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"Congratulations, it's a boy!"

Hongjoong looked up at Seonghwa, who pulled the smaller into a kiss. The rest began to cheer and Wooyoung put a certain photo in front of the couple. Seonghwa and Hongjoong disconnected their lips and looked together at the photo.

Hongjoong gasped when he recognized it. "Look Hwa. That's our baby." Hongjoong said and showed his fiancé the ultrasound. The taller took it to take also a look at the small thing. "Aww it's so cute and I can finally change my Lock Screen!" He exclaimed and let Hongjoong roll his eyes in disbelief. "Not this again..." He mumbled and let Seonghwa laugh.

"Open your presents, we've prepared so much for you!" San laughed and pointed at the packages, which were rapped in paper. Seonghwa took the first one and opened it, revealing a pretty light blue jumpsuit for the baby. He had to grin to himself, because this moment felt so unreal to him. "My turn!" Hongjoong said and took also one.

He removed the robe around it and packed it out. Inside was a cute white colored blanket with a brown bear printed on. Hongjoong remembered the pink blanket Seonghwa once gave him and blushed. He folded the blanket and reached out for another present to hand it Seonghwa, who kissed his forehead real quick.

They continued unwrapping the presents from their friends, until every present was packed out. The couple now had a lot of baby stuff and surely enough toys to keep their babyboy entertained.

Afterwards, they ate the cake Seonghwa and Hongjoong cut open before. The smaller's heart pounded against his ribcage repeatedly without any break. He was so happy like never before.

Suddenly, Seonghwa grabbed Hongjoong's hand underneath the table. Hongjoong stopped eating and looked at Seonghwa with his brown doe eyes. "You alright baby?" The smaller just nodded and smiled, with teary eyes. "You're definitely not. You are almost crying." He said and cupped his face with a worried expression. "It's really nothing serious Seongie. I'm just really happy and due the pregnancy, I cry easily and sometimes even without a reason, so stop worrying I'm just happy." He said and gave his widest smile to the taller.

Seonghwa intertwined their hands and took a piece of cake from his plate, to feed Hongjoong. The smaller giggled and also took a piece of cake to do the same to Seonghwa, completely ignoring the others. The couple was in their own little world, filled with love and admiration for each other.

"Take a room." Wooyoung disturbed them and let everyone laugh, even Seonghwa chuckled a little. The boys talked about god and the world and Wooyoung and San even brought the topic about their baby up. Wooyoung told the most about it, that they were going to probably adopt one in a few months, when Hongjoong's little one was there, so they could grow up together.

When everyone ate up, they began cleaning the table and the dishes. Seonghwa and Hongjoong smeared each other full with foam and laughed at each other when they saw the result.

After they've cleaned up, the couples went separate ways. Seonghwa wanted to show Hongjoong this one empty white wall and wanted to tell him how they could do hundreds of photos to pin it at the wall.

Hongjoong was of course enthusiastic about that idea and attacked Seonghwa into a kiss. "You're full of surprises Seongie." Hongjoong laughed. The taller embraced his torso and pulled the smaller into a bone crushing hug. He giggled and kissed a part of Seonghwa's neck before he let go of his fiancé.

"We could go to the photo studio tomorrow. And then we can prepare for Christmas since there are just two weeks left." Seonghwa said and began walking
with him into the direction of the bedroom.

Seonghwa opened the door like a gentleman for Hongjoong, who kissed his lips in reward. Seonghwa quickly ran after him and pushed the smaller onto the bed, before falling on top of him. Hongjoong laughed at the sudden crash and wrapped his arms around Seonghwa's waist.

"This is so unbelievable..." He mumbled into Hongjoong's neck who began caressing his hair. "What do you mean?" Hongjoong asked a little confused. "You need to see this out of my perspective. I liked you for so many years Joongie. I loved you for so many years and you didn't even know I existed. Several years of watching you, picturing my dreams with you, which seemed never to come true, actually came true. And now, you're even pregnant with my child. Our child. I can't describe how happy I am." Hongjoong pulled the taller closer and kissed his cheek.

"Stop, or I'm gonna cry." Seonghwa chuckled. "How about we turn your old room into the baby's one? He also can sleep in a bed in our room for the first months or year but we can prepare a room for him." Hongjoong hummed and nodded. "Great idea. Also; I wanna hear your ideas for possible baby names." He said and Seonghwa gasped surprised like a kid.

"Okay! Uhm...what about Juwon, Hajoon, Minjun, Yujun, Sujin, Jiyeong, Daeho, Chinhae, Yeonghwan, Manyoung, Wonshik, Dongmin, Sanghun, Jisu, Junseo, Chanwoo, Dongsan, Hanwool, Jongho, Ilsung, Minju, Jaesung-" Hongjoong suddenly stopped him. "Wait, what was the third last one?" He asked and Seonghwa smiled. "Ilsung?" Hongjoong shook his head. "No, I didn't mean that one. Was it the fourth last one?" He more mumbled to himself.

"You mean Jongho?" Hongjoong smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I like this name." Seonghwa chuckled and kissed his lips, before stroking his cheek lovingly.

"Then it'll be Jongho."

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