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The three couples made their way to the mall faster than everyone thought. Soon they were in the big hall, looking around for different stuff. Seonghwa and Hongjoong specifically for baby clothes. Already. Hongjoong said it'd be too early to buy things for the baby but Seonghwa ran directly into one of the shops, which sold them.

When Seonghwa was done with looking for things for their baby, he constantly had his arms wrapped around Hongjoong waist, hand resting on his under tummy. Hongjoong smiled to himself, every time Seonghwa would rub a bit over it.

They stopped at an other store, which sold food. "Finally, I could eat a whale!" Wooyoung stated which made the rest giggle. They went inside it and order directly something. They all sat on one table and chatted over everything that came to their mind. Wooyoung, San, Yunho and Mingi never saw Seonghwa so talkative, they never saw him smile and laugh that much, no one ever saw him laugh in general. And it was just because Hongjoong was with him. A literal wonder.

When their food came, everyone started to eat. Seonghwa and Hongjoong mostly fed each other while the other boys just watched and giggled.

Not far from the window, the boy's seats were at, a too known person watched them. Her eyes constantly on Seonghwa and Hongjoong. She didn't know who these boys were, or what their relationship was to Seonghwa, but she was sure, no one ever from them could have the older. Seonghwa belonged to Misoo and she wants to make 100% sure of it.

Her heels carried her inside the store, to the reception. She book a table and got led to it, directly one beside the six boys. She had good ears and could understand every word they were saying. Misoo took the menu card, while her eyes scanned her boss, sitting next to this one guy.

"Your mood really changed Seonghwa," A black haired male said. The boy was beautiful, he had a small dot under one of his eyes. His clothes had the color black but it looked like he was taken to the male next to him, since Misoo caught them kissing a few times.

The boys laughed. "Really? How was he before?" The shorter male beside Seonghwa asked. "Cold. He'd never even flash a smile to me. Can you imagine that? Me! His best friend!" The boys giggled again, everyone expected Seonghwa. He more had a small smile and pink blush on his cheek, like he was embarrassed about that.

Misoo listened to them all time long, until they left. She watched the boys walking out of the store. Her eyes didn't leave Seonghwa, who had wrapped an arm around the other boy's waist, hand resting on his under tummy. Her hand clenched around the menu card, she was still holding. Misoo imagined that the boy beside Seonghwa was her. How Seonghwa would snug his arm around her waist. How Seonghwa went with her out.

"I love you." Seonghwa whispered into Hongjoong's ear while they walked. The latter giggled and patted his boyfriends back. "I love you too. So so much." He whispered back, making the other slightly blush. The other two couples giggled when they saw Park Seonghwa blush, they never expected him to. They also made some jokes about him since Hongjoong entered their life's and changed it completely.

Their way home was quiet and comfortable. The boys had a lot of fun today and they were sure, they'll probably do this again. Hongjoong's hand was resting on his tummy and stroked it slightly. As he sat beside Seonghwa, the older noticed that of course and chuckled. "Are you excited darling?" Hongjoong hummed and looked up at his boyfriend. "Yes. But I still have 9 months to go." He pouted playfully.

They arrived at the estate. Everyone said goodbye to the others and went their ways. While Seonghwa and Hongjoong went with intertwined hands upstairs, Hongjoong was constantly thinking about their awaited baby. Since Wooyoung was a doctor, he could make some tests with the male, so he didn't need to go to the hospital or any other doctors. Everyone knew how much he hated being intersex.

Wooyoung also said he could give birth there, the only thing they'd have to do was hiring a midwife, since the mansion had a infirmary. Wooyoung wasn't focused on helping with birth, so someone else had to do it.

The couple entered their room and Seonghwa immediately began to kiss Hongjoong's pink lips. He giggled and smiled softly while Seonghwa was still kissing his face. "I don't want to leave you tomorrow!" Seonghwa whined and clung onto the smaller boy. Hongjoong played with Seonghwa's hair as the taller buried his head into the crook of Hongjoong's neck. "Why? I thought you loved your work." Seonghwa hummed. "Yes, but we have a new employee. Her name is Misoo and since one week she tried to flirt with me. She thinks she has a chance." Seonghwa laughed, which made Hongjoong smile.

"She asked me if we could eat lunch today, but how you know I took off for today, because of the amazing surprise you made for me." Seonghwa now was face to face to Hongjoong and rubbed their noses together. "Yeah. But what about tomorrow? Just eat with her and tell her you're not interested." Seonghwa frowned and pecked the smaller's lips. "Never. I told her I have someone but she didn't listen. Such a bitch..." he muttered.

Hongjoong laughed and made his way over to the bed. "Yeah whatever. Come here, I need cuddles!" He spread his arms and made grabby hands, to call his boyfriend over. Seonghwa didn't think twice and threw himself onto Hongjoong. He then let himself fall beside the younger. "What about you're coming with me tomorrow? You could start working and I'll take care of you quitting school?" Hongjoong excitingly nodded. "Sure! But is it possible to work there without graduation?" - "Of course! For you only though. I'll tell you what to do and you can start!"

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