075 [M]

718 29 18

Before both could know, Hongjoong's and Seonghwa's underwear laid on the floor. Hongjoong's wet pussy lips wrapped around Seonghwa's member while he still moved for-and backwards on him. The older groaned and had his head laid back on the sofa along with his arms. Hongjoong's small hands held onto his broad shoulders while moaning.

But then, Seonghwa had enough of the teasing. He suddenly gripped into Hongjoong's hips, to place him on his dick. He whimpered a little and took a deep breath, before he took Seonghwa's cock into his small hands and placed it at his entrance, to slowly sink down on it. Hongjoong buried his head into the crook of Seonghwa's neck, who's hands found place on his plumb, naked butt, giving them a light squeeze.

Hongjoong squeaked a little. By that noise, Seonghwa's eyes flew open. That was unbelievable cute, so he did the same thing over and over again, just to listen to those beautiful noises. It tickled a little, that was why Hongjoong began to laugh along with Seonghwa, who had an ear to ear smile on his dark pink lips. Seonghwa then let go off his ass and continued to tickle him all over his body, his hips, his belly, his chest and his sides.

The smaller boy was laughing all over the place still with Seonghwa's dick inside him. He just noticed that again when he had to jump a little on Seonghwa, so that his cock hit his prostate. Hongjoong moaned and fell forwards on Seonghwa's chest, who then wrapped his arms around him.

"Be careful princess." He chuckled and kissed Hongjoong's head and slapped his ass. "Enough fun, don't be lazy and make us feel good, sweetheart." Hongjoong nodded and lifted himself up, just to slam  back down on Seonghwa's cock. Both moaned and threw their heads back into their necks. Hongjoong continued to bounce on Seonghwa's member, so that the taller had to groan into Hongjoong's ear.

Hongjoong's nails dug into Seonghwa's back, since he picked up a little of speed, so that his fiancés cock hit his prostate. He moaned uncontrollably and scratched at Seonghwa well build back. The taller didn't mind though, he went through worse things. He held Hongjoong by his hips and helped him with the rhythm, so they would quickly reach their orgasm.

"M-Master hahh~" He moaned and let Seonghwa cup his face, while pounding into him from underneath. "What's it babygirl?" He asked and made Hongjoong moan once more. "M-More please." Seonghwa chuckled and stopped his movements. He stood up with Hongjoong on his arms and placed him down on the leather sofa.

He kissed Hongjoong's cheek and continued to thrust into him in that position. Seonghwa now had a complete new position and could reach deeper into Hongjoong's insides. Seonghwa moaned and bend down to the smaller to spread hickeys all over his neck. "Fuck, you're still so tight for me." He said and continued to pound into him.

Hongjoong arched his back and moaned loudly while his chest rose up and down violently. Skin slapping noises filled the room and countless moans. Seonghwa always enjoyed how Hongjoong would be laying underneath him, sweat sticking on his forehead while he completely obeyed the older.

"M-Master...Gonna cum, soon." Hongjoong babbled and Seonghwa chuckled. "Cum with me baby." Seonghwa's icy fingertips caressed his sides and softly pinched into them. Both felt how their abdomen tightened and after Seonghwa lost the rhythm and the regular tempo, Hongjoong climaxed and clenched his warm walls around Seonghwa's cock, making the taller groan loudly and release inside of him.

The couple collected their breaths, before Seonghwa pulled out of the smaller and pulled him at his shoulders up on his lap, to wrap his arms about his petite body. "I love you honey." Hongjoong smiled. "I love you too Seongie."


Seonghwa was frustrated and slammed his fist on the desk. He knitted his eyebrows in anger and threw the paper he held in his hands on the floor. The black haired male just received an other letter from a certain person he knew just too good.

Misoo somehow managed to come over personally and gave the maids again a piece of paper since Seonghwa was busy making love with Hongjoong. In the letter stood nothing much, she just asked about how his day was and kept being delusional of her and him being a happy couple together and damn made this Seonghwa aggressive.

He needed a plan to get that girl out of sight or else he'll be going insane at some point.

He also didn't want to tell Hongjoong, because the smaller would feel more unsafe than before. He was currently sleeping in their bedroom after they cleaned up and Seonghwa was happy that he could do a little of work, so that they had enough time for tomorrow to continue planning their wedding.

Seonghwa though already had something in mind when it came to honeymoon. He wanted to do something very special with Hongjoong and planned to go maybe on vacation. Maybe somewhere in the Caribbean or something like that.

Nevertheless, Seonghwa threw Misoo's letter away and quickly stood up to go upstairs. It was night time and no wonder why Hongjoong was asleep by now. Seonghwa lately noticed that he got tired very quick and slept a lot, also during the day.

He turned the doorknob and walked into the room after closing the door again. It was lovely to see Hongjoong cuddled up in the covers, with the pinky blanket by his side and the big teddy bear he got gifted from Seonghwa at the theme park beside his side of the bed.

Seonghwa smiled to himself and got ready for the bed. He brushed his teeth, showered and took off his shirt so he could comfortably lie down next to his small fiancé.

The taller smiled and wrapped an arm around Hongjoong's waist so he could pull him closer to him. After Seonghwa made sure both were in a comfortable position, he closed his eyes and dozed off very quickly.

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