noticed the time but when they heard a bell rang on the door, they knew they had played for far too long.

He sighed, when he realized, they hadn't done anything for their music project. Hongjoong and Yunho wanted to do it together. The smaller always loved to compose music and special lyrics for things he loved. He even had a small studio, not too far away from his school.

"I guess, I have to go..." Yunho nodded and both went downstairs to the door. While Hongjoong put on his shoes and jacket, Yunho opened the door.

"Good evening Mr Park." He said, small over a whisper. Seonghwa just nodded to greet him. He had the cold look on his face, which Yunho knew too good. Seonghwa always looked cold in others eyes, when he stepped in public for example. Silently, they stared at the direction of Hongjoong, who shortly stood beside Yunho and smiled at Seonghwa, which the taller returned.

"We're going. Say 'bye' Joongie." Hongjoong grabbed Seonghwa's hand and quickly turned around to wave at his best friend. "Bye, Yuyu!" Yunho waved at them with a smile and closed the door.

"How was it?" Seonghwa asked and intertwined his with Hongjoong's fingers, while walking to the car. "Cool! Well, we just played Mario kart and lost the time...We usually had to make a music project but how I said; we lost the time." Seonghwa giggled. "Then you have to do it tomorrow."

Seonghwa was the first who entered the car, after him, Hongjoong. The younger thought of possible lyrics and melodies. While Seonghwa drove, he looked at him.

Hongjoong thought, he was tough and strong. He must have went through things, the other didn't want to experience. Hongjoong was sure, Seonghwa worked a lot and had a lot of stress. He somehow felt bad for him.

"What are you thinking about?" The taller then asked.

"You.." Hongjoong said while looking at the other who chuckled.

"Well, what exactly about me?" - "Your daily life..."

The car went silent. Seonghwa didn't expect him to say something like that. He never told anyone about his life.

"It's...Let's say it's quite stressing. But when you are with me, I feel much more relaxed. I don't want to know how my life would be without you...I'm just afraid you'd leave me some day..." Hongjoong blushed at those words and he could feel the tingles in his tummy.

But then, an idea popped up in Hongjoong's head.


Seonghwa and Hongjoong arrived at the estate, Hongjoong ran straight to his room, leaving Seonghwa confused on the hallway downstairs.

With a fast handgrip, the blonde haired took a out his lyric book from a shelf and sat down at his desk. A faster grip around his pen, and he began to write.

While the car ride back home, the smaller had an idea, what the song text would be about. More like, someone.

The whole time he thought of something, deleted it in his mind, repeated the melody over and over again. He tried to think of the person he wanted to be this song for. Someone special. Very special. Hongjoong wrote the letters on the paper, removed them because he didn't feel it was good enough, tried to think of something new and came up with the chorus in a few hours.

I see a light in the distance
Hope you see it too
Believe in our destiny
An unbreakable link
I can feel it
From far away, far away
Don't be afraid
Still, I'm still here

This was his idea for the chorus. And he liked it. He very did. But it was just the chorus. There was so much more to do and he knew it will become a difficult time for him. Every time he gets ideas for new songs, he sat in the studio for days and recorded it. He barely ate or took a break.

Suddenly, his door flew open.

"Baby, aren't you hungry?" Seonghwa came to him, and placed a plate with food on the table, Hongjoong worked on. "Oh...Thank you Hwa. But I'm not." He smiled. "It's 11 p.m. I thought you were asleep but you weren't. You should rest." Hongjoong's eyes widened. "I-It's what..." He whispered and looked at the clock on his phone.

It was 11 p.m, like Seonghwa said. He really sat 5 hours on the chorus? Just on the chorus?

Hongjoong sighed and quickly pulled the piece of paper to him, so Seonghwa wouldn't see it.

"Why are you up so late, anyway?" Hongjoong's lips turned into a thin line, as he looked away. "I wanted to do something for my music project. I-I had just an idea..." Seonghwa kissed his cheek and smiled, leaving a flustered Hongjoong back. "Eat something and go to bed okay? For me." Hongjoong nodded.

Seonghwa smiled a last time, before he went back to the door. He opened it and looked at the younger.

"Good night. I love you." He said, but never expected, with what the younger returned. "I-I love you too."

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