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Seonghwa was changing Jongho's diaper when Hongjoong joined him.

"Hey honey, let me do that-" Hongjoong was about to take in Seonghwa's place but the taller pushed his hands away. "Just yesterday I said that I could do this too. There's no need for you to do more than you already do baby." He said and pecked his head. "C-Can I still be with you?" He asked and Seonghwa nodded. He finished the last things on Jongho and wrapped him into his pjs.

Seonghwa took his son into his arms and grabbed Hongjoong's hand to guide him out of the bathroom to their room. Hongjoong watched how Seonghwa carefully placed their child into the crib and kissed it's head before turning his attention towards him.

"We have one hour left until I'm leaving. Wanna cuddle?" He asked and Hongjoong nodded with a wide smile, before jumping into Seonghwa's arms. He laughed and held the smaller at his butt while Hongjoong's legs wrapped around his waist.

Seonghwa walked to their door, opened it and closed it again. When both were out of their room, Hongjoong immediately attacked him with kisses. Seonghwa laughed because it tickled but continued walking downstairs with Hongjoong in his arms until both arrived in the living room.

Seonghwa gently put Hongjoong down on the couch and hovered over him while grinning at the smaller who smiled uncontrollably. "You look so adorable while smiling at me, you should do that more often." Hongjoong blushed madly and looked away from Seonghwa to avoid eye contact. Although they are dating for a long time now, Seonghwa never failed to make him flustered. He could hear his fiancé laugh lightly before his chin got lifted and turned into Seonghwa's direction.

"Don't avoid me." He pouted cutely. Hongjoong giggled and wrapped his arms around Seonghwa's neck. "I like how your hair is getting longer Seongie. It really suits you." He said and tucked a strand of hair behind his ear. "Thank you." He said and kisses his cheek.

"Make sure you come back as soon as possible, yeah?" Hongjoong asked when Seonghwa put on his jacket. Even though Seonghwa assured him that he will come back when he's done with the conversation with his uncle, Hongjoong still wanted to make sure that Seonghwa doesn't stay too long.

The older could just laugh and pecked Hongjoong's forehead. "Don't worry my love, I'll come back home in at least three hours." Hongjoong pouted and pulled Seonghwa down at his collar, so both were on the same height. "Three hours are still too much Mr Park." Seonghwa chuckled and put his hands on Hongjoong's hipbones. "Love, the time is going to be over in a very short time and when I come back, we'll cuddle together okay?" Hongjoong nodded and kissed Seonghwa's cheek before letting him go.

Seonghwa fixed his jacket and flashed a smile at his fiancé. Hongjoong accompanied the older to his car and watching him getting in to start the engine. Hongjoong took a bit distance so Seonghwa could drive away.

Hongjoong just watched the car disappear with a smile before he re-entered the house. To not wake up his baby, he closed the door carefully and walked through the foyer into the living room.

Seonghwa was nervous. He hasn't seen his uncle, aunt and his cousin since the day his parents left the world. He remembered the day his aunt once visited him but he ordered his guards to accompany her to their apartment again. He felt bad and guilty. Seonghwa just hoped they would accept his apology and come to his wedding.

Seonghwa knew where they lived since they never moved from their old home. They lived in an apartment. It was just perfect to fit three people in it, not too big and not too small. Seonghwa often used to be over to play with his cousin but he probably has an own home now.

His aunt and uncle lived in the center of Seoul. It was pretty busy there and therefore hard to find a place he could park his car. Luckily, the apartment building had one organizing for guests and the people who lived there.

Great. Now the big step.

Seonghwa opened the door and slammed it shut after he got out. With shaky legs he went over to the elevator and pressed the button for the 10th floor. The doors closed and Seonghwa got taken up to the correct floor.

His heart pounded against his ribcage when he stepped out of it and walked down the hallway to door 24. Before he knocked he took deep breaths. "You can do this Seonghwa..." He mumbled and his hand finally made contact with wooden door three times.

He wanted a moment before the door got opened. An elder man stood behind and looked at Seonghwa in confusion.

"Hey uncle."

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