030 [M]

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"But...I can let you feel good..."

Seonghwa chuckled.

"I think, you don't know what you are doing with me." The older looked back at the younger, who's cheeks burned red. "But just if you want, you can do it..." Seonghwa said and helped Hongjoong to get up. They sat in front of each other, just staring, until Hongjoong crawled onto Seonghwa's lap and smashed their lips together.

He moved on Seonghwa's clothed member, to get any friction from him, which made the older groan. His hands were placed on Hongjoong's hips, to rock him for-and backwards in the rhythm he moved. Small groans left Seonghwa's throat, which turned the smaller more on than it should.

Hongjoong went down from Seonghwa's lap and kneeled down in front of him. The smaller unbuckled the taller's belt and helped him to pull the pants and his underwear down. Seonghwa's stiff member sprung into his face, and Hongjoong just remembered how big he was.

His eyes searched those from Seonghwa. When he looked at him, Seonghwa smiled and nodded. Hongjoong's small hands wrapped around the base of Seonghwa's length.

He licked the tip of Seonghwa's hardened cock, before wrapping his plumb lips around it. He slowly moved his head down, while the older placed a hand on top of his head. Seonghwa leaned his own head back into his neck, mouth open. Hongjoong felt how Seonghwa's tip touched the back of his throat, making him gag a bit. Seonghwa looked down at him in worry but Hongjoong shook his head, to signal him, that everything was okay.  He began bobbing his head up and down, in a fast tempo. He wanted to let his boyfriend feel good. Very good.

"You're doing so good babygirl." Hongjoong moaned at the nickname, sending vibrations up to the older, making him groan in pleasure.

The younger picked up pace and looked up at his boyfriend, driving him to the edge. Hongjoong held the tempo he had.

Hongjoong looked so innocent and helpless in the moment he sucked Seonghwa's dick. The taller was sure, he wanted to see this sight more often.  Seonghwa's throat left endless groans and some moans, he was near his climax, which Hongjoong noticed.

Seonghwa suddenly pulled at Hongjoong's hair and stopped his movements. He released his semen deep in the small boy's throat, wich made the said one gag. Seonghwa pulled immediately out and looked at him in concern. Hongjoong quickly swallowed the cum.

"Are you okay? Was that too much?!" Seonghwa cupped his face. "N-No...Everything is fine." A weak smile was seen on the smaller's lips, before he climbed up into his boyfriend's arms.

"You did a great job, princess." Hongjoong giggled. "Why are my nicknames always female?" Seonghwa pecked the smaller's lips. "You're the one having a vagina." The blonde haired pouted and playfully smacked Seonghwa's arm. "Shut up."

"I love you,"

"I love you too, idiot."


Seonghwa and Hongjoong fell asleep quickly at each others side.

The next day was full of love and endless cuddles. Hongjoong decided today not to go to school and Seonghwa took for his boyfriend a day off. They'd stay in the bedroom for a long time, just spending time cuddling and kissing, until the early noon.

Seonghwa wanted to show Hongjoong a few things he owned. His company, his office, a few of the warehouses, penthouses, bars in the city, restaurants, clubs and much more.

"You could work at my company, baby. If the café doesn't pay you enough." Seonghwa said while they got ready. "You're so nice Seongie. I would love to!" Hongjoong excitingly exclaimed.

Both of them made their way into the garage and got into the car. Seonghwa started driving. Their first destination would be the company.

"Seonghwa?" Hongjoong called out the older's name.

"Yes, my love?"

"Do you mind, meeting my friends someday?" Hongjoong looked at Seonghwa who was still focused on the road. He thought for a moment.

"Why not?" He finally answered with a small smile on his lips. Hongjoong giggled and pecked quickly Seonghwa's cheek.

When they arrived, Seonghwa drove onto the parking lot, before exiting the car together.

Hongjoong's jaw dropped, when he saw the huge building. Seonghwa stood behind him, hands on his shoulders. "That's...Your's?" Seonghwa nodded and pressed small kisses on Hongjoong's neck.

The building stood at a nearby forest, not really far away from the city. Huge letters wrote 'Park Industries' on the outside of the front.

"Wanna go inside?" Hongjoong nodded and took Seonghwa's hand. The other intertwined their hands, while entering the building.

Seonghwa was greeted by a lot of people in the building, probably his employees. Hongjoong on the other hand, received a lot of weird stares, which kinda made him feel unwelcome and uncomfortable.

But everything got better when they entered the elevator. Hongjoong sighed relieved, which caught the other's attention.

"Is something wrong, sweetheart."

"Nothing's wrong, Seongie. They just stared at me and felt uncomfortable. But the feeling is gone now, so don't worry!" Hongjoong smiled at him, but Seonghwa didn't return the smile.

He didn't like that, what his boyfriend told him. He didn't want people to look at him like that.
"I'm making sure, I'll fire everyone who looks at you like that." - "Y-You don't have to! It's okay, I swear." Seonghwa sighed in annoyance and squeezed his hand tighter.

The elevator stopped at the highest floor and both got out. Seonghwa showed Hongjoong the way to his office, so he would never forget, if he'd come to visit.

The black haired male opened a door, revealing a big office, held in matt black and white.

"That's my office baby." Hongjoong's eyes widened when he saw the office his boyfriend owned. It was very big and a pretty few of Seoul.

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