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He hated it. He absolutely hated it. Hongjoong cried and cried and cried. His throat hurt so badly and he just wanted to scream. Around fifteen minutes have had passed, since Hongjoong entered Seonghwa's office. Seonghwa didn't even came, to look after him.

Many thoughts surrounded his mind. Shall he just leave? Leaving his first ever love? Seonghwa looked happy with this girl, do why don't he gives them the happiness? Damn, he was overthinking and overreacting again.

Hongjoong took a deep sigh to calm down his sobs and took a tissue out of his nightstand, before snoring into it and throwing it away. He fell back onto his bed and continued to sniffle into his pillow. He knew he had absolutely no reason to be like that, but for Hongjoong it just seemed wrong what happened between Seonghwa and this girl. Who even was she?

A knock interrupted his thinking. He didn't want to open the door, or moving an inch. He just wanted to continue to cry, although he hated crying.

"Hongjoong, baby, please. Open the door!" A muffling voice was heard from outside. It was Seonghwa. Hongjoong didn't want to open, and if when, he didn't even locked the door. Hongjoong took a deep sigh and cuddled into his blanket, eyes fixed on the door. "Hongjoong, I don't repeat myself!" Hongjoong's eyes were red from crying and his mind fuzzy, he couldn't think. "Fuck this..." He heard Seonghwa curse, before the door got opened roughly.

Hongjoong pulled the blanket completely over him, so he didn't have to see Seonghwa's face. He felt how the taller sat down beside him and wanted to pull the covers away, but Hongjoong held them, so Seonghwa wouldn't see him.

"What's wrong? I'm worried." Seonghwa mumbled. "W-What's wrong? You even ask th-that?!" Hongjoong now pulled the covers away from him, exposing his tortured face. Seonghwa almost wanted to scream when he saw his face. His eyes were red, tear strands were visible on his cheeks, his eyes were watery and his cheeks were also red and puffy. He looked exhausted.

Seonghwa cupped his face and wiped the tears away with his thumbs, but Hongjoong slapped his hands away. "Do you see my face? It constantly looked like this when you weren't here. I knew you'd be gone for a bit, but you didn't even texted me how you promised. Then you disappeared for other four days. I starved myself out of worry! I think you don't know how hard that was for me..." Hongjoong said weakly, his body shaking.

Seonghwa on the other hand didn't know what to say. "I'm so sorry Hongjoong. Really, but my phone died and there was no opportunity to charge it..." Seonghwa's hand laid on Hongjoong's cheekbone and softly stroked it. "I didn't mean to be gone for so long. My team and I got distracted by an other mafia, but I'm here now..." Hongjoong sobbed and leaned into Seonghwa's touch. "But who was this girl? And why were you two so close? You seemed to be so happy with her..." Seonghwa gasped as those words leaving his boyfriend's throat.

"Do you think I cheated on you...? Baby, this was just Ryujin. You know, we came here just an hour ago. When we arrived, I said to Ryujin she should shower and clean up before coming down into my office. When she did, we talked about an opportunity to calm her down. Being kidnapped isn't something you can handle easy. She needs definitely therapy after she'll leave. I gave her a chance to stay here for one or two days, we just discussed a few things..." Hongjoong nodded but furrowed his eyebrows. Why didn't he get therapy when he got kidnapped?

"But why was she so close?" Hongjoong asked and rolled over.

Seonghwa smiled slightly. "She's a friend of mine. She's allowed to be this close and believe me, if you thought I have cheated on you, you're totally wrong. In fact, Ryujin has a girlfriend at home, but she doesn't want her to be terrified. Her partner would be worried too much and maybe make her quit her job. This would be a problem. And honey, I promise I'll make everything good again." Seonghwa said and kissed Hongjoong's forehead.

Hongjoong now smiled too and sat up. He crawled onto Seonghwa's lap and connected their lips. Seonghwa hummed into the kiss. Both of them were happy to finally feel the lips from each other on theirs again. It's been so long since they last kissed and this time it felt so good. So amazing. The kiss was full of love and passion, there wasn't any better one both boys expired.

When they disconnected their lips, Hongjoong closed his eyes and buried his neck into the crook of Seonghwa's own. The said one stroke the smaller's back and kissed his neck while he did this. "I missed you so much Seongie..." - "Believe me, I did too."

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