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When Hongjoong woke up, he realized, he wasn't in his room. After Hongjoong and Seonghwa got cleaned up, the older placed him on his bed. Hongjoong remembered falling asleep in Seonghwa's arms, but the spot beside him, was empty once again.

He also remembered the early noon. At the thought, that they both did something so dirty, the younger blushed a deep shade of pink and hid under the blanket.

"Why are you hiding? Are you afraid of me?" Someone chuckled. Hongjoong looked over the covers to see San standing beside the bed. "S-San?" He mumbled. "Hah, you remember me." He laughed and placed something on the nightstand. It was a pill and a glass of water.

"Where's Seonghwa?" The other one shrugged. "Working. He told me to look after you." San sat down on the edge of the bed. "You know, you weren't really quiet." Hongjoong's eyes widened. This was more than embarrassing.

"Don't worry. I'm sure no one would care about the noises you made." Hongjoong blushed once again out of embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry..." San shook his head and placed his hand on the other ones shoulder. "You don't have to be, Hongjoong. It's okay." San softly stroked the smaller's hair and gave him shortly the pill. "I would recommend to take this. I don't think Seonghwa was soft to you." Hongjoong got up, to take the pill and drink something.

"Thank you, San."


"Mingi! He wasn't at school today! I'm so fucking worried, I can't do this anymore!" Yunho breathed quickly in and out. His heartbeat was fast and he couldn't think straight. His boyfriend sighed and put a hand on his thigh. "Relax Baby. Please calm down. I'm sure he is doing well. I mean, Seonghwa would protect him at all costs. He truly loves him."

Yunho let out a dramatic sigh and snuggled into Mingis chest tighter. "I'm so sorry for being worried but I can't help it. He is my best friend, he's like a son to me-" Mingi cute Yunho before he could even finish. "But he is one year olde-" "That's not the topic Mingi! I just- I can't leave him with Seonghwa. A mafia boss. A fucking mafia boss, Mingi! Do you know how dangerous that is?!"

Mingi kissed his boyfriend's forehead. "I know Seonghwa very well. We've been friends since I can walk. He is a good person and I can tell he really cares for Hongjoong. Alright yeah, his past is really fucked up but that didn't change him. He is still the lovely person who cares about everyone."

Yunho raised an eyebrow at Mingi who chuckled awkwardly. "Well, not really. He cares for his friends and Hongjoong." Yunho sighed. "Mingi, I love you, but I need to go to him. I can't do this anymore!" He whined and Mingi sighed again.

"Wait a few more days or weeks. Hongjoong's probably okay."


Hongjoong was indeed okay. More than okay. He stayed for the rest of the day in Seonghwa's king sized bed, watching TV and drinking his favorite tea.

He felt so comfortable and decided to stay with the mafia leader. He knew, it was risky to stay with someone like him, but he couldn't have it better.

At home, he would just have stress. He had to pay more invoices, working, working and more working. Hongjoong worked at a nearby café but they didn't pay him enough, so he had barely money to buy something for himself.

But on the other hand, he didn't want to use Seonghwa for the money. He didn't even thought long and staying here, was better than returning.

The younger also loved the presence of the older and how he talked to him. It made him feel some type of way and he loved how Seonghwa cared for him. He couldn't help, but fell for the other so quickly.

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