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Seonghwa entered through door and hung his jacket up. After removing his shoes, he quickly hurried into the kitchen. The smell of Ramen and Kimchi greeted him immediately when he entered the house, so he knew where his fiancé would be.

With a smile on his lips he walked silently into the room, to attack Hongjoong in a back hug, who was cooking at the moment. When Seonghwa suddenly wrapped his arms around his torso, Hongjoong screamed, turned around and hit Seonghwa with his ladle.

"Ow!" He said and let go off him to rub his head. Hongjoong gasped and quickly ran over to his soon-to-be husband and cupped his cheeks. "Oh sorry honey, I thought you were a stranger." Seonghwa pouted. "Which stranger would hug you?" He mumbled and Hongjoong laughed and kissed his cheek. "I don't know. I'm still sorry." He said and let Seonghwa also smile.

"How did the conversation with your uncle go?" Hongjoong asked sweetly before turning back to the pan and pot with kimchi and ramen. Seonghwa hummed and snug an arm around his waist. "Very well. My aunt joined as well later on and they said they'd love to attend our wedding." Hongjoong smiled. "That's amazing. I can't wait to meet them!" He said excitingly and turned around.

Hongjoong needed to be honest: He felt sad. He didn't have any relatives he could invite to this important day and it was all his fathers fault. He didn't let him see anyone of his family in his whole life and now he couldn't invite anyone. Seonghwa said there would be a lot of people he knew from work and some friends from him. Hongjoong only knew Yunho, San, Mingi and Wooyoung, who would still be there.

"Hey baby, is everything okay? You look like as if you're about to cry." Seonghwa said and took his chin between his thumb and index finger. Hongjoong rubbed over his eyes with his sleeves and looked up at Seonghwa. "It's okay. I'm just a little sad that I have no one to invite to our wedding." He said still smiling. "I'm really sorry baby." Seonghwa said and cupped Hongjoong's face to pull him into a kiss.

He wrapped his arms around his neck softly while Seonghwa's arms found their way around to the youngers waist. "I wish I could do something against that." Seonghwa whispered against his lips and Hongjoong just smiled. "It's okay. I have you, our son and the boys, that's all I need to be happy." Seonghwa cooed at him and pecked his lips.

"You're making the perfect parent my little angel." He said and pushed Hongjoong a bit backwards so that the younger was pressed against the counter. Seonghwa's arms clutched his waist and Hongjoong blushed a deep shade of red. "Seonghwa-" Seonghwa shushed him quickly with a kiss and pressed him even further against the counter.

Hongjoong's hands glided over Seonghwa's biceps and grabbed it to catch stability. Their lips connected and disconnected every time again and again, creating wet kissing sounds. Hongjoong felt how Seonghwa's tongue brushed over his bottom lip and gently bit into it. Hongjoong moaned into the kiss and Seonghwa used the opportunity to slide his tongue into his mouth. Hongjoong held tighter onto Seonghwa's arms and stood on his tippy toes to fight with Seonghwa over the dominance.

He knew he will lose but he wanted at least to try. Seonghwa seemed to notice that and kissed him rougher, so he was sure he will win. Hongjoong was too lazy to even protest and gave up immediately, leaving Seonghwa the victory once again. Seonghwa's hands suddenly wandered from his waist to his butt and grabbed both cheeks. Hongjoong quietly moaned into the hot kiss.

Seonghwa left one hand on top of his butt, the other one he placed under his upper thigh to lift it up and placed it tight on the height of his waist.

Both were in their own world so that they didn't notice how to familiar males entered the kitchen. While both kissed wildly Wooyoung and San stood awkwardly just there. San then decided to clear his throat and let the couple quickly look at their direction.

Their eyes were wide open and Woosan began to laugh. "You were really at it! I'm sorry to disturb you." They laughed and the other males sighed in sync. "What are you even doing here?" Hongjoong asked and quickly turned off the stove before pushing Seonghwa away to go over to Wooyoung and San.

Hongjoong quickly hugged both of them and smiled. "We were on our way to San's family and we thought we could stop here for a while to say 'hi'."

The couples began to chatter about different things. San and Seonghwa quietly shared some informations about the upcoming engagement party. And of course Wooyoung and San were invited.

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