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A week had passed and the day of Seonghwa flying to the U.S.A had come. The couple made up, that Hongjoong would stay at home until Seonghwa comes back. But they did make up some rules.

1; Don't open the door to strangers
2; Hongjoong shall call Seonghwa every single day
3; If he'd leave the house, he takes San or Wooyoung with him
4; If something's wrong he shall call Seonghwa immediately
And 5; No going out after 7 p.m

Hongjoong and Seonghwa currently hugged each others figure tight. No one wanted to leave the other now. Hongjoong was crying and Seonghwa was sad, because he hated seeing Hongjoong cry.

"Mr Park, I'm sorry to disturb this moment now, but we're leaving in less than five minutes." The taller sighed and pulled away from their tight embrace but Hongjoong immediately clung onto him again. "Baby...You need to let go." He shook his head and sobbed. "I can't." Seonghwa's hands stroked his hipbones and tried to calm his fiancé down. "I promise I'm going to text you as soon as I land okay?" Hongjoong nodded and finally found the strength to pull away.

He played with the end of his sweater and stared into Seonghwa's eyes. "Then goodbye Seongie." Seonghwa sent him a small smile and pecked the smaller's lips a last time, before turning around and walking slowly to the stairs of the private jet.

He turned around a last time and waved towards his Joongie, who mouthed a small 'I love you'. Then, the doors of the jet flew shut. Hongjoong's smile immediately faded and his head sunk.

A hand was suddenly placed on his shoulder. He turned around to see San and Wooyoung standing behind him. "I think we should get going now." Hongjoong nodded and followed the pair to the car. Hongjoong's head and eyes were still fixed on the black jet but as soon as the car began to drive, the jet also seemed to turn on all powers, signaling them that it was going to start.

To avoid any other tears, Hongjoong turned away and looked down at his lap. He once did go through a week without Seonghwa and will probably make it through two too. So he thought.

When he was able to look up, Hongjoong noticed that they were already on the street. He pulled his knees to his chest on the seat and buried his head into them. San and Wooyoung noticed that of course and shared worried glances.

They knew what happened last time when Seonghwa wasn't with them and fear overcame them when they thought about that time. Hongjoong barely ate and like Wooyoung has heard from Yunho, he spends most time in his very small studio.


While Wooyoung, San and Hongjoong drove back home, Seonghwa was sharing a glass of wine with one of the security guards, Changbin. They really understood each other very good and Seonghwa was a bit disappointed that Hongjoong wasn't able to meet Changbin, because he was very nice and funny.

Changbin was originally from Korea but moved to America when he was 10 years old. He was a bit smaller than Seonghwa but built like hulk.

"Anything else I can do for you, Mr Park?" He asked and Seonghwa shook his head with a small smile on his lips. "No, I'm actually being entertainer enough by you." Both laughed together. "I'm glad you have a first good expression on me." The taller nodded and took a sip from his wine glass.

Both mans started a conversation about god and the world. And both enjoyed each others company. They also began to ask more private questions and acted like they knew each other for years.

"What about your love life, Changbin?" Changbin thought for a while and smiled lovingly. "I have a boyfriend at home. His name is Felix." Seonghwa was quite surprised by the answer but didn't complain. "What about you Mr Park?" The smaller male asked and placed his empty glass on the tray next to them.

Seonghwa's mind was clouded by Hongjoong. Guilt rushed in his veins for putting money and an unknown mafia over his beloved fiancé. He bit his under lip and looked down. "I'm actually engaged. I just proposed to my boyfriend a few weeks ago." Changbin was surprised. Like, really surprised.

He heard a lot of Park Seonghwa. The man everyone feared, the man who was known as a cold hearted killer but from that nothing was left when he started talking to the older. And the cherry on top of it was him having a fiancé.

"That's really cool. Is he with you?" Seonghwa sighed, his faked smile before now completely faded. "No...He didn't want to. He said he doesn't feel comfortable and asked me if I really wanted to go but I was selfish and put money over him. He even cried in front of the jet and I feel...bad and guilty." Seonghwa said while placing the glass now also on the tray. Changbin was out of words. He didn't even think about Seonghwa feeling guilty or bad in any way.

It always was:

"Stay away from Park Seonghwa"

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