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Seonghwa returned early evening. Surprisingly, he had finished work earlier than he thought. The black haired male was just happy to finally see Hongjoong again.

He opened the doors to his bedroom, and saw the younger peacefully asleep under his red covers. A small smile appeared on the lips from Seonghwa, who went to the bed. He sat beside the sleeping boy and pecked his lips lovely.

"Seonghwa...?" A small voice mumbled. Brown eyes looked into his. "Yes, Sweetheart?" He asked with a smile. "You're here." Hongjoong also began to smile and placed his head on Seonghwa's lap. "Did you already eat, Baby?" Seonghwa stroked Hongjoong's hair lovingly and continued to look at him. "Yeah, San made something for me. He is so cute and nice!" Seonghwa's happy expression changed into an annoyed one, wich Hongjoong noticed.

"But not as cute and nice as you, Seongie!" Seongie... How much the older loved the given nickname, chosen by the younger. "That's good to know, Love." Hongjoong smirked. "L-Love...?" Seonghwa smirked and wasn't even embarrassed about confessing to the younger.

"I like you, Hongjoong. I really do." Hongjoong's cheeks turned into a deep shade of red as he looked away. He didn't know how to respond. Of course, he liked him back, but...wasn't it too early?

"I-I do too, Seonghwa." Seonghwa was surprised. He didn't expect Hongjoong to like him back after such a short time, especially when the other knew, he was dangerous.

Nevertheless, Seonghwa stroked his hair and pecked his forehead. "May I take you out tomorrow? On a date?" Hongjoong's smile grew wider, as he nodded. "I would love to." Seonghwa returned the smile of course and bend over Hongjoong.


Hongjoong woke up before Seonghwa this time. He rolled over to look at the taller's beautiful face. A small smile appeared on Hongjoong's lips, as an idea came to his mind.

He quickly got up and went into his room. He still had pain in his abdomen but they weren't as hurtful as the day before.

Hongjoong got dressed up, in his favorite skirt and pullover and went downstairs into the kitchen, just seeing some people work.

They all wished him a good morning, wich Hongjoong of course returned. In such a short time, everyone got to know Hongjoong and everyone loved him. He was nice to everyone, greeted them and even gave them a smile or just simply waved. Hongjoong felt like he was already at home and had a new family.

In the kitchen, he wanted to grab some stuff to make Seonghwa breakfast, but someone stopped him. "What are you trying to do, Mr Kim?" Hongjoong turned around confused. "I want to make breakfast for Seonghwa! Like a surprise." The cook nodded. "I could do that too-" He wanted to continue but Hongjoong stopped him. "No, it's fine sir. You don't need to. I'll make it myself." The older man nodded again and let Hongjoong do his thing.

After a short time, he was ready. On a black tray was a plate of eggs with bacon and coffee. There was also toast with some side dishes.

He walked upstairs, opened the door quietly and saw Seonghwa sitting up straight, looking at the younger with a smile.

Hongjoong placed the tray on the nightstand and fell with his back on the bed. "I made you breakfast." Seonghwa chuckled and pecked the others lips. "I'm surprised that you're up so early, gorgeous." The smaller blushed at the nickname and looked away.

Seonghwa took his chin, to made him look at him again. "You're so pretty when you get shy~" He mumbled. "S-Stop..." Hongjoong blushed even more. With a smirk, the older let go of him, but pulled the blonde haired onto his lap, taking a sip from his coffee.

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