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Seonghwa sat in his armchair, with his mobile phone in his hand. He was watching Hongjoong eating lunch with Yunho and Mingi. Seonghwa was happy, that both of them stuck by his side the whole day, so he was sure, nothing could happen to him.

Suddenly, the there was a knock on the door. Seonghwa yelled a 'come in' and put his phone away.

In stepped San.

"Seonghwa, one of our warehouses got attacked. All guards are dead and the stock was settled on fire." Seonghwa's eyes widened. "Wich one was it?" - "The one with the cocaine." He sighed. "Any suspects?" San shook his head. "The cameras got broken from those who broke in." Seonghwa didn't reply.

"You can leave. I'll think of something." San nodded and left Seonghwa alone.

He slammed his fist on the desk while he cursed. This wasn't the first time something like that happened. In the past, he had to deal a multiple of time with break in's and others.

People were just jealous.

That's what he thought to calm down. He pulled out a binder and looked through all the photos, they took from places where the crime happened. Seonghwa was proud of what he had built up, but he couldn't stand, somebody ruining everything.


Hongjoong looked over at the clock above the door. He couldn't wait for Seonghwa to pick him up. He already texted Seonghwa since they exchanged numbers.

The bell finally rang and Hongjoong wanted to basically run out of the classroom but was hold back.

"Do you have time? We didn't see each other since-" - "Sorry Yun, but not today. Maybe tomorrow?" Yunho stared at him.

Did he really put Seonghwa over him? His best friend?

He huffed and let go off him. "Good." Hongjoong smiled and waved, before he headed out of school, to the parking lot. He saw the old known McLaren, parking in the back.

He saw a tall figure leaning on the car door. Hongjoong's little legs picked up speed, as he ran towards Seonghwa.

The older smiled and hugged the smaller. "I missed you, Seongie!" - "Me too. So endless much, my little one." Seonghwa kissed the younger's neck and let him down again. "Is it okay, if Yunho takes me tomorrow after school with him?" Hongjoong's eyes were literally sparkling, when he looked up at the taller.

Seonghwa thought. That would be a good opportunity to think of a plan for the break in's and if they'd attack the house, Hongjoong would be safe.

"Fine." Hongjoong smiled widely and hugged the other. "Thank you Seonghwa!" The warm tingles in Seonghwa's stomach made him melt into the tight hug. "No problem Sweetheart. I'd do anything for you."

Together, Seonghwa and Hongjoong headed home. But Hongjoong didn't feel well. His under tummy started to hurt and he felt slowly, how nausea spread through his body.

"Seonghwa?" He bend a bit over, arms wrapped around his under abdomen. "Yeah- Hongjoong! What is wrong?!" He asked when he saw the younger's state. "N-Nothing. Could you please stop at a supermarket? And give me maybe $5?" Seonghwa nodded and picked up pace, to be faster at the supermarket.

When they arrived, Hongjoong took the $5 and ran into the shop.

Seonghwa was nervous and tipped on the stirring wheel while waiting for Hongjoong. He didn't know what was going on, and why he needed to go into a shop right now. But soon, the door opened and Hongjoong fell on the seat again.

"How are you?" - "I want to throw up and die." The smaller huffed and Seonghwa's jaw dropped. Was he serious?

"What? Why?!" Seonghwa placed his hand on the others thigh.

"Period cramps..." The younger mumbled.

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