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"Be careful!" Seonghwa said when Hongjoong climbed up the ladder to place the star on the top of the Christmas tree. He carefully placed the star on it and fixed the position, so it would look perfect. "Done!" He exclaimed and stepped backwards the ladder down.

Seonghwa rushed to the end of it and took his hipbones to guide him carefully down. "Hongjoong?" Hongjoong turned his head aside and Seonghwa pecked his lips. "I love you." Hongjoong cupped his face and pulled him down for a quick kiss. "I love you too." He whispered against his lips and smiled.

Christmas was near and just a few hours were left until they could pack out their presents. It was their first time spending Christmas together and both were really excited.

"Are the cookies ready?" Hongjoong asked and Seonghwa looked away a little awkward and embarrassed. Hongjoong grew sceptic at his movements and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Seonghwa...?" He asked and tapped with his feet onto the floor, waiting for an answer. The taller sighed and pouted. "I may or may not have burned the cookies..." He said and looked away from his fiancé while he played with his fingers.

Hongjoong just sighed and pushed Seonghwa on his back into the direction of the kitchen. "Then you can make new ones." He said and stopped when they stood in front of the kitchen. Seonghwa turned around pouring. "Can't you help me please?" He asked and Hongjoong shook his head. "No, you burned them and now it's your job to make new ones." Hongjoong protested.

Seonghwa sunk onto his knees and clung onto Hongjoong's leg. "Please help me? I need your company! Pleaseee!" The sight was just too funny for the smaller, so he began to laugh and ruffled Seonghwa's head. "Okay. But next time you'll do that alone." Seonghwa looked up at him and smiled widely. "Thank you my love!" He said and kissed his legs.

Hongjoong giggled and wiggled with it a little so Seonghwa would fall onto the floor. Hongjoong just ignored him and walked over to the freezer to take out some eggs. "Hey, wait!" Seonghwa said and quickly ran after the smaller.

Both began to bake the cookies once again. During the process, Seonghwa almost ate all their dough but Hongjoong stopped him before he would get a constipation. Seonghwa stopped eating it with an eye roll and helped his fiancé to cut out the cookies in cute forms, extra made for Christmas.

Hongjoong pushed the cookies into the oven and closed it. "That was the first tray and - Seonghwa!" Just when Hongjoong turned around, he caught Seonghwa eating the dough again. "What?" He asked with full mouth. "That's not good for your body when you eat that much dough!" Seonghwa swallowed it quickly and ran over to Hongjoong to pull him into a hug. "I know, I know. It's just so tasty!" Hongjoong giggled and wrapped his arms around his neck to kiss him on his lips.

"I can relate but you need to understand that you can get sick from it." He said and kissed a few parts of his neck. "Hmh...I love you by the way." Hongjoong laughed. "I do too."

"Honey, can you help me please?!" Hongjoong yelled when he tried to fish the remote for the TV from underneath to couch. He would have it by now if his belly didn't block the way. Seonghwa of course hurried into the living room and looked over to Hongjoong who sent him a pouty face.

"What's wrong baby?" He asked. "I let the remote for the TV fall and it slid under the couch. I can't get it out because I can't kneel down." Seonghwa chuckled and gently caressed his cheek. He cupped his face and kissed his lips and forehead, before disconnecting. "Sit down honey, I'll help you." He said and Hongjoong sat down on the couch and watched Seonghwa doing his work.

The taller just needed to bend over and pull the remote out before he handed it to Hongjoong. Hongjoong smiled cutely at his fiancé and took the remote but laid it down beside him. Seonghwa was a little confused at first but as soon as Hongjoong the taller down to him, to press his lips on the other ones, he immediately returned it.

Seonghwa hovered above the younger, his tongue glided over Hongjoong's bottom lip, asking for permission to enter his mouth. But Hongjoong was being a little brat and didn't want to give Seonghwa what he wanted, so his hand wrapped around Hongjoong's waist and his hands rested on his butt, so he could squeeze it, making the other moan slightly.

The older used the opportunity to slip his tongue into Hongjoong's mouth and explored it a while, while Hongjoong kept whining into the kiss. Seonghwa's icy fingertips touched every single part of his skin underneath Hongjoong's pullover and let him shiver.

Seonghwa disconnected from his lips and wanted to connect them again but Hongjoong suddenly pulled away. "What-" He got cut off from Hongjoong, who laid down and pulled Seonghwa on his neck down to him.

"Please fuck me, master."

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