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(2 months later)

The last two months were quite stressing. Misoo made a comeback and whenever the couple would go on a date or go out in general, they felt uncomfortable and watched. Hongjoong couldn't even work properly anymore because he felt very weird and it was not the pregnancys' fault this time. He began to stay at home once again although he really didn't want to.

Yunho and Mingi also didn't need to work at the warehouse anymore because it was fully repaired and so they needed to keep an eye on Hongjoong for now.

He also celebrated his birthday with the guys, Ryujin, her girlfriend and Jisoo. It was one of the best birthdays he ever experienced and received a lot of gifts from his friends.

The smaller was in his fourth month by now. Just two weeks were left until they finally would find out the gender of their baby and his bump was finally clearly visible. Seonghwa noticed that the day he once came back home. He showered his belly with countless kisses and a lot of praises, what a good job Hongjoong did at carrying their baby inside.

Hongjoong also absolved a few check ups with Jisoo and grew to learn more of her from day to day. And then Seonghwa found something quite interesting out about her.

It was afternoon when Hongjoong completed his check up and hopped down from the lie, to run over to Seonghwa who snug an arm around Hongjoong's waist. "Jisoo, I want to talk to you real quick. Honey, you can already go into the living room yeah?" He whispered the other part to Hongjoong who nodded and left the room.

As soon as the door closed Seonghwa's soft face faded and his cold one replaced it. He came closer to Jisoo, who was a little scared by the intimidating man in front of her. "I know you do something for Misoo. Tell me. What is it huh? Did she said you shall poison Hongjoong, did she tell you to harm him in any way, did she tell you to-" - "No Mr Park." Seonghwa went quiet and crossed his arms.

"But you know this girl?" Jisoo nodded to his surprise and left him speechless. "Yeah. She's actually my sister but don't get me wrong Mr Park, I really hate her. She's very selfish and she has absolutely no emphaty when it comes to other persons and their feelings. She can be very toxic and I hope that she isn't doing anything stupid at the moment." She said and let Seonghwa stand there in shock.

He sighed. "She is actually. Misoo has feelings for me and won't accept that I'm with Hongjoong already. I think she's been following us because I saw her car multiple times in front of my company, my home and even when we were on a date. This really has to stop, we don't feel safe anymore..." Jisoo seemed to think for a while until she came to a conclusion.

She smiled widely and said: "Why don't you just kill her?"

Seonghwa was even more shocked. If he'd have a brother he would hate, he wouldn't even think about killing him. "Are you serious? But she's your sister!" Jisoo shrugged and nodded. "I know. But after what she did to my boyfriend, she deserves it." Seonghwa bit his lip. "What did she do?" Jisoo smiled a little sadly and sat down on a chair before inhaling deep. "She killed him. She liked my boyfriend and did everything that he liked her too but he always stayed loyal to me. One day, he proposed to me and Misoo was so obsessed with him, that she kidnapped him after we told our family. Then, after he didn't show up for weeks, I began to worry and reported him at the police who began to search for him and found him dead in an abandoned house. Later it was revealed, that Misoo did all this..."

She ended while multiple tears streamed down her cheek. Jisoo sniffed and wiped them away, while Seonghwa just stood there and had the worst scenarios in his head. He also proposed to Hongjoong, what if she's going to kill him too? "I'm really sorry for you. I'll promise you that I'll work on a plan to get rid of her." He placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled. Jisoo nodded and thanked him before he left.

As soon as the door flew shut, small arms wrapped around Seonghwa's neck. He giggled a little in surprise and hugged his fiancé back. "What we're you two talking about? I heard Jisoo cry." Seonghwa stroked his back, still worried about what will happen to Hongjoong when Misoo really does the same thing to him. "I'll tell you baby. But not here yeah?" He nodded.



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