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A week passed and Hongjoong felt surprisingly better. He warmed up to be alone and was sure he will make it through an other week now without being sad.

The couple phoned each other, how promised, every single day. Whenever Seonghwa was free, they texted and talked about their day.

Hongjoong mostly stayed in their room, since he didn't want to go outside but Seonghwa had plenty to do. They were actually a big group with the other mafia they cooperated with. About 100 people fought against the opponents.

Until now, everything went fine and it seemed like Seonghwa could go home earlier than planned. Hongjoong told him about how his morning sickness came slowly back because he had to vomit more than before and he complained about how terrible he felt. Seonghwa felt bad again. He couldn't be there with him and comfort him like he always did but he soon came back.

"Joong, wanna go to the mall? I have an idea!" Hongjoong looked up from his phone into Wooyoung's eyes. Yunho, Mingi and San were working again. Yunho and Mingi did their bodyguard things while San was commissioned to take over Seonghwa's company until he came back.

"Idea? What have you planned?" Hongjoong asked as he put his phone away when he stood up to face the other male. "Going shopping! AND dyeing our hair together! What about that?" He asked excited. Hongjoong thought for a while.

Why doesn't he surprise Seonghwa with a new haircut?

He shrugged and nodded. "Sure. Are we going now or-" Hongjoong couldn't finish his sentence, because Wooyoung took his wrist and pulled him outside. The cold air hit Hongjoong like a punch in the face. "The hell Woo, I don't even have a jacket!" Hongjoong pouted and hugged himself because of the coldness in the cool October air. Wooyoung chuckled a bit embarrassed and scratched the back of his head.

"Sorry." Hongjoong smiled and hurried back into the house, grabbed his jacket and quickly ran back to Wooyoung.

"Can we go now?" He asked and Hongjoong nodded. They decided to take the bus since no one had a driving license and no one was there to drive them.

While they walked to the bus stop, Wooyoung had told him quite surprising news. He told Hongjoong that San and him were about to adopt a baby, so Hongjoong's one and their one could grow up together. The older was touched by this and even had to cry a little. Wooyoung just laughed at this and told more details about their wish about a baby.

The bus soon came and let both in. They paid and sat down on one of the seats. "About that color do you thought until now?" Wooyoung asked Hongjoong who was lost in thoughts currently. Right. What should he try? Something Seonghwa likes. Something Seonghwa will adore.

"Light blue? I don't know...But I think I'll go for blue." He said and smiled. "That's a beautiful idea! I want to dye my hair blonde because it looked so good on you and I thought I could try the same." Hongjoong slightly blushed at the compliment and Wooyoung giggled. "Thank you..." They talked the rest of the ride, until the bus stopped at their destination.

Wooyoung was the first one who exited the bus like hyperbolic kid and Hongjoong after him. The boys didn't stand long and immediately headed into the big mall, looking for one of the hairdressers. There was actually a very good one, where Hongjoong always wanted to go but it was just too expensive for him.

His eyes scanned around the big hall and finally saw what he was looking for. "Let's go there! This one does a really good job, I read it in a magazine once!" Wooyoung agreed and the pair went into the small store, where they were greeted by employees.

They went to the reception and talked to the old lady behind it. Both had a very good feeling about that and trusted the hairdressers while watching them work.

"Joong! Smile!" Wooyoung laughed and pointed his phone camera at Hongjoong who currently got washed out the color. He was a bit taken back but giggled nonetheless.

Wooyoung was already done and he looked stunning, absolutely ethereal. Hongjoong had to wait for a little until he could remove the towel from his hair.

The mall wasn't quite full. It was a Tuesday and so, many people had to work. Hongjoong really enjoyed that Seonghwa said no working until he was back. Seonghwa...He missed him so much...But just five days to go and he'd be there again, so Hongjoong didn't want to see it negative.

"You can remove the towel now." The employee told Hongjoong who nodded and slowly took the towel off. His eyes sparkled when he saw how cute he looked with light blue hair. He touched it and smiled at himself. Seonghwa is going to love it.

He bowed to the hairdresser and walked then over to Wooyoung, who's mouth was wide open. Hongjoong titled his head and raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong?" Wooyoung began squeaking all over the place. "You look absolutely adorable Joongie, Oh my god!" The smaller blushed once again and looked aside.

"Thank you Woo. You look amazing as well." He smiled. The two boys said goodbye and then walked out of the store, with their new hair colors.

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