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Hours now passed and Hongjoong was getting tired of waiting for Seonghwa. Wooyoung fell asleep already but Hongjoong just couldn't. His clock on his phone showed that it was already 7 p.m and it's been so quiet in the house.

He sighed and and stood up from the bed to leave the room. He opened the door and closed it as quiet as possible behind him. Hongjoong knew he wasn't allowed to enter the basement but what could Seonghwa possibly do?

His feet carried him down the stairs to the ground. It was already dark outside due to winter season and it was also very cold outside. Hongjoong firstly walked into the foyer where no one was to see.

Hongjoong never was in the basement before. Seonghwa never wanted him to go down there and so he never did. But he missed Seonghwa so much already and it was a mystery to Hongjoong what Seonghwa possibly did. All he knew was it had something to do with Misoo and his stomach didn't feel well at all at this thought.

He still stood lost in the foyer, holding his belly with both hands. Hongjoong just didn't know where to go. Suddenly, he heard how the sound of heels coming nearer to him. Someone was running into his direction but he couldn't identify from where the sound came. It sounded like if a woman on heels was running.

He then turning into everything single direction and saw the all to familiar face running towards him. This girl was Misoo but she wasn't recognizable at all.

She was running as if her left leg was badly broken, her arms were probably broken too because she couldn't control what they were doing. Her face and clothes were full of blood, which also ran down her head. Misoo looked absolutely destroyed.

Hongjoong got pulled out of his thoughts when the girl screamed in pain. Her body hit the floor, eyes pinned on Hongjoong as she began to yell.

"You fucking son of a bitch! I'll kill you!" Misoo managed to stand up and ran towards him, although she was a little slow. Hongjoong couldn't move, he was too shocked to process everything that was happening. The girl was a few feet away from him, she was ready to lay her bloody hand on him, but before she could reach the smaller, a shot echoed around the hall and Misoo fell lifeless on the floor.

Hongjoong's eyes widened and his small hands covered his mouth in shock as he eyed the dead body in front of him, blood painted the floor underneath her.

"Baby!" A Voice shouted from far away. Hongjoong looked up and saw Seonghwa putting his gun away and running towards him. When the older reached his fiancé, he checked the smaller for any bruises and pulled him then into his arms. Hongjoong's innocent heart was racing at an insane speed. The last thing he wanted to see in his whole life was a person dying right in front of him.

Hongjoong was about to inhaler Seonghwa scent, because it always calmed him down, but instead he inhaled a strong iron scent. He pulled away from Seonghwa and observed him.

His white button down was painted in red and so was his face and the rest of his clothes. What did he do to her?

Hongjoong didn't want to believe himself that he saw something like that. He could just stare. "Joongie...?" Seonghwa asked. The taller was worried. Hongjoong didn't say anything and just stared but Seonghwa thought he should give him time. The taller sighed and snug an arm around his waist. "Uhm...Should we go to bed?" Hongjoong didn't do anything once again.

Suddenly they got interrupted by some voices running towards them. "Hongjoong?!" Wooyoung yelled and quickly ran towards him. The rest also came right behind Wooyoung.

But Hongjoong was too caught up. His eyes never left her body and the blood on the floor. "You're worrying me. Please talk to us." Seonghwa tried to reach out to him but Hongjoong just shook his head and turned around in order to walk away from them. He needed a little bit of space.

Wooyoung, San, Yunho and Mingi just stood still and watched the smaller disappear, while Seonghwa ran behind him.

"What's wrong with him?" Yunho asked worried as he started moving the dead body. The rest shrugged, not knowing how to react. "I have no clue. But, shall I help you Yun?" Mingi asked and Yunho nodded. The pair hovered the body into the air and walked away from Wooyoung and San, to put her somewhere no one will be able to find her.

"Sannie, I'm worried." San shook his head and wrapped his arms around Wooyoung's waist and kissed his cheek. "Don't be. Hongjoong maybe needs a little bit of time to process everything that happened. He saw for the first time how someone shot a person right in front of him. This isn't something your brain can process easily." Wooyoung nodded and turned around to capture his boyfriend's lips.

"Baby please stop!" Seonghwa shouted behind Hongjoong who kept ignoring him for the whole way to their bedroom. He didn't want to look back at Seonghwa because he still didn't wash up. The blood on his fiancé was terrifying and scared him even more. The pictures of Misoo being so helpless and being shot repeatedly played in his head like a broken cassette.

Hongjoong opened the door to their bedroom but left it open for Seonghwa who quickly caught up with the smaller and wrapped his arms around his small waist, hands resting on his belly. The smaller looked down at his hands.

"Please stop. Talk to me..." Hongjoong's eyes were glued on the taller's hands wich were still full with blood. He quickly pushed Seonghwa's hands away from his belly, in order to protect his unborn baby. "I can't...Please clean yourself Seonghwa." He whispered and walked over to their bed, to lie down on the mattress.

Seonghwa was confused. What did he do? Hongjoong would never called him by his name until something is wrong. Nevertheless, Seonghwa followed Hongjoong's wish and rushed into the connected bathroom, to wash the blood from his body.

The smaller placed his own hand on his belly and rubbed over it softly. He was definitely traumatized and he didn't know if he could forget that so easily.

Just as Hongjoong's eyes closed, Misoo's words shot into his mind within her dead body. He couldn't sleep. That wasn't possible and now he knew it.

A few minutes later, he heard the door clicking and Seonghwa stepped out of the bathroom in his boxers and almost dried hair. The taller walked over to the bed and laid down beside him, arms wrapping around his waist, hands resting on his belly once again.

Hongjoong looked down at his hands to check if they were clean and they were. "Will you now talk to me...?" Hongjoong heard Seonghwa ask but the taller sniffed a little, signaling the smaller that he obviously cried. "Are you crying?" He asked. "Of course I am! I don't know what I did wrong. I don't know why you are like this but I know it has something to do with me. Please just tell me!" He sobbed and broke Hongjoong's heart with those sounds.

"I just- I'm...traumatized...I saw something horrifying and I still can't believe a person died in front of my eyes. I never saw something like that in general and it just shocked me." It made all sense to Seonghwa now.

"I'm so so sorry honey. I took my whole anger on her out and tortured her until she almost died but she managed to distract me and ran away. Of course I ran behind her and when I saw how she came near you, I just needed to shoot, I was too afraid that she'd do something to you." Hongjoong didn't want to believe his ears. "You...tortured her..." He repeated quietly but didn't want to take anything further.

"I love you Hongjoong..."

"Good night, Seongie."

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