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Seonghwa spun Hongjoong around the living room, happier than ever before. After a month, there were finally clear results and the couple couldn't believe, they'd have a small family.

"Joongie, I'm gonna be a father!" Seonghwa smiled and made his boyfriend giggle with his actions. The older boy was so happy and couldn't even describe it in any words. He set Hongjoong down on the couch and quickly pecked his lips, before falling beside his boyfriend. "Shall we tell the others?" Seonghwa smiled and put his hand on top of Hongjoong's belly.

Hongjoong smiled to himself and put his hand above Seonghwa's. "Of course..." Hongjoong couldn't help but a small tear escaped his eyes out of happiness. "I'm so happy right now Seongie." He sniffed and buried his head in the crook of Seonghwa's neck. Seonghwa patted the younger's head, and pulled him onto his lap.

This position rested for around an hour, both of them decided to surprise their friends with a random meet up in the foyer of the mansion. Both couples were slightly confused why Seonghwa wanted them to meet up, because they did never. They never met up before. Okay yeah, there were actually meet ups but just when it was someone's birthday or Christmas.

Woosan and Yungi (how Hongjoong began to call them) sat on the other couch in front of the one Seonghwa and Hongjoong sat. Hongjoong did never tell his friends that he was intersex, so he was slightly nervous. His leg bounced up and down, Seonghwa had to put a hand on his knee.

"So, what's the reason?" Seonghwa smiled and looked over to his boyfriend, who bit his bottom lip. "There's actually something we need to tell you." A confused tension settled down between the others. They couldn't sense if it was something good or bad. "Uhm...I'm pregnant." Hongjoong then stated. It was silent. No one said something. They were probably taken back by the sudden statement.

"Did you drink something Joong?" Yunho asked and Hongjoong shook his head, his heart pounding against his ribcage. Seonghwa laughed a bit and rubbed his boyfriends back.

"There's actually something I've never told you, because I was very insecure about that..." Hongjoong played with his sleeves of his pink sweater and looked down. "I'm intersexual..." The smallest bit harder on his bottom lip than before.

"Oh...Why didn't you tell me at least?" Yunho asked when the silent got a little too loud. Hongjoong shrugged and scratched the back of his neck. "I thought you wouldn't like me afterwards because it's weird." Seonghwa's grip around Hongjoong's waist tightened, when he heard those words leaving his boyfriend's mouth.

Yunho gasped slightly exactly like Mingi. "We would never, Hongjoong! You're our best friend and we will support you, no matter what. You don't need to be insecure about that." Hongjoong smiled and giggled. "Thank you Mingi." An other comfortable silence settled down between every couple.

"Oh! Congratulations for being pregnant by the way!" Wooyoung then stood up and ran over to hug Hongjoong, who now had a big smile on his lips.

Seonghwa's arm was wrapped around his waist. His eyes drew adoration when Hongjoong got hugged by the rest. He was happy. He never expected to be. He never expected Hongjoong to make him this happy. Hongjoong was his little precious treasure.

"Seongie? Hey!" Hongjoong snapped his fingers in front of his boyfriends face, to pull him out of his trance. Seonghwa shook slightly his head and turned his attention to the small man in front of him. "Yes my little angel?" Seonghwa smirked when he noticed how blush crept over his face. "Uhm...we wondered if you want to join us. We wanted to go the mall." Hongjoong smiled and snuggled up into Seonghwa's chest, who just smiled and nodded.

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