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The time had come, when Hongjoong and Seonghwa stood together in front of the door, ready to leave for their date. Seonghwa said to Hongjoong, it would be a surprise, when the smaller asked where they will go.

The blonde haired was nervous. Very nervous. He was never on a date with a mafia leader and the fact, that it was Seonghwa, made him even more go insane.

"Are you okay?" Seonghwa put a hand on Hongjoong's cheek and rubbed over it with his thumb. "Yeah, I am. I'm just about nervous, you know?" Seonghwa chuckled. "It's okay. I mean, that's our first real date and I'm nervous too." Hongjoong smiled.


They drove for quite a while. Hongjoong slept the most time of the ride and Seonghwa just admired him.

After they reached their destination, Seonghwa softly shook Hongjoong's shoulder. "Hm?" - "We arrived, Baby." Hongjoong slightly smiled and hopped out of the car.

When the younger looked around and saw a fancy restaurant in front of them. "Wow, it's so pretty!" Hongjoong exclaimed and the black haired male grabbed his hand. "I know. Let's go inside."

They stepped inside and got lead to their seats, near a big window. Hongjoong knew this restaurant. It was one of the most famous ones in Korea. He always wanted to go there but since it was very expensive, he couldn't afford it.

Seonghwa told Hongjoong he could be the first to order his food, afterwards Seonghwa did. But when the smaller looked the menu, his jaw dropped. The cheapest food costed around $30-100$.
"S-Seonghwa...This is way to expensive!" Seonghwa just chuckled. "You are much more worth, I would pay anything for you. Just choose something, no matter how much it cost." Hongjoong sighed but smiled at Seonghwa. "Thank you Hwa. Really, thank you so much."

Both ordered their food and chatted for a while, until their food came.

"This wasn't necessary, Hwa. Really." Seonghwa shook his head. "It's a date Baby, I just want the best for you." Those words made Hongjoong blush. He couldn't believe someone actually cared about him.

After they had finished eating in the restaurant, both of them drove back to Seonghwa's estate. Hongjoong was still amazed by the huge house, he lived for now on.

"Baby?" Seonghwa called out and Hongjoong turned around. "Meet me outside at the tennis court yeah? We're gonna play some tennis if you want." Hongjoong smiled and nodded, before storming upstairs into his room.

He wanted to look pretty for Seonghwa but also sporty. Something that would fit tennis, was a white skirt, some snickers and a baby blue colored crop top. Hongjoong spun around in front of the mirror, happy with his look.

He hurried outside to the tennis court and back hugged Seonghwa, who's throat left a little scream of shock. But when the older turned around, he sighed and kissed the younger's forehead.

"You scared me, baby." He chuckled what Hongjoong returned. "I'm sorry." He pouted and looked up to the black haired guy. "Wanna play now?" - "Sure!"


They played the whole afternoon and it was getting late. Both of them were tired and decided to stop before someone would collapse.

"Let's stop for today baby." Hongjoong just nods and handed the tennis racket to Seonghwa, who put them away.

The two made their way inside but suddenly, Hongjoong was hovered into the air. "Wha- Seonghwa!" He began to laugh, when the older swung him over his broad shoulders and spun around. Hongjoong giggled and hold onto Seonghwa's back, to not fall down.

Seonghwa stopped spinning and giggled also, when he went upstairs. He was pretty sure, Hongjoong wouldn't complain about sleeping with him in one bed again. He didn't either, of course.

The black haired male opened the bedroom door and threw Hongjoong on the bed.

"Are we going to have sex?"

"What- Joongie! Is this the way you think of me...?" Seonghwa fake pouted, which made Hongjoong worry.

"No, Seongie! I'm sorry!" Seonghwa chuckled and leaned over the younger.

"But we can, if you want." Seonghwa's breath striped slightly along the others ear, wich gave him goosebumps.

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