022 [M]

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Hongjoong didn't reply at first.

"I think that's a no." Seonghwa wanted to let go off him but was hold back.

"I-I want to. W-We are technically dating and-and isn't sex one of the things, people do w-when they are dating?" Hongjoong tried to explain, wich made sense to Seonghwa though. "Indeed it is baby." The older smirks and leaned down, to Hongjoong's neck.

He left soft kisses on the others neck, slowly forming hickeys. Hongjoong's breath got quicker than before, when he felt Seonghwa's hands trailing down, from his upper body to his waist. He pressed Hongjoong's waist down on the bed and began to kiss his tummy. The warmth of the older's kisses, on his stomach, made the butterflies fly like crazy in him. He never expected to feel such strong emotions, especially towards Seonghwa.

Seonghwa licked over a few parts of the formed hickeys, which made the younger slightly moan. Hongjoong grew impatient and wanted to finally start.

"S-Stop teasing please." The older chuckled deeply and pulled Hongjoong's skirt slowly down, revealing his panties under it. Hongjoong already knew, how much Seonghwa such kind of clothing liked and wanted to wear them more often, since Seonghwa gave him more confidence. "I love it when you wear these, kitten." He also removed these and threw the clothes on the ground.

Seonghwa circled Hongjoong's hole, sending shivers down the others spine. Hongjoong moaned, when Seonghwa slipped a finger into his wet pussy and began slowly to thrust. Wet noises filled the room, wich turned the older on. His cock twitched in his boxers, the fabric felt more and more uncomfortable around his member.

Seonghwa thrusted his fingers harder into his cunt, the air filled with beautiful noises that left Hongjoong's throat. Seonghwa could listen to them all day and all night, he definitely wanted Hongjoong to himself. Hongjoong's moans got louder as he was about to cum. But then, Seonghwa pulled his fingers out.

"Hm, don't stop please." The younger whined.

"Don't worry." Seonghwa replied simply. He sat down on the younger's lap and unbuttoned his shirt, before pulling it over him to throw it on the floor. And damn, Hongjoong couldn't take his eyes off of the older's trained body. He saw it once before but he was still impressed, how good a body can look. Seonghwa noticed his gaze and smirked, as he leaned down, to connect their lips. Hongjoong didn't hesitate to return the kiss and placed his hands on Seonghwa's shoulders.

The said one unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants down, leaving himself only in boxers. His member stood proudly against his stomach. The kiss held hunger and lust in it, which made both boys lose patience. Seonghwa quickly removed his underwear and disconnected from the kiss. Hongjoong bit his lip when he saw the known length. Will he survive that? He had no clue. Will he be able to walk tomorrow? Definitely not.

Seonghwa smiled, his hands were placed on Hongjoong's top he was still wearing. "Are you really okay with this?" He asked and Hongjoong nodded. Seonghwa pecked Hongjoong's lips and removed his top, which landed also on the floor. Both were now completely naked, but of course neither of them did care. They admired each other.

Hongjoong's hands found their way on Seonghwa's neck and pulled him down, to kiss him again. Their lips moved in sync and harmonized perfect on each other. Th taller placed him in front of Hongjoong's entrance. He used his precum as lube and stroked himself a bit, before he rubbed his member between his folds, unlocking a sinful noise the younger made. Seonghwa wanted to enter the blonde haired small boy, but was hold back.

"S-Stop." Seonghwa looked into the younger's in confusion. Hongjoong's eyes seemed to held panic, therefore Seonghwa kissed his cheek. "I-I- This is very embarrassing to say but- I can get pregnant and-and could we...please use protection?" A soft smile appeared on Seonghwa's lips.. "Of course we can." The older pecked the others lips, before getting up and walking towards his wardrobe. He opened it and grabbed a bottle of lube and condoms from the under shelf.

Hongjoong appreciated Seonghwa's acceptance. He was really embarrassed about the fact, that he, a boy, can get pregnant. Not even Yunho or Mingi knew about that, so Seonghwa was the first one to know. Hongjoong trusted him.

Soon, Seonghwa returned and placed the bottle of lube on the nightstand. He pulled one of the condoms out of the small box and stripped it over his veiny dick. Hongjoong didn't know why, but he couldn't take his eyes off of the others cock.

"P-Please hurry Seonghwa." Hongjoong whined, hands already gripping into the bed sheets.

"Impatient? Hmm, naughty boy." Seonghwa smirked and grabbed the bottle of lube, after he threw the box of condoms on the floor to their cloths.

The tension between them was hot. Hongjoong's heart was knocking at his thorax, his mind going wild with different imaginations.

Seonghwa opened the bottle and applied some of the lube on his cock and Hongjoong's hole. Small moans left the younger's mouth and blessed Seonghwa's ears.

"I'm going in." The smaller nodded. Seonghwa's tip rubbed over his clit before slowly pushing in. Hongjoong moaned his name, when Seonghwa completely had entered him.

The tightness around Seonghwa's cock got him groaning. "Move please..." Seonghwa nodded and pressed his lips on the others one, before he started moving in and out slowly. Their lips moved in sync, while the taller pounded a bit faster into him. Hongjoong's moans were getting louder and damn, did Seonghwa liked this.

With squeezed eyes Hongjoong lifted up his legs, to wrap them around the taller's waist. He didn't know, he would get addicted to the taller above him.

"Seonghwa- Fuck~" The older groaned, when he heard the younger moan his name. He never thought he would hear that. To hear his one and only moan his name in pleasure.

"You're so hot princess." Seonghwa pinned Hongjoong's hands above him. Sweat built up on their foreheads, hair sticked on them. Skin slapping noises and countless moans filled the room, with an erotic tension. Both of them knew, anyone could hear them, but they didn't care, like the last time they fucked.

Seonghwa picked up pace and thrusted faster into the boy underneath him, reaching the other's prostate. Hongjoong's high pitched moans fitted perfect to the way he looked. Tears strands were visible on his cheeks, his hair was messy and sticked at his forehead, his eyes were shut and his facial expression was making Seonghwa insane.

"Hm- I'm close." Hongjoong breathed hardly.

"Me too, Baby." Seonghwa thrusted sloppier into him than before, knowing he would cum too, soon.

He bend down to Hongjoong's chest, where he kissed every inch of his skin, making little love bites. He wanted to make Hongjoong his. His one and only.

"Fuck...I'm gonna cum." - "Do it Baby..." Seonghwa kissed his cheek when a loud moan escaped the others throat. Hongjoong's pussy tightened, wich made Seonghwa cum too. His head fell back into his neck, as he released with a deep groan.

Seonghwa continued to thrust in a slow tempo to ride out his orgasm, before slowly pulling out of Hongjoong, in fear to hurt his fragile body.

The taller removed the condom and threw it away, before collapsing beside Hongjoong, pulling him into a tight hug. Hongjoong's weak arms qrapped around Seonghwa's neck, as he snuggled into his chest.

"You were awesome Baby." Seonghwa covered them with a blanket and pecked Hongjoong's lips. "Th-Thank you. You too..." Seonghwa chuckled. "Do you want to clean up or sleep right now?" He expected an answer but apparently there wasn't one. Seonghwa was confused at first but then realized the younger must have fallen asleep.

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