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It was around midnight, when Hongjoong woke up. He was nauseous and his head hurt like shit. He quickly got out of the bed and ran over to the connected bathroom, in case he had to throw up. He settled down in front of the toilet and waited. And surprisingly, after a few minutes, he vomited into the toilet. Oh, how he hated throwing up. The gagging sounded disgusting, the feeling was disgusting and the smell was disgusting. But Hongjoong took this as a good sign. Maybe this was the morning sickness or he was just getting his period again.

Hongjoong couldn't help, but smiled. He felt like it was something good, something that said, that he's already pregnant. It was too early to know, since just one day passed, but Hongjoong took one of the pregnancy test and started testing.


When he was ready, he waited. He waited in front of the toilet and vomited hours long. Hongjoong really needed a break. A quick look out of the window told him, that it was already early in the morning. Around five or six. Seonghwa mostly got up this time, when he had to go to work.

Hongjoong's head hurt. After a few minutes, when he was sure, he didn't have to vomit again, he laid onto the floor and closed his eyes, in hope to get some rest. But the door flew open.

"Baby, oh god!" Seonghwa quickly kneeled down to him and pulled his boyfriend into a tight embrace. "What are you doing here?" Hongjoong sighed and returned the hug as quick as he could. His arms felt like jelly and so did his legs. "I don't know...I got up around midnight and had to throw up a couple of times." Seonghwa stroked his head. "And I didn't do anything...Gosh, I'm so sorry." Hongjoong chuckled weakly and placed small kisses on Seonghwa's neck. "Don't be. You were asleep." Hongjoong muffled into Seonghwa's neck.

The older now broke the embrace and helped Hongjoong to get up. "But you needed help." Hongjoong shook his head and turned around, to flush the toilet. "It's okay Hwa." Seonghwa suddenly froze. Hongjoong had a confused look on his face, but after he followed Seonghwa's gaze, he saw at what he looked at. It was the pregnancy test.

Hongjoong chuckled and took it but his smile faded. There was just one stripe on the test. It was negative. "Looks like we have to try one more time." Seonghwa smirked and Hongjoong threw the test into the trash can. "No Seonghwa. We'll wait. Maybe after a month or two we can try again." Seonghwa pouted and nodded. "I understand. Are you hungry?" Hongjoong nodded. "Yeah. I kinda want to eat bananas with pickles and honey!" He stated happily but Seonghwa gulped hard, when he thought about that combo. Disgusting.

"A-Are you sure you want that?" Hongjoong nodded and pulled Seonghwa out of the bathroom. With intertwined hands, the couple walked downstairs into the kitchen. Seonghwa told Hongjoong to sit down, so he didn't have to do anything.

Even if Seonghwa was disgusted of the combination his boyfriend wanted, he still tried to make it as perfect as possible. He walked back to the table and placed the plate in front of him. "For you, my love." Seonghwa whispered into his ear and kissed his head, receiving a small giggle from Hongjoong, who instantly began to eat. Seonghwa sat in front of him and had to hold back his gagging, when he saw, how Hongjoong ate the pickle with honey on top of it.

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