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Hongjoong was drying Jongho right now, after his first and warm bath. The whole time he would play a little with the bubbles and Hongjoong snapped a few pictures, sending them to his lover who would sit downstairs and wait for him.

He put the diaper on and the jumpsuit, before he wrapped the soft blanket around his small body. He took him into his arms and walked with him downstairs where Seonghwa already waited for them.

When he saw his angels, he could nothing do but cry a little. He would always do that since a few days and to Hongjoong, it was hilarious sometimes. He sat down beside Seonghwa and handed him the baby carefully.

"Who's my good boy?" He whispered and gave Jongho his index finger to play with. Hongjoong just watched the two interacting preciously. Jongho even giggled and put his fathers finger into his mouth. Seonghwa laughed because the feeling felt funny and it tickled, the sight made Hongjoong's heart melt.

He placed his chin onto the others shoulder and watched them. Seonghwa kept gently playing with Jongho, he never felt so happy like right now. "My little angel, daddy's going to protect you and someday you can protect and defend yourself as well." Hongjoong smiled at them and looked how his son kept his eyes locked with his father. "Seonghwa, I love you." Hongjoong said and Seonghwa turned his head to smile at him. "I love you too."

After their cuddle session ended, Hongjoong went upstairs to feed Jongho and lay him down so he could sleep. It was so cute when Jongho would hold his mothers fingertip during sleep and Hongjoong quickly took an other photo before leaving the bedroom.

He hurried downstairs again and let himself plop on Seonghwa's lap. He hissed a little in pain and let Hongjoong laugh. "Sorry honey." He giggled and Seonghwa shook his head while smiling. "It's okay. Just...don't move." He pleaded and Hongjoong nodded.

"I'm so excited for our wedding." Seonghwa said while kissing his neck. Hongjoong hummed and leaned into Seonghwa's touch. "Me too. I'm excited what you have chosen as your suit!" He exclaimed and Seonghwa chuckled. "And I'm looking forward to see you in a pretty dress. Ohh, I can already see you walking down the aisle! You'll look gorgeous." Hongjoong blushed and slapped Seonghwa's chest. "S-Stop..." Seonghwa just laughed it off.

"Seonghwa, I always asked myself who will walk with me. I mean, my parents and grandparents are dead and I don't know any other family members... Should I just ask Wooyoung or Yunho? But I wanted Yunho as my best man so I could ask Wooyoung. What about you? Anyone that you want to be your best man Seongie?" Hongjoong smiled and Seonghwa chuckled at Hongjoong's interest.

"Well, I can't really decide. San is my most faithful friend and he sticks by my side since he joined us. But Mingi is my childhood friend and was with me all my life long." He said. For Seonghwa it was a very hard decision and he felt like he was going to disappoint one of his friends when he didn't chose them as best man. Hongjoong couldn't find any words, he didn't know how to help him.

"Oh Seongie, I'm sorry but I can't help you with this one actually." He pouted and was sad about not being able to help him but Seonghwa shrugged it off. "It's okay baby. I'm happy that you have your best man chosen." Hongjoong hummed. "Thank you. Do you think you should invite any family members? I mean, as long as you want to." He said and wrapped his arms around his neck. "Well, my parents and grandparents are dead as well but I do have an uncle. I just don't know if he wants to see me after the incident with my parents... I didn't have had contact with him and my aunt ever since then." Hongjoong blinked and put a hair strain behind his ear.

Hongjoong kissed his cheek. "Maybe you should go and visit them sometime?" Seonghwa sighed and wanted to reply, if someone didn't interrupt their moment.

San suddenly began to yell. "What's up mommy and daddy!" Both immediately hushed the boy. Wooyoung even slapped his head and San whined before pouting at his boyfriend who just could shake his head with a chuckle.

"Next time, please just ring San." Seonghwa said and San couldn't help but laugh awkwardly. "Sorry Hyung, I still had your key and I thought, we could visit you real quick." He smiled and let him fall beside the couple and Wooyoung did the same, the couple wasn't bothered that Hongjoong was still sitting on Seonghwa's lap.

They both looked at each other in surprised but giggled in the end. "We have some great news!" Wooyoung suddenly announced, pulling the attention on him. Hongjoong nodded so he could continue talking.

"We now know when we want to adopt our baby!" He smiled wich everyone else here returned. "That's great! Do you know when exactly?" Wooyoung nodded. "Around in a year. Sannie and me kept thinking about doing it when we are 30 but if you two can handle having a baby, then we probably too. And if not, we're going to collect advice from you." Wooyoung smiled.

"I can't wait." Hongjoong also smiled and got down from Seonghwa's lap. The taller pouted and blamed it all on Woosan that his fiancé climbed down from his lap. "Do you want to drink or eat anything? I still have a bit of strawberry shortcake in the fridge." He offered and San and Wooyoung's eyes immediately lit up. "Of course, thank you so much!" Wooyoung said and San could just nod. "Okay, I'll be right back." He said and left the three males.

"So, how is it being a father Seonghwa?" Seonghwa sighed and bit his lip. "Well, it isn't easy. I'm really worried about Hongjoong because he keeps waking up every night, so often, he barely can get out of bed next morning. He needs to feed Jongho and keeps taking care of the household as well. I feel bad. But he says I shouldn't worry too much but he's overworking himself."

Seonghwa looked down and avoided eye contact with the couple because he felt some kind of embarrassment inside him. He couldn't even support his future wife, what will Seonghwa be for a supportive husband towards Hongjoong?

"It's okay Seonghwa. But you could at least say something against Hongjoong's will, so he hasn't much to do." San said and Seonghwa nodded. He was right. Just when Seonghwa was about to say something else, Hongjoong returned with two plates of cake.

He gave Wooyoung the first plate and San the second one. Both thanked him and took the mini fork to dig in. Hongjoong turned around to Seonghwa and smiled at him. "Honey, do you want something too?" Seonghwa nodded. "Yeah, but I can-" He wanted to offer his help but Hongjoong cut him off. "Okay good, I'll be right back." He said and left with that.

"That's the perfect opportunity Hwa. Go and help him." Wooyoung said and Seonghwa nodded before standing up and went into the kitchen as well.

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