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The doorbell rang and Hongjoong hurried over to answer. He pulled the door open and got immediately pulled into a hug by Haneaul.

"Good morning Hongjoong! Have you slept well?" She asked as she pulled away from the hug and let Hongjoong smile. "Yeah, I did. Come in." He said and stepped aside to let the family in. Baekhyun also friendly greeted him while Jungwoo nodded his head politely towards him.

Hongjoong closed the door and caught up with the family to lead them into the living room.

"Do you want something to drink or eat? Seonghwa will be downstairs with Jongho in a few minutes by the way." Hongjoong smiled. "A water please." Haneaul said and the other two nodded along with her.

Hongjoong quickly turned around in order to walk into the kitchen. Just when the smaller left, Seonghwa entered the room with his son in his arms.

"Good morning auntie." He smiled and made his aunt look a bit surprised into his direction. But she ended up smiling at him.

"Oh how adorable he is! Let me hold him please!" She said excitingly and made the rest in the room chuckle. Seonghwa gladly handed her the baby, which she carefully took into her arms.

"You're so tiny..." Haneaul said as she booped his small nose. Seonghwa could just watch his aunt and son in awe. Never expected Seonghwa to see his relatives and son in one room, it was like a dream came true and the fact that it was Hongjoong's and his baby made it even more unbelievable.

Just when Seonghwa was about to fall deeper into his trance, a happy voice snapped him out of his thoughts. "Oh, you're already here?" Hongjoong asked with a big smile at Seonghwa while he handed his family the water. Seonghwa gladly returned the smile and nodded.

"You two look like you're meant to be with each other..." Beakhyun chuckled as he looked at them. He was proud of his nephew who managed to actually fulfill his plan to be with the love of his life, although he didn't really support him back then.

Hongjoong could just lean onto Seonghwa's shoulder and smiled widely. "Thank you... I actually think the same, what about you, love?"

Seonghwa smiled at the given nickname and his cheeks turned a bit pink. Hongjoong was actually a little bit surprised to see him blush, since this didn't happen often. "I definitely think so too."

"You two lovebirds... It looks like it's time to finally get married." Haneaul says as she was still holding the baby. Jongho seemed to really like her aunt which was probably also the reason why he smiled so much.

Seonghwa hummed in agreement and snug an arm around Hongjoong's waist to pull him closer.

"We should definitely. I'm really excited about our wedding day, I just hope Seonghwa doesn't drink too much." Hongjoong giggled a bit and looked up at his fiancé who was staring at him with a faked sad expression.

"Excuse you?" He knitted his eyebrows and made Hongjoong giggle even more. "I-I'm just saying. What if you get drunk? Then I need to take care of you and then I have two babies I need to watch." He said and took Seonghwa's cheeks between his hands to squeeze them slightly, making the taller slightly laugh. "I could watch Jongho for the rest of the night if you want to have... You know... some private time afterwards." Haneaul said as she winked at the pair.

Hongjoong's cheeks immediately started to heat up as he slowly realized what Haneaul meant with 'private time' but Seonghwa could only hold his laughter back at his fiancés reaction.

"This would be really nice auntie and Jongho seems to like you a lot so I don't think it would be too big problem that he'll stay with you." Seonghwa replied and smiled at his aunt who had also a big grin on her lips. She looked down at the baby and started talking to him, telling him how grateful she was that his parents would have the courage to leave him with her.

Hongjoong could only eye the sight with a little chuckle as he looked up at Seonghwa. "Seems like Jongho likes her more than us." He said and leaned his head against his shoulder. "Definitely not. I won't let my son love my aunt more than his own parents. He'll definitely love us more. After all, we're his parents! I'm a great dad! And you're a great mom!" Seonghwa sounded like as if he got offended by his own son which made Hongjoong laugh.

"Honey calm down. We have the rest of our lives time to spend it with him." Seonghwa hummed in agreement. "Yeah, you're right." He looked down at him and gave him a quick kiss on his lips.

The two parents turned their attention back to Haneaul and Jongho who were still playing together. The sight was really cute and no one really wanted to disturb them right now, so they just kept watching.

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