089 [M]

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"Seonghwa we're going to be late! We have no time for sex!" Hongjoong yelled when he tried to escape from Seonghwa's harsh grip around his waist and neck from behind. The taller placed hickeys on his neck but Hongjoong tried to push him away. "Stop, I don't want to show up there with hickeys!" He protested but Seonghwa didn't listen to him.

Instead, he kept walking backwards with Hongjoong in his arms, until his back hit the soft mattress underneath. "It's okay baby. We can come a bit later. Please? Just now and I'm going to leave you alone for the rest of your pregnancy." He pouted and Hongjoong sighed while nodded. "Okay but make it quick please." He said and Seonghwa flipped them around. So he hovered above Hongjoong.

The taller attacked him in a kiss. It was slow and passionate until Seonghwa's tongue nipped on Hongjoong's under lip, asking him for entrance. Seonghwa's hand made its way under Hongjoong's pullover to his nipples and pinched them a little, so the smaller moaned into the kiss. Seonghwa used the opportunity to stick his tongue into Hongjoong's mouth and flicked his nipples over and over again.

Hongjoong arched his back and squeezed his eyes every time his nipples got a little too sensitive. His own hands wandered to Seonghwa's pants and he tried to unbuckle his belt unsuccessfully. Seonghwa chuckled into the kiss and pulled away from his fiancé to help him to get rid of the belt and the pants, along with his boxers.

His stiff member leaked precum from the tip and Hongjoong's eyes basically glued on it. "Want to suck it?" Hongjoong's payed attention again to the taller who had a playful smirk on his lips. "W-What...?" He whispered while blushing. "Just if you want honey." He smiled and removed a hair strain out of his face.

He didn't give time for Hongjoong to answer the question and pressed their lips again together. His hands removed Hongjoong's pullover and afterwards his pants along with his underwear, leaving both naked after Seonghwa also removed his shirt.

Seonghwa flipped them around so he laid under Hongjoong who immediately disconnected from their lips. He was a little unsure what to do. "S-Seongie I-" Hongjoong got cut off by his loved one. "Just turn around for me and stretch out your pretty ass yeah?" The smaller's face flushed red but he nodded and did what he was told to.

His ass faced Seonghwa's face and his face faced now Seonghwa's cock. He grabbed it with his hands and started licking the tip a little. He heard Seonghwa moan a bit but that made him more and more confident. He licked the taller's slit and swallowed the precum one by one until he licked the tip clean.

Hongjoong sticked out his tongue and ran it over Seonghwa's sensitive vein. "Oh fuck Baby, you're doing so good already." Hongjoong had to smirk a little. Every time the taller would praise him, he felt so proud of himself like never before. Suddenly, he felt how Seonghwa's hand was placed on his butt cheek. The warmth of his hands felt so soft as he began to sigh comfortably.

The blue haired boy leaned down to wrap his warm mouth around his fiancés cock. Seonghwa closed his eyes, his mouth was a gap open. His hands massaged Hongjoong's butt which made the younger moan, sending vibrations to Seonghwa.

"Just like that honey." Seonghwa moaned and gripped harsher into his butt cheeks. His thumb circled around his rim, making Hongjoong whimper a bit. The smaller started bobbing up and down his head. Seonghwa leaned forward and entered his hole with his tongue.

Hongjoong moaned while he let go off Seonghwa's member, to enjoy the warm feeling from Seonghwa's tongue inside him. He then took his length again into his mouth and continued where he had stopped.

His own tongue flicked over the pink tip of the others dick and made Seonghwa moan repeatedly. Hongjoong really loved when his soon-to-be husband was vocal in bed, whenever they'd have sex. It let him know that he also felt good and that he wasn't the only one who enjoyed those moments.

Hongjoong picked up pace and so did Seonghwa. Both moaned uncontrollably and Hongjoong felt the all to know knot in his abdomen, signaling him he would cum soon.

"Hmm, M-Master, I-I'm cumming..." He moaned and heard the man behind him chuckle lightly. "Me too honey." His voice was deep and calming, it always sent shivers down his spine when Seonghwa talked to him like that.

Seonghwa's tongue reached deeper into Hongjoong, which was enough to drive the smaller over the edge. He moaned loudly and clenched his walls around Seonghwa's tongue, making the taller also release in Hongjoong's warm mouth.

He swallowed the semen and licked Seonghwa's tip clean, before turning around and laying down on the taller's chest. He snug his arms around his small torso and placed small kisses his head.

"You did great baby." Hongjoong smiled while closing his eyes. "You too..."

Later, Seonghwa and Hongjoong stood in front the door of the photographer, who would take the photos for them. Although they had sex before, needed to calm down a little and did aftercare, they still managed to come a few minutes too late.

Hongjoong already thought they would be way too late but they actually made it. Seonghwa opened the door for Hongjoong to step in.

The studio wasn't really big but it had a comfortable vibe. "Hold my hand please?" Seonghwa suddenly asked with a pout and made Hongjoong laugh. He grabbed the older's hand and together they walked to the reception.

A man stood behind it. He was a little over his 50s but seemed really nice. Seonghwa cleared his throat, to gain the attention of the man behind the desk. He looked up and smiled a bit at the couple.

"Oh, hello. Mr Park right?" Seonghwa nodded. "Good, follow me." He said and walked into another room, which was connected with the one they were in. Hongjoong and Seonghwa followed him of course.

The other room was full with cameras and a white background. "Stand in front of the background please, so we can start." The older man smiled at the couple and Hongjoong excitingly pulled Seonghwa behind him.

"First pose boys!" The cameraman said and Seonghwa was the one who turned them into the right position, so their lips would lie on each other, ready to be captured on a piece of paper.

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