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Seonghwa threw his head back and took a deep sigh, while leaning back in his armchair. He knew he was a bit too harsh to his boyfriend but it was easy to irritate him. He was frustrated that he may have done a mistake by asking Hongjoong if Yunho already told him his secret. Seonghwa just thought he already did, because it was made up like that.

"You seem to be deep in thoughts." A voiced suddenly pulled him out of his thoughts. "Why didn't you just knock San?" Seonghwa positioned him normal again, to look at his best friend, who held a folder in his arms. He slammed it on the desk. "These were photos, taken by our security cameras. An other warehouse got robbed but we have photos this time." Blood boiled in Seonghwa's veins. He couldn't stand someone ruining his work.

"Are any guards injured?" Seonghwa's expression was dark and cold, he was clearly annoyed and angry. But San knew how to deal with that. "Yes. Three are dead and the rest is with Wooyoung at the infirmary." Seonghwa rubbed over his face. "I can't risk losing more guards. We need to find the people did do that." San crossed his arms in front of his chest.

He had an idea. "Yunho is one of our best spies. He could follow some of the people when we recognize some." Seonghwa shook his head. "No, Hongjoong is staying with him at the moment, until I'm done with work. They need to clear up some things." San sighed. He had no plan what to do either.


Hongjoong and Yunho finished recording in the studio and were now on their way to Yunho. He lived like 10 minutes away from Hongjoong's studio, which was kind of optional for both of them. Yunho has never been so nervous before, but Hongjoong needs to know the truth.

He was scared of his reaction. Will they still be friends afterwards? Will everything be like before? He didn't know that.

Yunho took the keys and opened the door for his and Mingi's apartment. They removed their shoes and headed into the living room. They don't need jackets anymore since it was June.

"So...You wanted to tell me something." Hongjoong started. Yunho gulped and nodded. Now or never.
"Do you remember the day, we went to the club with Mingi?" Hongjoong thought and nodded. He was drunk and couldn't remember exactly what happened, but he knew that they went clubbing. "Well, we went to this one club on purpose. The reason we went to that club was...Seonghwa," Hongjoong frowned and looked confused. "You know Seonghwa?" Yunho nodded before he continued to talk.

"I'm working for him. I'm one of his spies." Yunho's gaze was fixed on the others eyes. When Hongjoong didn't reply, Yunho decided to go on. "Uhm...Back at the club...Seonghwa told me to bring you there. It was planned that you would go to the toilet, where San was waiting for you. And San was instructed to take you to Seonghwa's home." Yunho bit his bottom lip, as he saw a slight change in Hongjoong's eyes. He looked hurt.

"That you slip into little space was also planned. I know how much you hate that and I can't describe how sorry I am..." Hongjoong didn't reply. His best friend was part of planning on kidnapping him. "How long knew you of this plan?" Yunho sighed. "Hongjoong, I-" - "I asked, how long knew you of this plan?!" Hongjoong suddenly screamed and stood in front of his best friend.

Anger filled his veins and hurt. He never expected this from his best friend. "One year..." Hongjoong clenched his fists. He was disappointed and angry, emotions he never really felt before. He was always happy and positive and had never negative feelings. This was completely new for him. "One fucking year...And you didn't warn me at least! I was scared the first days! Did you even know what it felt like to be with a stranger?! With a mafia boss?! I didn't know if I could make it out of the house alive!" Hongjoong's anger grew, and not just of Yunho.

"I know Hongjoong and I'm really sorry for what I did." Hongjoong took a deep sigh. "How can I call you my best friend, if you planned on kidnapping me?! I'm done here." Hongjoong said and ran to the door.

Yunho's eyes widened as he heard, how the door opened. He ran after Hongjoong but the door closed already. He saw how the blonde haired male ran along the streets, there was no way he could catch up with him. So he simply took his phone and called Seonghwa.

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