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On the next day, Hongjoong was excited more than ever. He could start working and earning money by himself, without visiting school anymore.

Seonghwa was fixing his tie in the mirror when two small arms wrapped around his waist. Seonghwa chuckled, he knew too good to who they belonged to. "Excited?" He asked his boyfriend. "Very!" Hongjoong giggled and received a small kiss from the other, as he turned around. "Wow, you look stunning my angel."

Hongjoong wore a fancy black baggy jeans with a white crop top. His tummy was just a bit exposed and covered enough to be worn at work. He also wore a black tie loosely around his neck. He held his black leather jacket in his hands, while a few accessories decorated the rest of his outfit, like chains and earrings and normal rings around his skinny fingers.

"Thank you Seonghwa. You look also stunning."

His boyfriend was just dressed in a black suit and styled hair, with a chain and a few rings on his fingers. Seonghwa would always wear this to work and nothing else but he still looked hot in Hongjoong's eyes.

"Ready to go?" Hongjoong nodded and took Seonghwa's hands, intertwining their fingers. The couple walked into the garage. Seonghwa wanted to show Hongjoong his brand new car he just got. Seonghwa meant it would be a great 'family car' since it had four seats and not just two like the other cars did.

But when they stopped in front of it, Hongjoong had to chuckle. Seonghwa turned around confused and opened the car's doors. "This is what you call a family car Seongie? A sport car? Are you sure the baby will survive a ride in this?" He laughed and received an annoyed hum from the other. "I'm not a fan of any normal cars. And my two angels deserve the world," Hongjoong stopped laughing and blushed a deep shade of red.

They got into the car and buckled their seatbelts. "How do you like my new car by the way?" Seonghwa started the motor and began to drive out of the garage. "Pretty cool though. I like the greenish color." Seonghwa had to smile at those words. He decided he wanted his new Koenigsegg Gemera in a more greenish way than his usual colors, that always would be black or white.

During the ride the couple talked about a lot of things, Seonghwa also told him about what Hongjoong's job exactly was in the office. He would resend emails and send them over to Seonghwa. Nothing more. If he would see anything weird or suspicious, he had to tell Seonghwa about that. Easy.

Hongjoong always thought working in an office is something you need to study or need a graduation for but Seonghwa told him otherwise. He was excited to experience work for the first time.

Seonghwa pulled into the parking lot, in front of his company. Hongjoong was still amazed what his boyfriend owned. "Come on princess." Seonghwa suddenly held the door open for him and smiled. Hongjoong did the same and quickly got out of the car, holding hands immediately with Seonghwa.

Seonghwa locked the car and together with Hongjoong in his hands, they walked into the building. Hongjoong's eyes widened. When they would come to the company on a free day, everything was so quiet and just a few people were there, who worked. But now, Hongjoong felt like there were thousands of people working here. The lights were all on and lightened up the reception. He saw a familiar person standing behind the desk in the foyer.

He realized that this person Ryujin was and let go off Seonghwa's hand, to run over the her. "Ryujin!" He smiled widely when the girl also noticed him. He stopped in front of the desk. "Hongjoong! What a surprise to see you here. What even are you doing here?" Hongjoong looked over to Seonghwa, who crossed his arms in front of his chest and softly smiled. "I'm going to work here from now on." Ryujin's smile grew. "I'm so happy! I'll be able to see you then?" Hongjoong nodded.

He soon felt a strong arm snugging around his waist. Hongjoong's head turned around and meet the beautiful side profile of his boyfriend. "I suggest we're leaving now. Ryujin, please do not distract Hongjoong from work, alright?" She nodded but rolled her eyes. Hongjoong giggled and said goodbye, while heading with Seonghwa to the elevator. Some other people joined them.

It was quiet, Seonghwa grabbed Hongjoong's hand and flashed a smile to him. The elevator stopped and he and Hongjoong walked out of it, over to Seonghwa's office. The older held the door open for Hongjoong to step in first.

Seonghwa sat down on his armchair. "So, you know what to do?" Hongjoong nodded. "Good," Seonghwa handed Hongjoong a folder with some documents in it. "Okay baby. On those papers are requests for possible partnerships from other companies. Your job is also to look over the papers. If you're interested in one of them, let them in the folder. The others you can throw away." Hongjoong nodded again and pulled the folder to his chest. "If anything is wrong, or you have trouble with other things, you come to me. No texting, alright? I wanna see you in person." Hongjoong nodded again and gave his boyfriend a loving smile.

They talked a while about the details until Hongjoong walked out of Seonghwa's office. He remembered where his own office was and opened the door. It was cool to see your own room. Everything was set up, his desk with a computer, a few plants, a clock above the door, a comfortable armchair behind his desk and...a note on the keyboard?

He sat down on the chair and took the sticky note with a smile.

'𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 ❤️'

Was the only thing that it said. He knew it was Seonghwa, he could tell on his handwriting actually. Hongjoong put the note aside and began to open the computer.

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