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Hongjoong and the others entered the mall. He felt a bit better than before. Although Yunho and him ignored each other most of the time. Hongjoong had admit, he felt bad. He noticed how dejected Yunho was, his head hung constantly down, eyes fixed on the floor.

They went into multiple shops and ate lunch together after spending the whole forenoon shopping.

"Oh my god! Look how beautiful this is!" Wooyoung stopped in front of a Victoria's secret's store and pointed at a black lingerie. Hongjoong stood beside him, with blush on his face. He could buy one too if Wooyoung wanted to buy one. "Do you want one?" Hongjoong asked, his voice small over a whisper. "Of course! Come!" He took Hongjoong's wrist and pulled him into the store, Mingi and Yunho behind them.

Wooyoung and Hongjoong looked at different lingeries and underwear. There was so much selection, both boys didn't know what to take. Wooyoung was into the dark colors, like black, wine red or dark gray. Hongjoong on the other hand liked pink and white, or baby blue.

Wooyoung had no shame to pick out anything he liked, but Hongjoong was just too embarrassed to pick something, so Wooyoung helped him after he payed for his stuff.

They looked around, Hongjoong told Wooyoung about his favorite colors and like that, Wooyoung looked for the right ones. Hongjoong tried different sets on, but either he didn't like them or they weren't the right ones for Seonghwa's taste. Hongjoong was about to give up, when he saw a cute lingerie in the corner of the store. He took it and practically scan it; It was perfect.

It was light pink and white, just how Hongjoong imagined it. Hongjoong took fitting high tight socks, rushed into the changing cubicle and presented it then to Wooyoung.

"That's amazing! I'm sure Seonghwa will like it too." Woo winked which made the older blush. He quickly changed and put the cloths into the shopping bag. Together they went to the cashier and payed, before going out of the store, where Mingi and Yunho fed each other with ice cream.

"Hey, you two love birds! Ready to go home?" They stood up and nodded, still shocked that Wooyoung had interrupted them.


When they all arrived at the estate, Wooyoung said bye and went up to his room. Now, Yungi and Hongjoong sat alone together in the foyer, staring at each other. Yunho looked still dejected and Mingi just sat on the couch, with an unreadable expression on his face. Hongjoong sat cross legged across from Yunho and Mingi.

Mingi cleared his throat, earning the attention from his boyfriend and Hongjoong. "I think I should leave you two alone for a bit." And with that, Mingi disappeared. Hongjoong and Yunho were now alone.

Both didn't know what to say, the tension was painfully awkward, but someone needs to say something. Hongjoong stood up and walked towards to couch, to sit down next to Yunho. He sighed. "I'm sorry Yun. I shouldn't have been so harsh to you...You just wanted to protect me..." Hongjoong looked up at Yunho, who held a small smile on his face. "Thank you. I thought I have lost my best friend." He laughed and pulled Hongjoong into a tight hug, the said one of course returned.

They stayed for a while in this this position, before they broke the embrace. "I hope we can just forget that." Hongjoong mumbled and Yunho nodded.

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