061 [15K special]

557 32 22

After they ate up, waitresses and waiters began to clean everything, while the couple shared a glass of wine. Well, more Seonghwa, since Hongjoong didn't want to drink any because of the pregnancy, so he had just a water.

Seonghwa's eyes scanned the dance floor ere his hand put the glass down. "I wondered, if you wanna have a dance with me?" He asked and Hongjoong nodded with a giggle. "I thought you'd never ask." They stood up and Seonghwa took the smaller's hand, to guide him over to the floor. The music was slow and quiet and fit perfectly to their romantic tension.

Seonghwa put one hand on Hongjoong's waist and the other was still tangled with Hongjoong's hand, as the smaller's other one laid on the older's broad shoulder. Their feet began to move in a slow rhythm to the music in the background.

Memories of them dancing in their room shot in both's head. It was the first time ever in their life's to dance like this, especially for Hongjoong.

Their eyes were locked on each other. Seonghwa's gaze admired his boyfriend's features, like he did in the elevator back then. Their bodies float smoothly over the wooden floor as if they were made for each other and the couple didn't want to let go yet. Hongjoong's eyes scanned the taller male in front of him with a lot of love. He remembered the first time they had met and he couldn't be more grateful to got kidnapped by San back then.

It felt like a dream for the two males. Seonghwa hovered Hongjoong's arm suddenly up and made him spin around. Hongjoong laughed when he stood in the position beforehand. "I love your voice," The smaller male blushed and pressed himself against Seonghwa's chest, while they continued to swing to the rhythm.

"Joongie, I have to tell you something quite serious." Seonghwa whispered into his ear, making Hongjoong shiver slightly but nervousness flew through his system. Was it really that serious that Seonghwa had to take him out? Hongjoong nodded, so Seonghwa could continue.

"I want you to know that I really love you and I can't live without you...You mean everything to me and I hope you'll never forget that. I remember the first day I saw you and I just couldn't take my eyes off of you. You're my little miracle and I'm so happy to be the father of your child. I need you by my side all my life long and I think I wouldn't survive a day without you. I love you so much and I want to show and prove it to you, so will you stay with me your whole life?" While Seonghwa spoke, Hongjoong's eyes grew watery, cause he knew what Seonghwa was going to ask.

The taller pulled something out of his pocket, let go from Hongjoong and took a bit distance from him, so he could kneel down in front of him. He held a small box in his hand and opened it with the other, revealing a pretty gold ring with a shiny big diamond in the middle.

"Will you marry me Kim Hongjoong?"

Hongjoong's hands covered his mouth, he tried to hide his sobs but broke down at the end. His legs shook uncontrollably as his head nodded violently up and down. Seonghwa held a huge smile, as he stood up, put the box back into his pocket and took his boyfriend's hand. "Can I?" Hongjoong hummed while he wiped his tears away. Seonghwa shoved the ring on his finger and when the pretty ring was wrapped around his skinny finger, he immediately attacked the older in a hug.

Hongjoong let all his tears out. "I love you so much Seonghwa." He cried out, his small arms wrapped around Seonghwa's neck, as the taller male held onto his waist. He buried his face into Hongjoong's neck and inhaled his sweet strawberry scent. "I love you more."

They hugged each others bodies for a while until it was time to let go and drive back home. The couple thanked the cooks and employees, before walking out of the restaurant to the parking, not letting each others hand go.

Hongjoong's eyes constantly scanned the beautiful golden ring around his finger. Seonghwa really had taste when it came to jewelry. They hopped into the car and Seonghwa started driving and of course he noticed how Hongjoong started at the ring.

"Do you like it?" Hongjoong's hand now rested on his own thigh and he looked up at Seonghwa. "Yes, it's very beautiful. But where's yours?" Seonghwa smiled. "I have mine at home. I can show you it when we arrive." Hongjoong nodded excitingly and also payed his attention to the road.

Seonghwa's hand wandered from the stiring wheel to Hongjoong's one on his thigh. He grabbed it gently, so Hongjoong could lay his hand on Seonghwa's. The taller stared down at their hands. Hongjoong's one nearly drowned in Seonghwa's one, which looked absolutely adorable. "There is an other one missing..." Hongjoong mumbled and placed his free hand on his abdomen. Seonghwa smiled and stroked the back of his hand. "Patience baby..." Hongjoong laughed. "Says you." Both laughed and intertwined their hands.

They arrived within minutes at the mansion. Seonghwa immediately headed over to the other door and took Hongjoong in bridal style, who was about to leave the car anyway. A small surprise squeak left his throat, as Seonghwa's strong arms grabbed his small body.

The older left small kisses all over his face while he went into the direction of their bedroom. Seonghwa opened the door, closed it behind them and walked over to the bed, on which he laid Hongjoong carefully down, so he could hover over him.

"This feels so unreal..." Hongjoong whispered as he cupped his now fiancés face. Seonghwa bend down to connect their lips, his hands rested on his sides. They spend the rest of the night with a lot off kisses, lots of love, cuddles and sweet sex.

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