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Hongjoong and Seonghwa hugged each other for a long time. A very long time. Seonghwa calmed down a bit, after Hongjoong explained that there's a chance of not getting pregnant, and even if, he wouldn't regret having a child with him.

Yes, Hongjoong was embarrassed about getting pregnant, but as long as Seonghwa was the father, he'd be absolutely happy.

Hongjoong played with Seonghwa's hair, while the other hugged his naked figure tightly. Seonghwa had his head buried in the crook of his neck, still sobbing. The older understood that it wasn't his fault but he still felt bad.

"Listen Seongie, you don't need to cry. We'll be great parents if I actually do get pregnant. I'm happy that it's your child and not from anyone else. Don't feel bad." Seonghwa sniffed a few more times, before Hongjoong felt how he nodded. He smiled to himself and kissed Seonghwa's earlobe.

A few more hours passed and the couple was now in the city, looking for pregnancy tests. Of course they received a lot of weird stares, but Seonghwa shot deadly glances at the strangers, who would look at his boyfriend in almost disgust. He needed to hold himself back, not to really shoot someone. They payed for everything and headed back home.

"We have to wait a little bit before we can actually test. I know how pregnancy works, so don't worry Seongie." Hongjoong told Seonghwa, while they entered their room. Seonghwa bit his bottom lip and nodded, while he smiled. "I just hope you're really okay with this." Hongjoong sighed and pecked Seonghwa's lips. "I said I am. Don't worry. If I'm being honest, I look forward being pregnant. And if I'm not, I'll convince you, that we try over and over again, until I am. I'm ready to be a parent Seonghwa, especially with you." Seonghwa began to cry again and pulled his boyfriend into a tight hug. "How did I deserve you?"

Hongjoong smiled into the hug and held Seonghwa close to him, while the other continued to cry into his shoulder, as Hongjoong patted his head softly.

Seonghwa appreciated, that Hongjoong was ready to go this step with him. He always dreamed of having kids with him and now, his dream would finally come true.

Hongjoong broke the embrace and cupped his boyfriend's face and connected their lips. Seonghwa of course returned the kiss, with as much love as Hongjoong gave.

They both stayed in this position, until there was a knock on the door. But the couple simply ignored it and continued to kiss. Seonghwa and Hongjoong blended everything out and smiled into the kiss. Both of them. But the knocking got louder. Seonghwa sighed and pulled away from their loving kiss. "I'm sorry my love." Seonghwa said and ran over to the door.

He opened it but didn't expect to see Ryujin in front of it. "What-" - "I have this day left until I'll go back home. And I want to spend the day with you boyfriend." She said smiling, but Seonghwa just started laughing. "You with Hongjoong? My boyfriend? You're are a funny one. My answer is clearly-" Hongjoong suddenly stood beside Seonghwa. "Yes!" Hongjoong clapped with his hands, while he bounced up and down a bit. Seonghwa stood there with a dropped jaw.

"You put HER over ME?" Hongjoong giggled and pecked his lover's lips. "No. But Ryujin is funny and nice, and I would like to spend the time with her." Seonghwa pouted and shook his head. "You won't." Ryujin groaned and had now the attention of the couple. "If you can't decide, I'm gonna leave now. Was cool to meet you Joong." She smiled and waved, before Ryujin walked along the hallway.

"Perfect, Seonghwa. You made her leave!" Hongjoong said and crossed his arms. "Better like this. Come on love, I need cuddles." Seonghwa shrugged and went back into the room. "You asshole!" Hongjoong sighed and followed his boyfriend.

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