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After the couple talked, Seonghwa wanted to introduce Ryujin to his beloved boyfriend. They were on their way downstairs, making their way the living room, where the girl from from beforehand sat.

Seonghwa and Hongjoong soon joined her. Hongjoong had the honor, to sit between her and Seonghwa. She turned her head and smiled at Hongjoong. "Hey, you must be Hongjoong. I heard a lot about you." Seonghwa chuckled when he noticed how Hongjoong slightly moved away from her. "Oh, uhm...Then you must be Ryujin." The smaller girl nodded and took a sip from her water she had.

Seonghwa watched the two interacting with a small smile, while his arms were wrapped around the smaller's waist. "I see, Mr Parks seems to not let you go again. But understandable. I like your top by the way! It suits you!" She playfully winked at him, which made Hongjoong even blush. Both of them heard a small muffle, coming from Seonghwa. "What did you say?" Ryujin asked while chuckling. "Nothing. Just stop flirting and you'll keep your job." Ryujin gasped.

"That's not very nice." Seonghwa pecked Hongjoong's lips and stared at Ryujin. "Shut up, or you will lose your job!" The girl rolled her eyes and laughed. "I see." Hongjoong giggled too. The girl in front of him wasn't as bad as he thought.

They chatted a whole while and Hongjoong was able to get to know Ryujin better. She had a very unique sense of humor and made Hongjoong laugh a lot. Ryujin also told her how it felt like, being a victim of kidnapping and she told him a lot of her girlfriend, Yeji. And Seonghwa? Well, he more regretted introducing Hongjoong to Ryujin. She was the reason why his boyfriend laughed so much, she was the reason why he felt better and not him. He was...jealous.

"Okay that's enough. Feel home, Ryujin. We're gonna take some time for us." Seonghwa said in a stern tone and pulled Hongjoong at his wrist up to him. Hongjoong waved a last time to Ryujin, before Seonghwa took him upstairs again. Hongjoong had problems with keeping up with him and stumbled behind him.

Seonghwa managed to opnen their bedroom door, and closed it again, when both of them were in the room. Seonghwa hovered Hongjoong over his shoulder, who loudly giggled at this action. His giggled shot happiness into Seonghwa's veins and he began to smile. He laid Hongjoong down on their bed and crawled above him.

"Why did you keep ignoring me?" Seonghwa pouted. "I wasn't ignoring you. I just talked to Ryujin." Hongjoong smiled and pecked the older's lips. "Are you perhaps jealous?" Hongjoong teased and pinched Seonghwa's cheek. Seonghwa tensed up. "N-No. I'm not! But she kept flirting with you and she touched you, and no one touches what is mine..." Seonghwa growled and made Hongjoong blush, by calling him 'his'.

"Anyway, a certain someone told me you were shopping?" Seonghwa distracted from them from their topic and smirked. "Oh, yeah! It was fun and Yunho and I are best friends now again!" Hongjoong told Seonghwa who smiled. "That's good. What about you give me a little fashion show?" The older chuckled. Hongjoong hesitated to answer for a moment, but the thought of Seonghwa seeing him like this, made butterflies erupt in his stomach, so he nodded.

Seonghwa let go off of him and Hongjoong quickly ran into his room, to collect a few bags of his new clothes, just to storm back into the bedroom. It wasn't all he had bought, but the most of it.

He let the bags fall in front of Seonghwa. "Pick something, Seongie." Hongjoong said innocently and bend forward to Seonghwa, who just smirked. He started to root around the bags and pulled out a short cute dress. "You have style baby. I love pink on you." Hongjoong smiled and looked aside. He took the dress and walked over to the bathroom to change.

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