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"Fuck Mingi! I knew it was a bad idea to give Seonghwa, Hongjoong!" While panic was spread in the veins from Yunho, his boyfriend sat on the sofa and read a book. "Calm down, Babe. He wouldn't do anything bad to him." With a sigh Yunho got down on the sofa beside Mingi.

His hands gliding to the other's one and grabbed it gently. "Don't worry. He'll be fine." - "Okay good, I'll just trust him. But Hongjoong asked me for something, wait..." Yunho pulled out his phone, opened the chat from him and the smaller and handed it to Mingi.

"Why didn't you answer him?" - "Because I couldn't tell him the truth!" - "He will find out through Seonghwa anyway. Don't you think, you should tell him?" The taller thought.

It would cost probably their friendship, but he couldn't lie to him ever. Yunho sighed. "I will. But not today. I'll see when..." Mingi nodded and pulled his boyfriend into a soft kiss.


Hongjoong woke up early in the morning, realizing he was late for his classes. He got quickly out of his bed and got ready for the day.

Since it was a special university, they didn't need to wear school uniforms. Students were allowed to wear anything they want.

He went downstairs into the kitchen and greeted the chefs and butlers, who were also getting ready to work.

Suddenly, a deep voice snapped him out of his doings. "Baby, you are up so early. What is wrong?" Hongjoong froze. He turned around slowly and looked up at Seonghwa. "I'm going to school. Why?" Seonghwa laughed. The blonde haired was confused but was scared asking the mafia leader, what was wrong. "Sweetheart, today you're not going anywhere. Tomorrow you can go, but not today."

Hongjoong's breath was fast and his heart pounding against his chest. "I-I...Okay." He bowed and went upstairs to his room again, to change into more comfortable clothes.

Today it'd be a cute white oversized pullover and red laced underwear. He sighed and laid down on his bed. He felt so comfortable, and just the fact he didn't have to do anything today, made him slip.

He turned around on his bed, while he giggled. He felt so happy but his giggles sounded little whines.

Seonghwa was about to knock on the door of Hongjoong's room but heard his 'whines'. Immediately he slammed the door open. "Hongjoong?! Are you oka-," He stopped when he saw the younger looking at him with a wide smile.

"I'm so hawppy!" He fell back down on his back and Seonghwa released a relived sigh. He went to the bed and sat down beside him. "I'm glad to hear that." Seonghwa smiled softly.

Hongjoong was getting shy and blushed. He cuddled into Seonghwa's chest, who placed a hand on his back of his head.

'I fucking love him' Seonghwa smiled at the younger.

He took his chin and made the Little look at him. "Damn Baby. You look so pretty today." The smaller one blushed once again and Seonghwa laughed. "Also, you dressed so gorgeous today." - "Thwank you! I-I got this pullover from going shopping!" He pointed at his pullover.

Seonghwa looked at it and his sight wandered from his upper-to his under body, to his thighs. Seonghwa loved Hongjoong's thighs and placed a hand gently on it. "And...what do wear under your pretty pullover?" - "Oh- I-I...Uhm... I-" He was cut off by Seonghwa. "What about you get up, turn around, and lift up your pullover, so I can see myself?" Hongjoong got turned on by this command and didn't hesitate to follow his order.

The Little stood with back to Seonghwa and lifted up his pullover, showing off his laced underwear. He heard a deep chuckle coming from behind and the rustle of the bed sheets. Seonghwa was now standing behind him and smacked his ass cheek wich made the younger gasp in surprise.

"You like that?" The other one nodded. "It seems like you want to tease me, is that so?" Hongjoong could hear Seonghwa's smirk and looked down at his toes. "I-I didn't want to twease Dada...I-I just liwk to wear something l-like thwis." Seonghwa hummed. "I see. You should wear these more often. I love that on you. Maybe I should buy you more?" He got closer to Hongjoong's ear with every single word.

Hongjoong gulped but nodded. The idea of Seonghwa picking out the underwear for him, sounded like music in his ears.

"Y-Yes. I would love that." He giggled and turned around to face the black haired male. "Good to know. I'm gonna buy you some after I'm done with work. I'll be back in a few hours okay? Don't do something dumb. If anything happens, go to San or Wooyoung, got it little man?" Seonghwa pecked his nose and Hongjoong nodded.

"I'll see you later Sweetie." Seonghwa gave him a last smack on his ass, before leaving his room.

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