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Seonghwa's eyes slowly opened when the light was peeking into the room. He grumbled a little and wanted to pull his fiancé more to his chest but gripped into empty space. His eyes then flew open again and the taller sat up straight, hysterical looking around the room, when his eyes suddenly sticked on the almost naked figure beside the bed.

Seonghwa calmed down and smiled a little to himself. He quickly got up and kneeled down to Hongjoong who fell out of the bed in his sleep probably. His arms wrapped around his body, but through the touch of Seonghwa, Hongjoong woke up. He was confused about why he laid on the floor and looked up at Seonghwa.

"Did you throw me out of our bed?" He asked with a sleepy voice and Seonghwa began to laugh and pulled him up, so the smaller could comfortably lie on the bed again. "No, of course not baby. I think you fell out of our bed." He said and let Hongjoong smile. He giggled and cuddled up onto Seonghwa's naked chest. "I didn't notice that." Hongjoong laughed and got hugged by Seonghwa. "I just hope you didn't get hurt." Seonghwa kissed a part of Hongjoong's hair caressed it softly.

The couple wanted to close their eyes again, so they could sleep in peace, wouldn't a very energetic Wooyoung slam the door open. "Wake up Joongie! Let's do your first check up!" He screamed and smiled widely. By that, Seonghwa immediately sat up and looked at Wooyoung and Hongjoong in disbelief. But Wooyoung went pale when he saw that he disturbed Seonghwa's sleep.

This happened once and then never again. When Hongjoong wasn't there, Wooyoung once disturbed Seonghwa's sleep and after that, he had to clean the whole house with a toothbrush and Seonghwa yelling at him, so this would never again happen.

"Oh- Uhh...I-I'm sorry for disturbing you h-hyung, I-I didn't mean to-" But Seonghwa shook his head, signaling Wooyoung to stop talking. Hongjoong now sat up too and smiled at Wooyoung. "You too a good morning." He laughed and felt how Seonghwa snug his arms around his waist to caress his belly.

"You said something about check up?" He asked and looked at Wooyoung who nodded. "Yeah. While you were gone, we discussed a few things and came to the conclusion, that we would make a check up today, with you if you want." Seonghwa smiled and looked at Hongjoong who looked back at the smaller. The older quickly leaned in to steal a kiss from his fiancé who giggled afterwards. "That means, we're able to see our baby?" Hongjoong shook his head and Seonghwa made a disappointed face.

"No, it's still an embryo honey, you'll just see a small blob." He laughed and made Seonghwa sigh. "After you two are ready, please come down to the infirmary, then I can also introduce to you the midwife." The couple nodded and Wooyoung left the room.

Hongjoong was ready to leave the bed but got pulled back by Seonghwa and squeaked a little. "5 more minutes please." He pleaded and pulled Hongjoong onto his chest, so he laid on top of him. "What will you do after the check up sweetheart?" Seonghwa asked and covered them with the blanket. "I thought about finishing up my open music project. Do you remember when Yunho and I used to hang out to do something for the music project but we couldn't finish because we played Mario Kart?"

Seonghwa chuckled and nodded. "A lot of things happened, so I couldn't really finish the song. I need to overwork a few things and then it's done." Seonghwa listened to him while he caressed his blue hair. "I'm proud of you." Hongjoong blushed and giggled. "And I'm proud of the person for who the song is for." Seonghwa thought he didn't hear right.

There was someone else? Bullshit. Never. No one is better than him for Hongjoong.

Seonghwa lifted his head to look into a pair of innocent eyes. "There is...someone else?" He asked and made Hongjoong laugh and shake his head. "No dummy. The song is for you. I remember once asking you about your daily life and how you told me that you were afraid of loosing me. So I got inspired by that." Seonghwa pouted and started fangirled over the younger once again, how cute this was, how adorable he was and so on.

Both eventually made it out of the bed and got ready. Seonghwa was clothed in a compressor shirt and sweatpants while Hongjoong had matching sweatpants and Seonghwa's pullover. The couple then quickly intertwined their hands and walked out of the room.

While they walked, Hongjoong had an intense staring contest with Seonghwa's compressor shirt. The way his fiancés muscles were clearly visible made his mouth water. His eyes were fixed on Seonghwa's muscular and well built chest, so that he didn't notice how he almost ran against a wall because they had to walk in a different direction. Seonghwa pulled him quickly to himself before he could hit the wall.

He laughed and made Hongjoong look at his face now. "What did you think about, that you almost ran against a wall baby?" He asked amused and let Hongjoong blush in embarrassment. "N-Nothing...Your-Your- Uhm, never mind." He said and looked down to avoid eye contact with the taller, who grew a little worried. "Tell me please." Hongjoong gulped. "You...Just look very sexy in that shirt." He mumbled. Seonghwa was a little taken back by that as the smaller looked with his brown, big orbs into his eyes.

This innocent and pure look in them was something Seonghwa always adored. But as soon as Hongjoong would grow needy, this side would fade. But Seonghwa didn't complain.

They stopped in front of a white door and Seonghwa opened it. Wooyoung was already in there with an other, unknown female. She had long black hair and wore casual clothes with red heels. Seonghwa knitted his eyebrows, because the heels and the hair looked very familiar to Misoo. But when the female turned around, Seonghwa could sigh relived cause it wasn't that girl.

Hongjoong smiled and walked towards Wooyoung while Seonghwa closed the door behind him.

"Y'all, that's Kim Jisoo. She's very sweet and you can trust her, I made sure of it. She won't tell anything to public and promised that everything that happens in the mansion, stays in the mansion. Hyung, I know you're suspicious about such things but you can fully trust Jisoo." Wooyoung exclaimed and shortly after, Jisoo bowed politely and smiled.

She waved to Hongjoong who walked over to the said girl and shook her hand. "I'm happy to be the one to bring your child on the world. I promise I'll do my best job Mr Park." Hongjoong had to blush by the given surname and looked around to meet the gaze of his fiancé who held a wide smile on his lips.

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