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The sound of heels echoed around the building, when Misoo was on her way to Seonghwa's office. She wanted to see him again and this time no one was able to distract them. She stopped in front of the door and knocked. When the person from the inside shouted 'yes', the girl opened the door and walked into the office.

Misoo quickly fixed her hair and stopped in front of the male. "Mr Park, is lunch time still up with us, since you couldn't attend yesterday?" She winked and smiled. Seonghwa had his eyes still fixed on the monitor, he didn't want to answer. "I take this as a yes." She leaned forward and whispered with a small smirk. Seonghwa clenched his fists and was ready to scream at her, punch the shit out of her, wouldn't there be a knock on the door. Misoo huffed and pulled away, before standing on the side.

Seonghwa yelled again, a yes, and to his surprise, his little boyfriend stood there in the doorway, a small tear fell down his chin. Seonghwa's eyes widened in shock. He immediately stood up and headed over to him, ignoring the girl still standing in the room. "What is wrong Joongie? Why are you crying?" Hongjoong sobbed and looked up at him. "I feel s-so bad Seongie."

Misoo was confused. It was the boy she saw Seonghwa with on the day in that store. She figured they might be very close friends. So why did they called each other nicknames? Did boys do such things?

She watched them, how Seonghwa kept comforting the boy. He soon guided the blonde haired male on his couch. Seonghwa then gave his attention to Misoo. "Leave." Seonghwa announced with a death glare. "What do you mean Seonghwa? I thought we would talk for a bit." She laughed awkwardly but received another death glare. "How the fuck do you think that? And who do you think you are, calling me by my first name?! Now leave!" He screamed. Misoo bowed and quickly made her way out of his office.

She slammed the door close behind her, frustration painted her face. She was jealous. Jealous because Seonghwa kept comforting him and not her. Who even is this? And why is he in that building? She had so many questions and no answers, unless she would solve them on her own.

Seonghwa sat in front of Hongjoong, hands resting on his knees. He was worried because Hongjoong told him how nauseous he felt. Seonghwa had also gotten a bucket for him, in case he had to vomit.

"I'm sorry about that girl. It's this bitch I told you about. She's delusional." Seonghwa smiled a bit sadly. Hongjoong felt weak, he wanted to give the other a smile but couldn't. Seonghwa stood up and kissed Hongjoong's lips. "There's a blanket. If you're cold, please take it. I don't want you to get sick." Hongjoong nodded and placed the bucket on the floor. He laid back on the couch and closed his eyes, while Seonghwa sat down on his armchair again, getting back to work.

He told Hongjoong not to go back and to stay with him. He wanted him to be - and feel safe. Seonghwa would always glance over to Hongjoong, while he slept. Seonghwa assumed this must be the morning sickness, although Hongjoong got it a bit late.

A few hours later, Hongjoong sat crying in front of the bucket, with Seonghwa by his side. He didn't stop vomiting since half an hour now and he hated how Seonghwa put him over his work, although it was very important to his boyfriend. He didn't like being the one disturbing Seonghwa during work.

The last time Hongjoong vomited was a few minutes ago. He felt a bit better and when he was sure, he wouldn't throw up again, Seonghwa put the bucket aside and helped Hongjoong up. "How are you feeling baby?" Hongjoong wiped his tears away. "Better. I already hate this..." He muttered and snuggled into Seonghwa's chest. "Do you want to wash your mouth? This door leads to a connected bathroom." Seonghwa pointed to a door. Hongjoong quickly nodded, before rushing into it.


The blonde haired boy had buried his head into the crook of Seonghwa's neck, with closed eyes. The older typed with one hand something in his computer and with the other hand he held Hongjoong, who was sleeping on his lap.

Everything got a bit better. Hongjoong needed a bit rest and Seonghwa wanted to give him exactly that. Seonghwa felt how Hongjoong shuffled a bit around on his lap, holding the blanket close, Seonghwa had covered him with. Seonghwa smiled and stroked his blonde hair.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Seonghwa sighed in annoyance, because it could possibly be Misoo again. To not wake Hongjoong up, he spoke in a normal voice 'come in'. The taller sighed this time relieved when he saw Ryujin.

"Hey Seonghwa, do you maybe-" Ryujin stopped herself when she saw Hongjoong sleeping on Seonghwa's lap. She wanted to ask where the smaller boy was but now she had her answer. "Oh. I'll be better going." She giggled and bowed before leaving. When Ryujin wanted to close the door, someone held it open.

Ryujin looked confused into Misoo's face. She hated her more than anything else. The first time she saw Misoo, she thought she'd be nice so she tried to be friends with her. She told her a lot of things she liked and she told her about her girlfriend Yeji. Later, Misoo came out as homophobe. Ryujin wanted to do everything to protect Hongjoong, before Misoo does something stupid. Ryujin also knew about Misoo's crush on Seonghwa, which she found extremely hilarious. No one was gayer than Seonghwa. Except for Woosan maybe.

"What do you want from him?" Ryujin ask in a quiet voice, because the door was still a bit open. Misoo tched at her and wanted to pull the door open, but Ryujin pushed her away and closed it as quiet as possible. Misoo stood up straight again and wanted to punch Ryujin but she just moved aside, so the other girl hit the air. "Don't even dare come near to Seonghwa." Misoo crossed her arms. "Why? Afraid I'm gonna steal him? Oh wait...You're gay." She laughed. Ryujin clenched her fits and gritted her teeth. This wasn't even funny what she said.

Ryujin was trained by Seonghwa, when she had to go on a mission once. She knows how to use a gun, she knew how to do taekwondo and she knew kickboxing. In this moment, she had to control herself, not to throw any punches at the girl in front of her.

"I'm leaving."

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