058 [M]

854 31 12

An other week passed and Hongjoong wouldn't do a step without Seonghwa by his side. He always stayed with Seonghwa in his office. There was also no sign from Misoo. Seonghwa made her quit the job with a brutal conversation. But Misoo doesn't seem to give up on him. Seonghwa always spotted her car on the parking lot at his company, but Misoo couldn't be seen anywhere.

Seonghwa grew more and more uncomfortable with that situation and the worry about Hongjoong rose day by day. He would always be awake at night, to watch out that no one came near him. Woosan and Yungi needed to work everyday and would sometimes come to visit the couple and cheering them up. Especially Hongjoong when he was in little space. It wasn't easy for everyone.

"Seonghwaaaaa! I want cuddles pwease!" Seonghwa was working on the computer in his office at the mansion, when Hongjoong suddenly pulled the door open, standing in front of him with his pink blanket, he didn't let go from the day on Seonghwa gave it to him.

Seonghwa's eyes wandered from the screen to his boyfriend. "Baby I have work to do." He sighed with a small sad smile. Hongjoong pouted and huffed. "Can Joongie sit on your lawp pwease?" Seonghwa thought for a while before nodding and rolling a bit backwards on his armchair, so Hongjoong could sit down on his lap.

The younger happily smiled and hurried over to sit on the older's lap. His arms snug around Seonghwa's neck and the other put his hand under Hongjoong's butt, so he could hold him better. He rolled forward again and was concentrated on the screen again.

Seonghwa smiled to himself, as Hongjoong gave him kisses all over his neck, up to his jawline. The taller giggled and then placed a hand on Hongjoong's under tummy. "How many months to go?" He mumbled. "Around eight." Seonghwa groaned, which made Hongjoong laugh a little. "Don't be impatient Seongie." He whispered and smiled to himself. "I know I shouldn't be...But I just can't wait!" He huffed.

They talked a lot while Seonghwa was working, mostly about their baby. Seonghwa hoped that it'd be a girl and Hongjoong hoped for a boy. Both didn't know why they had chosen this choice but each of them bickered the whole time about the gender.

"I'm so tiwed. When are ywou done with work?" Seonghwa stroked his ass slightly while typing something on the keyboard. "Wait a second..." He mumbled and typed quickly something, before sending it and shutting the computer down. "Now my attention is all yours angel." Seonghwa leaned back, making the younger look at him.

Seonghwa smirked and slapped Hongjoong's ass. A slight moan echoed around the room. "What do you want to do?" Seonghwa's smirk grew, when his hand stroked his clothed hole. "I-I- hmm." Hongjoong cut himself when Seonghwa's hand slid inside his pants. He then slipped a finger into Hongjoong's panties, his thumb rubbing along his slit. Hongjoong grew wetter with every movement his boyfriend made.

"Tell me how to pleasure you, darling." Seonghwa slipped a finger into his wet dripping hole, letting Hongjoong moan. "Wanna ride you, ma- Seongie." Seonghwa raised an eyebrow. Did he hear that right? "What did you want to say, babygirl?" Hongjoong bit his lip in order to keep quiet but Seonghwa didn't seem to like that.

Seonghwa growled and pinched his ass cheek. "Come on." Hongjoong whimpered. "M-Master." He finally spat out. Something in Seonghwa just snapped. He pressed their lips roughly together, still keeping his fingers in Hongjoong's hole. Seonghwa's tongue explored his mouth, Hongjoong already gave up about fighting over the dominance, the second Seonghwa's tongue entered his warm mouth. They kissed for a long time and Seonghwa kept thrusting his finger into Hongjoong's pussy, suddenly adding a second one.

Seonghwa's free hand stripped Hongjoong's pants and panties from his legs on the floor, so the only thing he was wearing was Seonghwa's t-shirt, which he stole this morning from the drawer.

"Is this mine?" Seonghwa lowered his tone, looking up and down at the boy. Hongjoong blushed and nodded. "You look great in it. I want you to keep it." He mumbled against the younger's lips. A small whimper left Hongjoong's throat as Seonghwa pulled out his fingers. He lifted Hongjoong a bit up, to pull his own clothes down.

He let Hongjoong sit on his stiff member and rubbed it between his wet soaked folds. "Don't be lazy baby, ride me." Hongjoong bit his lip and gripping into Seonghwa's shoulder. He lifted himself up a bit and placed with his other, free hand Seonghwa's cock on his entrance, before slowly sinking on it. When he fully sat in him, he moaned and buried his head into the crook of Seonghwa's neck. The olders hands wandered to Hongjoong's soft butt, where he placed them under his cheeks.

Seonghwa loved the feeling of his hands cupping Hongjoong's ass. It always felt so soft and squishy, that he always began to knead, pinch or massage it.

Hongjoong started moving his hips up and down, letting his boyfriend's cock reach deep into him. Both had their eyes closed, Hongjoong enjoyed the feeling of being full, Seonghwa enjoyed the feeling of Hongjoong's warm walls around him and the moans Hongjoong would breathe into his ear.

"Yes, like that baby. Keep that speed up, make yourself feel good." Hongjoong muffled a moan into Seonghwa's neck, trying to satisfy himself and Seonghwa. He thought it was selfish to just think about himself.

He circled his hips a bit, making Seonghwa also groan quietly. Skin slapping noises echoed around the office, letting the room feel hot and erotic. "M-Master please..." Their lips connected once again but moans over moans interrupted them each time, Seonghwa's dick hit Hongjoong's prostate.

Sweat sticked on both's foreheads and on their neck. Seonghwa's hands gripped harsher into Hongjoong's soft and milky flesh, signaling Hongjoong that the older would cum soon. He sped up his movements and his moans got louder.

Soon enough, Hongjoong was the first to cum and clenched his walls around Seonghwa's cock. The latter groaned and his head fell back into his neck, while he shot his semen into Hongjoong.

A soft sigh reached into Seonghwa ear. His hand tucked the younger's hair behind his ear. "You were amazing baby. You did such a great job at making us feel good." Hongjoong giggled and kissed Seonghwa's neck softly. "Someday, I'm teaching you how to ride me all night long." The smaller's ear were getting red, as those words left his boyfriend's mouth. But he didn't complain tho.


Later that day, the couple decided that they wanted to spend some time together, before Hongjoong and him would go to work tomorrow. And both really weren't excited. They were scared, Hongjoong the most.

Seonghwa already thought about having the girl kidnapped and bringing her into the basement of his mansion, where he wanted her to suffer. She was making both feel unsafe and uncomfortable, if she'd be dead, this feeling would fade.

"Joongie, I want to take you on a date tomorrow. How does that sound?" Hongjoong's eyes sparkled. "I would lovew thawt!" He giggled and rolled over, so he laid on Seonghwa's stomach. "I love you angel." Seonghwa whispered and pecked the others lips. "I love you twoo." Hongjoong said and cuddled up into the older's chest.

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