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"Do you want to do anything today?" Seonghwa whispered into his ear softly when both were awake. Hongjoong thought and hummed, his back facing Seonghwa like yesterday. "Need to do a check up...And then...I don't know." Seonghwa kissed the back of his head and sighed.

"Okay, are you still mad at me?" Hongjoong rose an eyebrow and turned around to face Seonghwa. He took his face into his small hands and kissed his lips. "Mad at you? No, never...I never was." Seonghwa pulled Hongjoong closer. "But why did you ignore me yesterday? Why were you so cold to me?" He asked and Hongjoong cuddled up onto Seonghwa's chest.

"How I said; I was traumatized. I still am. I can't forget that and I was in a deep trance then. I-I just don't know how to deal with that. And yesterday, I just needed a bit of space for myself and that's why I shut you out. And the reason why I pushed your hands away from my belly, was because they were full of blood, although it sounds dumb and silly but I thought it'd hurt our baby..." He mumbled and Seonghwa caressed Hongjoong's hair.

"I could hire someone for therapy for you if it would help you." Hongjoong smiled and pecked Seonghwa's lips real quick before shaking his head. "Maybe when it gets worse but at the moment it's okay." Seonghwa nodded and kissed the top of Hongjoong's head.


(2 more weeks later)

"Excited?" Seonghwa asked, his heart pounding against his ribcage as he held Hongjoong's hands. The smaller had a small smile on his lips and he nodded. "Very." He calmly said and took Seonghwa's hand.

After those two weeks, Hongjoong felt a little better. Though he had nightmares about Misoo, he recovered  well. He also agreed to take few therapy lessons and it really helped him to slowly forget about the thing he saw. And they were also about to find out the gender of their baby today. Well, not today but soon because of the gender party in two days.

They entered the infirmary, where everyone else already stood beside the lie. Hongjoong was a little embarrassed of showing off his belly to all the guys but he wanted to trust them and don't feel ashamed.

Jisoo was smiling at the couple when they entered the room and it felt like a dream for both of them. Seonghwa never thought that this moment would come, finding out the gender of your own baby.

Jisoo guided Hongjoong onto the lie and pulled up his pullover. Seonghwa stood right beside him and held his hand while Jisoo got the monitor ready. The other four boys were standing somewhere in the corner and gave the couple a little bit of privacy.

"Are you excited?" Jisoo asked with a smile while pulling up her mask. Just like Seonghwa asked a few minutes ago, he gave the same response with a simple nod.

Seonghwa looked down at him with a big smile, signaling him that he did a great job. "I'd recommend shutting your eyes so you won't see anything. We don't want to ruin the surprise, don't we?" She asked with a giggle and the couple nodded. Seonghwa placed his hand over Hongjoong's eyes and Hongjoong's hand covered Seonghwa's eyes.

Hongjoong then felt the cold and sticky substance on his belly, which moved into different directions. Hongjoong's heart raced, he was never so excited like now and Seonghwa felt the exact same way.

Suddenly, the couple heard the boys gasp and small snickers could be heard. "You owe me $10!" Yunho whispered to someone else and Seonghwa had to chuckle along with Hongjoong.

Just a few minutes later, Jisoo took a tissue and wiped the substance from Hongjoong's belly, before throwing it away. "You can open your eyes now." She said and both took their hands from each others eyes, smiling to each other lovingly.

Seonghwa helped Hongjoong to sit up again and he hopped down from the lie carefully. "That was it. But...Could I change a few words with Seonghwa when you go out?" The boys looked confused but nodded. Seonghwa quickly kissed Hongjoong, before he left the room along with the other boys.

Seonghwa looked back at Jisoo, who pulled her mask down so breathe properly again. "Seonghwa, I really want to thank you, that you did this to Misoo. I feel finally safe again that I had my revenge on her. I can't describe how thankful I am and the least I can do is helping you and Hongjoong through the pregnancy process and bringing your child healthy to the world." She said and bowed in 90 degrees. Seonghwa smiled and pulled her up by her shoulders.

"Don't thank me that much. I needed to do this." Jisoo nodded and Seonghwa quickly left the infirmary. Hongjoong was again waiting for Seonghwa outside and threw himself on the taller.

"I missed you!" He said and began kissing his neck softly. Seonghwa chuckled and his hands wandered down his sides to his butt, squeezed it slightly. "It's just been a few minutes." Hongjoong whimpered when Seonghwa started massaging his ass through his pants and buried his head into the crook of Seonghwa's neck. "B-But I still missed you very much." He said.

Seonghwa had to smile and pecked his head. "S-Seongie s-stop...Or else I-I'm getting wet." Seonghwa sighed and looked into Hongjoong's eyes when the smaller pulled away. "And that's exactly my goal." He smirked and hovered Hongjoong into the air.

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