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Seonghwa and San were on their way to a café, where Misoo was located. Just a few days before, Mingi was able to hack into her phone and find out her location, so that he could tell at the exact moment where she was.

Their plan was easy: As soon as San and him walk into the café and sit down, she'll probably come over to talk to them. Then, they would let her just sit with them. While talking and taking things easy, San will mix a poison into her drink, so that she'll knock out by any time. And the rest was freestyle.

Seonghwa didn't feel well at the moment. He didn't even want to be near her nor see her. Misoo will probably try any kind of physical touch with them and just to think about that he wanted to throw up.

The car stopped and it was time for San and Seonghwa to get out. When both stood in front of the café, both collected their breaths and stepped in. It wasn't full since it was a Wednesday and many people had to work. So only a few persons sat in there plus Misoo. Their eyes scanned the room and found the black haired beauty sitting on a table at a window, eyes fixed on the two males.

Seonghwa and San shared a look, which were literally saying 'now or never', before they sat down on the table right next to her. A waiter came to them to collect their order and then walked away after they ordered.

They saw how Misoo eyed them every single second but she didn't move an inch. "Do you think we should talk...to her?" San asked and not his bottom lip. Seonghwa didn't want to. "We have to if she's not doing anything." He said and San nodded.

Both stood up and walked over to the girl, to sit down in front of her and hell, it was awkward as fuck.

"Hey." Seonghwa began, letting Misoo smirk. "Hey." She said in her most flirtatious tone. "So uhm...what are you doing here?" Seonghwa asked, although he didn't know what to say and San just kept quiet. "The question is; what are YOU doing here? I thought you'd be with your boyfriend." She said and crossed her arms. Did Seonghwa really had to lie to her now?

"We actually broke up."

Misoo's smirk widened. "Oh, and so you're coming back to me? Wise choice Mr Park." Seonghwa could just hum and tapped nervously on the table. "Can I buy you a drink? My treat of course." Misoo smiled wildly and nodded. Seonghwa looked over to San who handed him the poison underneath the table. He put it into his pocket and stood up.

While Seonghwa ordered a drink for all three San was now alone with Misoo. "And who are you?" She asked while winking at him. San gulped. "My name is San. I-I'm just here with Mr Park because we usually wanted to grab some coffee and saw you here..." Misoo nodded understandingly. San looked behind him and saw how Seonghwa returned with the three cups of coffee.

He sat down and handed Misoo one and the other San. "You know Mr Park, I understand why you broke up with that guy." She laughed. "I mean look at him. First of all: he's a guy. Second; he's nothing compared to me, a useless piece of shit," She grumbled and made Seonghwa angry with every word that left her mouth. His hand clenched around his cup as he looked down.

"And the weirdest thing was definitely that bullshit with that blanket. Like what the hell! He isn't a fucking child anymore, I'm glad you chose me and left him." She smiled as if she didn't badly hurt Seonghwa's feelings and insult his fiancé. Misoo took a sip from her coffee, making San smirk a little.

The poison was very strong, so if you'd take one sip for example here on coffee, you'll faint after a few seconds and that's exactly what happened to Misoo.

Her vision became blurry and everything began to to spin. Suddenly everything went dark and her head banged onto the table.

Seonghwa sighed relieved, that he didn't need to listen anymore to her dumb words that left her mouth.

The males stood up and stepped around the table to hover the girl's arms over their shoulder, so they could with ease transport her out of the small café. They received very weirded out stares but no one talked to them about the girl they were kidnapping.

When San and Seonghwa reached the car, San pulled the door open from the Van and Seonghwa threw Misoo violently into the backseat. He was filled with anger and hate towards the girl and couldn't wait until she was fully gone.

Mingi was also told to hack the cameras everywhere they'd be seen in, so it would look like that Misoo just disappeared.

Meanwhile, Hongjoong and Wooyoung laughed their asses off when Wooyoung told Hongjoong funny stories about his fiancé or San. He also told him about the incident when he woke up Seonghwa once from his sleep and had to clean the mansion with a toothbrush, wich took a lot longer than expected.

"I can't believe that happened!" Hongjoong laughed and hit him lightly. Wooyoung could just laugh along with him although he felt very dumb at this moment.

When they calmed their laughers, they continued cuddling up into the sheets and watching the movie. Wooyoung thought Hongjoong did a great job at not missing Seonghwa that much. It maybe was just a few hours but he noticed how attached Hongjoong got to the older, neither of them could live without the other.

That's how San and him felt when they first got together. It was hilarious how they met but Wooyoung always smiled when he thought back to that time.

"When do you think are they coming back? I miss Seongie..." And here we go again...
Wooyoung sighed and shrugged. "No idea." He just said and continued watching.

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