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A week passed since Hongjoong brought Jongho to world and ever since then, nothing was the same anymore. But not in a bad way. Seonghwa and Hongjoong didn't need to work for two months now, because of the parental leave. Jisoo said both, Jongho and Hongjoong, were completely healthy but she would come around next week again to check them up.

After that, it was time to say goodbye. Hongjoong really grew to like her. She took great care of him, helped him through pregnancy and birth and Hongjoong was more than thankful, that he has had her as his midwife.

"So, goodbye then I guess." Jisoo said with a smile. She, Hongjoong and Seonghwa stood outside of the mansion, the car was already ready to get her home. Hongjoong wiped an upcoming tear away and sniffed. "Can you at least visit us some time?" He asked and Jisoo hummed. "Of course I will. But I still have a lot to do so we'll see when. Until next time, I'll say goodbye to you and Jongho." She said and glanced at the baby sleeping peacefully in his mothers arms. "Uhm...What about me?" Seonghwa asked a bit offended and Jisoo laughed. "You of course too. Bye!" Jisoo waved and entered the car, which drove away right after she had entered.

Hongjoong pouted and looked how the car slowly disappeared in the distance. He turned around and looked at Seonghwa with teary eyes. "Can we invite her to our wedding please?" Seonghwa chuckled and placed his hand on his cheek while stroking it softly. "Of course we can. Come on, let's go in." He said and let Hongjoong go in before he closed the door.

Seonghwa walked behind him and had his eyes glued on the others slightly exposed butt, since he just wore a thong and an oversized shirt. He wasn't pregnant anymore and that meant they could finally have sex again.

"I know you're staring honey." Hongjoong giggled and Seonghwa quickly looked away, acting innocent. The couple walked upstairs into their bedroom. Hongjoong asked if Seonghwa could open the door, which he gladly did. The couple had set up a crib on Hongjoong's bed side so if the baby would wake up, he could take care of him immediately.

Hongjoong carefully laid his son into his bed, covered him with a blanket and went over to his own one. Seonghwa laid already there and smiled at his fiance, who looked at himself in the mirror.

"I really gained a lot of weight during pregnancy..." He said and sighed. "I think you look still beautiful. It doesn't matter to me if you gained weight or not, you will always look perfect. Now please come here and cuddle with me." He said and Hongjoong laughed before walking away from the mirror, towards the bed.

Since Hongjoong's side of the bed was blocked by the crib, he went to Seonghwa's side and stood in front of it. Seonghwa was leaned on his pillow, his arms were behind his head as he stared at Hongjoong.

Hongjoong just smiled and leaned over him to crawl to his side of the bed, while Seonghwa harshly smacked his ass. "Ow!" Hongjoong whisper yelled and let Seonghwa laugh.

Hongjoong plopped onto the soft mattress and cuddled to Seonghwa's side, legs tangles with his own. "It feels so good to not be pregnant anymore." Seonghwa wrapped an arm around his neck and pulled him closer. "Does that mean you didn't like being pregnant?" Hongjoong giggled and closed his eyes. "I didn't mean that. I actually enjoyed being pregnant but some things were annoying. But I'm glad Jongho is with us now." Hongjoong said and Seonghwa agreed.

"Baby? Can we have sex again? I mean, not now but in the...very near future?" Hongjoong blushed but laughed at him. "As much as I want to have sex with you, I will have my period about 2 months." Hongjoong heard Seonghwa sigh dramatically which made him laugh even more, but he still was quiet because he didn't want to wake up Jongho. "Two months? That's too long." He could hear him pout even though it was completely dark.

The last thing Hongjoong did, was pecking his fiancés lips before drifting to sleep with him.

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