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Seonghwa panted heavily and took a deep breath. "I changed my mind! Place the bed in the corner!" Hongjoong said happily with his banana in the hand. Hours long they spent trying to set up the babies room and Hongjoong helped Seonghwa by standing at the door and telling him where he should place the things.
But he constantly changed his mind and Seonghwa needed to replace them.

"Oh my god, please Joongie. Finally decide for a proper place, I can't move the bed around the whole time long!" He exclaimed

"Hmm...Let me think...Yes you can and now place the bed in the middle on the wall over there please!" He smiled innocently and Seonghwa groaned loudly. Hongjoong really liked to torture him.

He pushed the bed over to the middle, where Hongjoong's big bed once stood and wiped the sweat off his forehead. "Like that?" He asked and looked over to Hongjoong who nodded.

"Perfect! Do you want a reward?" He asked smirking and let Seonghwa chuckle. He walked over to his fiancé and pulled the smaller into a hug, hands placing on his butt. "What can you give me?" He whispered into Hongjoong's ear who giggled. "Carrots wrapped in raw fish flesh!"

Seonghwa groaned loudly once again. "Oh god, what am I doing with you?" He asked and caressed Hongjoong's hair.

"Do you think our baby and Wooyoung and San's baby will become good friends?" Hongjoong asked when he caressed his bump. Seonghwa hummed and stroked his hair gently. Both laid in their bed and cuddled since hours now.

"I'm sure they will." Hongjoong smiled at Seonghwa and leaned in to steal another kiss from his fiancé.

"By the way, do we have hot sauce?" Hongjoong grinned and Seonghwa sighed dramatically. "You want to drink it?" Hongjoong shook his head and sat up. "Nooo, I want to mix it!" Seonghwa also sat up and looked at the younger confused. "With what?"

"Honey!" He explained and Seonghwa hummed. "Of-Of course. Come on baby." He just said and wrapped his arm around his waist while they left the room. Hongjoong was a little excited that his Seongie would allow him to eat this because he thought spice might be not good for the baby but Hongjoong convinced him otherwise after their ramen date they once had.

When the couple was in the kitchen, Hongjoong freed himself from Seonghwa's grip and ran over to the cupboards and looked for the hot sauce and honey. He found the items a bit later and took out a spoon to pour the liquids on it.

Seonghwa watched the smaller boy eating dozens of spoons with the hot sauce and honey which slightly concerned him. Wasn't it too spicy?

"Hongjoong, put the spoon down and please eat something else than this." Seonghwa said and Hongjoong turned around. "No." He said and continued eating. Seonghwa rolled his eyes and stood up before walking over to him, to take away his spoon. He wanted to look stern but when Hongjoong turned around to him, made grabby hands towards the spoon and Seonghwa saw his with hot sauce smeared mouth he just needed to laugh.

"Hey! What's so funny?!" Hongjoong asked while stomping with his feet and crossed his arms. Seonghwa calmed down and put the spoon into the sink. "Nothing, you just look adorable." Seonghwa whispered when he bent down to Hongjoong's height. He smiled and blushed before kissing Seonghwa's lips who immediately backed away.

"Oh my god, ew!" He said and hurried over to the sink to wash the hot sauce and honey taste from his mouth while Hongjoong laughed at him. After Seonghwa washed up, he turned and pushed Hongjoong over to the sink. "Wash your mouth." He whispered from behind into Hongjoong's ear, who sighed and did what he was told to.

"Better?" He asked and turned around. Seonghwa just nodded. "Much better." He said and pressed their lips together. Hongjoong threw his arms around Seonghwa's neck and Seonghwa's gripped roughly onto his hipbones. When Seonghwa wanted to deepen the kiss, they got disturbed by Hongjoong's stomach which growled.

They giggled into the kiss and pulled away. "Are you still hungry?" Hongjoong nodded and pouted. "Do you want to order something?" He nodded again. Seonghwa hummed and wrapped an arm around Hongjoong's waist once again to guide him into the living room.

The settled down on the couch and Seonghwa took his phone while Hongjoong took the remote to use the TV.

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