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Seonghwa was at his end. All the week he had to work. Fixing guns, practicing, working out, meetings and other meet ups with Mr Smith. The two mafia leaders really came along very well. Seonghwa even thought about to partner up with him.

But the only thing that matters now was coming home as soon as possible. Usually, Seonghwa would fly today but Mr Smith had a big question and so he needed to stay for one more day, although Seonghwa didn't really want to.

He was fixing his tie in the mirror, when a knock disturbed him. Memories of Hongjoong knocking at his office door streamed into his brain, that he almost wanted to yell 'come in love.' He really missed the younger and coming to the U.S.A without him, was a big mistake.

"Yes?" Seonghwa yelled and did the last thing on his suit. Changbin stood in the doorway and smiled. "If you agree Mr Park, I would accompany you to Mr Smith." Seonghwa nodded and walked towards Changin. He closed the door and locked it with the key, so no one was able to touch his luggage. Seonghwa had already packed for tomorrow so he could fly back immediately.

There were also other security guards who would bring Seonghwa down to the limousine that parked in front of the hotel. Mr Smith meant it was very important and so he needed to look perfect and to be on time.

The door of the large car got open by an other security guard so Seonghwa could go in. He thanked the man and sat down on the luxurious leather seats. The driver then started the motor and began to drive the vehicle.

While the car drove, Seonghwa thought. All this week he was busy helping killing people and making up plans. It was insane what they had reached in two weeks, because the mafia who bothered Mr Smith ones was dead meat by now. And he got out without any scars on his body.

He smiled to himself and continued to look up at the sky from Chicago. Chicago was a beautiful but dangerous city. Seonghwa thought about maybe moving here with Hongjoong before but now that he had a closer look, he knew he definitely wouldn't. After all, their baby should grow up in a normal place.

The car ride didn't last long until they arrived where the destination was. The door got opened again for Seonghwa. His long, elegant legs carried him out of the vehicle. He bowed politely to his driver and walked into the big mansion in front of him. Seonghwa was immediately greeted by Mr Smith and some other security guards again.

"Mr Park! Amazing that you've made it!" He shook his hand and smiled, which Seonghwa returned politely. "Come with me." Mr Smith ran forward, followed by Seonghwa and some guards.

Seonghwa was multiple times in that mansion because of discussing some attacks on the other mafia. But the mansion was a little smaller than Seonghwa's one and had a very one toned touch, which gave off cold vibes and Seonghwa didn't really feel comfortable in here.

They entered his office and Seonghwa sat on the chair in front of Mr Smiths desk down.

"So Mr Park, you probably wondered why I wanted to see you one more time." Seonghwa nodded and kept a straight face. He just wanted back home to Hongjoong. "There is someone very important I need to introduce you to." The old man smiled and yelled a loud 'come in'. The door opened and in the doorway stood a young and pretty lady, with long blonde hair and a red dress.

She walked over to Mr Smith and stopped beside him. "Mr Park, that's my beautiful daughter Elly, isn't she pretty?" Seonghwa raised an eyebrow. What was the goal of this? Seonghwa just hummed and kept staring at the man in front of him. "I'll just cut it short. I noticed we are very good with each other and since my undercover company needs a bit support, I wanted to ask you for a partner up and for that I wanted to advertise a date for you two, so you could possibly marry in the near future!" He said excited.

Seonghwa glanced over to the girl, who winked at him with a smirk. He looked back. "It would be good for both of our undercover companies, see the good things in there!" Seonghwa suddenly began to laugh, leaving father and daughter confused looking at him. When Seonghwa calmed down again, he pretended to wipe a tear away. "You're very funny. You can't be serious?" Mr Smith nodded. "I'm totally serious Mr Park! She's unbelievable pretty and you're just perfect for her."

Seonghwa chuckled and stood up and walked behind the chair. "If that's what you wanted from me, then I'm done here. Was nice to meet you." He said and walked towards the door to open it. "Mr Park! Give it a chance please!" Seonghwa shook his head. "I'm already engaged and I'm staying loyal to my fiancé." Mr Smith wanted to say something else, but Seonghwa already closed the door.

"Gentleman, I'm done. You can drive me back the hotel now." Seonghwa smiled to the security guards who nodded and walked with him to the car outside.

When he was in it, he smiled up into the sky. He wanted to fly right now back, and so he did.

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